St. Paul’s United Church
Our Mission: Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name.
From the desk of Rev. Michelle…
What do you do when faced with two competing ideas that are equally good, and you need to decide between them? In our household, we write down the pros, cons, and impacts of each option. We compare these lists to our values, and we pray for wisdom. When we have finished this process, the decision is often clear.
As I seek to bring together the traditions of Saint Andrew’s and St. Paul’s, I will take a similar approach. I will seek a full understanding of why things have been done one way over another, and then look at the current situation with the goal of always honouring the core of what is important to each tradition. Last week members from both denominations came together to discuss and work through the Remembrance Day Service, to ensure that the liturgy would work for everyone.
Now when I say work for everyone, I do not mean that everyone gets exactly what they want. The time of remembrance will reflect the spirit of both traditions, even if it looks different from last year. Trumpeter and Bagpiper have been arranged. The names of the dead will not be read this year, and the act of remembrance will be embedded in our worship service. Remembrance Day is the first of many special services that we will need to discern how to bring our traditions together. Like so many things it will involve compromise and respect for each tradition. The other thing is that the way things are today will not be the way they are always. After the service, the worship committee will be evaluating the service, if you have feedback, we would be happy to hear from you. The co-chairs of the worship committee are Debbie West and Mary Charters.
The worship committee met last week and looked at the feedback received so far about the services. We have heard concerns about the reading of scripture in different voices and people switching in and out of the microphone being distracting. To attempt to deal with this concern, we will be using the pulpit microphone in addition to the lectern for scripture readings and reducing where appropriate the amount of switching. Also, in each pew row you will now find one copy of the bible, if you desire to follow along. There are also additional copies at the back of the sanctuary. I hope that this will help eliminate some of the concerns and allow for smoother reading of our scripture in a way that has helped many people experience the scripture anew.
On a pastoral note, I know that there are many people who are dismayed at the election results in the USA and that there is a fair amount of worry about what this means for us in Canada and around the world. While we do not know what this will bring, we are called to pray and to stand up for what we value. Remember that the light of Christ shines in the darkness and the darkness has never overcome it. Let us shine with the light of Christ in our broken world. If you are looking for ideas on how to do this, I have included an image that was part of one of my clergy groups this week.
As we move into this remembrance weekend let’s pray
Holy One,
you are the God of all power,
working wonders among all peoples.
You take our tiny contributions,
even the smallest of our efforts,
and use them to expand your kingdom.
Make us ready today to play our part,
even when we can’t see what good it will do,
trusting your will for all creation will be fulfilled.
Adapted from the BibleWorm Liturgy November 10, 2014
Featured In This November 7th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews
Worship This Sunday November 10th
Rev. Michelle’s Emergency Pastoral Care Number
St. Paul’s Office Phone
Drop Off & Mailbox
Volunteers Wanted
Pantry Program
Brown Bag Lunch Program
Beware of Scams!
Tuesday Morning Ladies Group
Four-Part Advent Study Series
Angel Tree Program 2024
Wreaths 2024
Saint Andrew’s Mission Tree Update
Sign Up For Fellowship Refreshments
Bulletin & Announcement Submissions
Church Activities
Christmas Bazaar at Nashwaaksis
Christmas Bazaar at Marysville United
Worship This Sunday November 10th
Please join Rev. Michelle for service this Sunday at 10:30am.
To view the bulletin in advance click here!
Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Passcode: 2023
Rev. Michelle’s Emergency Pastoral Care Number
You can reach Rev. Michelle on the main office lines, call her office directly at 506-455-0639, text or call her cell at 506-259-7602 or via email at
Drop Off & Mailbox
In response to folks inquiring, St. Andrew’s does have a mail slot in the main doors to the hall. This mail slot can be used as a drop off for folks wanting to leave envelopes or items outside of regular office hours for St. Paul’s as well. Although it doesn’t look the same, this is our official mailbox!
Volunteers Wanted
Would you like to help with the choir but can’t sing, or don’t want a long-term commitment? Sharon needs 3 or 4 people to help with an anthem, one to play a drum and 2 or 3 to ring bells. If interested, please email Dr. Sharon Pond at
Pantry Program
The Pantry items needed this week are paper towel, Mr. Clean, Comet, dish detergent, jam, oatmeal, Corn Flakes, Rice Crispies, peanut butter, mustard, ketchup, relish, tomatoes, canned fruit, canned tuna and turkey, green beans, white rice, apple sauce, Miracle Whip, vinegar, salt and granola bars. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!
Brown Bag Lunch Program
This week, the program needs proteins with flip top lids. Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.
Beware of Scams!
Do not get taken in by a scam. Please remember Rev. Michelle will NEVER ask you to send her or others gift cards or e-transfers. All donation requests on behalf of the church will come through official communications and will be received through regular offerings or the church offices. If you are ever asked to make a donation, tell the person you need to think about it and then check it out with the person directly. As people of faith, we care and have big hearts, so it is important to also be wise and attentive in identifying the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Tuesday Morning Ladies Group
The Tuesday Morning Ladies Group is a group of women who work hard on behalf of our church and our community and are eager to welcome anyone interested in coming to our weekly meetings. We meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 in the church hall, socialize with coffee and a snack, and our meetings consist of a short devotional, update on those who are sick or shut-in, our next fundraising or other projects, (stay tuned for Christmas bazaar information!) sometimes include special speakers, and last for about an hour or so. We are a hard-working circle of women who enjoy being together and would love include more ladies from our shared churches.
