As we make our way into the many summer adventures Rev. Michelle and I have been invited you all to “take Jesus with you wherever you go.” To this end, over the month of June we have been handing out “Flat-Jesus” for you to throw in your cars or back packs, and are encouraging you to take pictures of all the places you go and include Flat-Jesus in the picture. We are also asking that you send some of those pictures to

Pictures have already started coming in! And so because the “Praying the Psalms” have come to an end, we are going to highlight the places that Jesus has gone with the people of St. Paul’s through the summer.

This week,our picture comes from some members in our balcony. The picture was taken on the first day that Flat-Jesus was handed out and during our worship, a reminder that Jesus is present with us in the midst of our praise time.

Remember, wherever we go this summer, or any time of year, Christ walks with us, shares in our joys and our sorrows, supporting us on the way. We look forward to seeing the many places you take Christ this summer.

Rev. Richard