Four-Part Advent Study Series
Join us for this group discussion format Advent study focusing on the book Ponder These Things by the Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon. Prof. Rowan Williams. It is a collection of four meditations that invite the church to explore the meaning of Christ’s incarnation and ministry by focusing on a story and three icons of Mary and the Christ Child. In these meditations, Williams (former Archbishop of Canterbury) reflects on the drama of God’s love in Christ that the images and stories reveal.
The study is part of the Presbyterians Read series and includes an accompanying study guide available online by November 7, 2024 at . We will begin the study during the last week in November. Let us know if you plan to attend by contacting Erin Webb at or 506-260-1629 (feel free to text) or Bev Bramble at or 506-458-8311 (not set up for texting) by Nov. 17th. Meeting times will be determined by the group.
Angel Tree Program 2024
The Angel Tree made its début in the sanctuary this past Sunday and Santa’s helpers wasted no time choosing their angels to share the joy of Christmas with a child. There are still lots of angels available. The tree will remain in the sanctuary this coming Sunday; please check it out. Or, if you prefer, you can come to the church during the week and make your selection. After you select an angel, please fill out a card (on the table next to the tree) with your name and angel number so we know which angel you took. You can take your gift to the church office anytime or bring it on Sunday and place it under the tree. Gifts must be received by November 17th. The Food Bank and Santa are counting on your support! If you need help shopping or would like to have your gift picked up, please call Carole Peacock at 506-452-1016.
Wreaths 2024
Grandmothers Helping Grandmothers are selling wreaths again and Nancy Macgarvie is selling them from her porch 83 Grey Street. Double sided balsam fir, decorated with a bow $18, UNDECORATED $15. Deadline for orders is Sunday November 17th and Pickup Sunday November 24. Call Nancy at 455-3026 or email PLEASE NOTE: MY ORIGINAL SUPPLIER HAS RETIRED (mum and pop operation) This year I will be using a commercial supplier who has been supplying other GHG sellers for years. Proceeds support African grandmothers in conjunction with Stephen Lewis Foundation and Help Lesotho. Their needs are as great as ever.

Saint Andrew’s Mission Tree Update
Each Autumn leaf currently on our tree has a requested donation on the back. We are also asking for donations of nutritional supplements (Ensure & Boost), and Pantry items such as canned meats, instant potatoes, pudding cups, granola and fruit bars, pasta sauces, toiletries and toilet paper. Items can be left under our Mission Tree or on the kitchen island. Cash donations are always welcome and appreciated. Many thanks for your continued support of Saint Andrew’s Outreach Program.
Sign Up For Fellowship Refreshments
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to help with fellowship in November and December! Much gratitude extended.
Bulletin & Announcement Submissions
Those wanting to add an announcement to the bulletin and/or eNews, please send an email to Meghan at by Wednesday at noon. Announcements will run for a 2-week period unless otherwise requested.
Church Activities
Monday – Friday ~ Community Outreach ~ Brown Bag Lunch Program in St. Paul’s Office
Tuesdays ~ Tuesday Morning Ladies Group at 9:30am ~ All are welcome!
Tuesdays & Thursdays ~ Quilting from 1-4pm ~ All are welcome!
Wednesdays ~ Community Outreach ~ Pantry Program from 9-11am
Thursdays ~ Choir Practice from 7-8pm ~ All are welcome!
Fridays ~ Community Outreach ~ Breakfast 2 Go from 9-10:30am
Upcoming Dates to Remember
November 10th ~ Remembrance Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Heather Labadie
November 17th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Rose Carolyn Smith & Tammy Coughlan
November 24th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hour hosted by Roger Miller & Debbie West
December 1st ~ Advent 1 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Mary Leonard
December 8th ~ Advent 2 ~ Services at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Mission & Outreach
December 15th ~ Advent 3 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Shawn & Beth Meister
& Kim Keech
December 22nd ~ Advent 4 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Alanna Palmer & Cathy Davis
Christmas Bazaar at Nashwaaksis
We invite you to our bazaar, being held at Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street on Saturday, November 16th, 9am-Noon. There will be a Silent Auction table, Craft and Bake tables and much more. Free admission.
Christmas Bazaar at Marysville United
The Marysville United Church UCW are having a Christmas Bazaar and Turkey-a-la-King take-out. Friday, November 29th. The bazaar will be open and supper pick-up ready, between 4 and 6 p.m.
St. Paul’s United Church
192 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name
Contact Information
St. Paul’s United & St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 1M2
St. Paul’s: Tel: 506.458.1183 | E-mail: | Website:
Saint Andrew’s: Tel: 506.455.8220 | Email: | Website:
Office Hours
Meghan’s Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-3pm and Friday 8am-1pm
Joanna’s Office Hours: Monday-Friday 2pm-6pm
Minster: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond
Church Administrators: Meghan Roebuck & Joanna Price
Custodian: Doug Newman