St. Paul’s United Church
Our Mission: Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name.
From the desk of Rev. Michelle…
I feel a little like Scrooge admitting this, but I have stopped listening to my regular radio station because since November 11th they have been exclusively playing Christmas Carols, at least when I am in the car. This is a time of year when the theologian in me struggles with how the Christmas season has been extended. It isn’t that I dislike Christmas or its music, but to skip over the entire season of Advent, I believe, leaves us unprepared to fully grasp what Christmas brings.
Advent is a season of preparing; in its oldest form it was seen as a mini-Lent. It is a time to clear out what prevents us from welcoming God into our midst. It involves taking stock of where you are and where you want to go and developing a plan to reach your destination.
This kind of preparation takes work, so I understand why people would want to jump directly to the joy of the Christ Child. However, like our gardens, if we have not weeded there will not be enough room for the new seed to grow, it will fail to thrive. To cultivate an active and vital faith life we need to intentionally make space for Christ in our busy days and work to eliminate the things that get in our way of engaging with God.
The four weeks of Advent provide us with a structured time to look at our lives and our faith. While it is still a couple of weeks away, now is a good time to start planning for Advent. Have you looked into the book study that will be offered? This is what the back of the book has to say, “’Ponder These Things’ invites us to explore and reflect on the depths of meaning in three classic icons of the Virgin and her Child from the Eastern Christian tradition. Icons have been described as ‘theology in line and colour’ and, in tracing the movement within these icons, Rowan Williams discovers the pattern of love that they reveal, a love that invites and embraces us so that we no longer remain as spectators but find ourselves caught up in the drama that unfolds itself before us.” This book study will be a great way to go deeper in our faith and understanding.
As another visual reminder that we are in a time of preparing for something new, I am running a Colours of Advent fundraiser from now until November 27th. During this time, you get to vote with your donations, on which of the Advent colours (Purple or Pink) I will dye the lower part of my hair. This is not something that I have done before so I hope that you will join me in this venture. Purple is the colour of penitence and repentance, reminding us to prepare ourselves for Christ’s coming. Pink is the colour of Joy, a reminder of the anticipation of being in God’s presence. Both colours are found in our Advent wreath and both are important parts of getting ready for Christ’s birth. In the next couple of weeks, make sure you get your votes into the jars at the back of the sanctuary, the church office or send an e-transfer (for more details see the announcement below).
Also, I have heard rumors of an ADVENTure happening on November 29th. This is a time to gather and decorate the sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas season. Traditionally this has involved food and fellowship. So, I invite you to tentatively book your calendars to help prepare the sanctuary and hall for our celebrations. Expect more information next week.
Preparation is so important for success. We have been living through what happens when we do not have quite enough time to prepare. Given everything, we have done an amazing thing in coming together and working with each other through the bumps that have risen because of the shortened timeline of our coming together. There are still some important pieces that are foundational to this shared ministry that need to be completed. These include the work of naming the core values we aspire to live out, identifying our ministry goals, and developing a plan to achieve our goals. In an ideal world, these would have been done before October 15th, so we could have started with a solid base to thrive, but we all know this world is not ideal. Just because it wasn’t done before we moved into shared ministry doesn’t mean we can step over this vital work. For today, I just want to thank everyone who has kept a positive attitude, who has focused on being welcoming, and who has given their time and energy to make this ministry happen. Your efforts have got us this far. To carry us to a thriving future, these other pieces need to be in place. Our governing bodies will be working on a plan to ensure this work is done as soon as possible. In the meantime, let us remember we are all in the same boat, all experiencing change and this new thing God is birthing in our midst.
With the threat of freezing rain coming on Friday, I hope that you stay warm and safe. This coming week let us consider what we can do for those who do not have the security of a warm house and warm clothing, for winter is coming.
As we move towards this weekend let us pray,
O God, you call us to pay attention
to your presence in the world,
to your spirit moving within us,
to your call to live your vision of love and peace.
You came into the world,
to show us firsthand what your vision looks like.
Continue to work on us Lord,
opening our hearts and shaping our lives,
so that we are more and more like your Son
in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Amen.
Featured In This November 14th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews
Worship This Sunday November 17th
Christmas Angel Tree
Four-Part Advent Study Series
Wreaths 2024
Colours Of Advent Fundraiser
32nd Advent Carol Festival
Connecting With Rev. Michelle
Rev. Michelle’s Office Drop-In Hours
St. Paul’s & Saint Andrew’s Christmas Bazaar
Beware of Scams!
Pantry Program
Brown Bag Lunch Program
Fredericton Ladies Choir
Annual Christmas Concert
Bulletin & Announcement Submissions
Tuesday Morning Ladies Group
Saint Andrew’s Mission Tree Update
Christmas Bazaar At Nashwaaksis
Church Activities
Christmas Bazaar At Marysville United
Breakfast & Christmas Market At Gibson
Worship This Sunday November 17th
Please join Rev. Michelle for service this Sunday at 10:30am.
To view the bulletin in advance click here!
Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Passcode: 2023
Christmas Angel Tree
Many thanks to everyone who took an Angel… or two… or even, three… from the Wish Tree. Your generous support ensures there will be Santa gifts under the tree for these children on Christmas morning. Please remember to take your gift to the church office this week or bring it to church on Sunday, November 17th. If you are unable to return your gift by this date or would like to have it picked up, please call Carole Peacock at 506-452-1016.
Four-Part Advent Study Series
Join us for this group discussion format Advent study focusing on the book Ponder These Things by the Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon. Prof. Rowan Williams. It is a collection of four meditations that invite the church to explore the meaning of Christ’s incarnation and ministry by focusing on a story and three icons of Mary and the Christ Child. In these meditations, Williams (former Archbishop of Canterbury) reflects on the drama of God’s love in Christ that the images and stories reveal.
The study is part of the Presbyterians Read series and includes an accompanying study guide available online by November 7, 2024 at . We will begin the study during the last week in November. Let us know if you plan to attend by contacting Erin Webb at or 506-260-1629 (feel free to text) or Bev Bramble at or 506-458-8311 (not set up for texting) by Nov. 17th. Meeting times will be determined by the group.
Wreaths 2024
Grandmothers Helping Grandmothers are selling wreaths again and Nancy Macgarvie is selling them from her porch 83 Grey Street. Double sided balsam fir, decorated with a bow $18, UNDECORATED $15. Deadline for orders is Sunday November 17th and Pickup Sunday November 24. Call Nancy at 455-3026 or email PLEASE NOTE: MY ORIGINAL SUPPLIER HAS RETIRED (mum and pop operation) This year I will be using a commercial supplier who has been supplying other GHG sellers for years. Proceeds support African grandmothers in conjunction with Stephen Lewis Foundation and Help Lesotho. Their needs are as great as ever.

Colours Of Advent Fundraiser
Purple or pink? You choose! As a visual symbol of the season, Rev. Michelle will be dying the bottom of her hair either purple or pink, depending on what colour gets the most donations. Purple is the colour of penitence & penance, symbolizing how to prepare ourselves for God’s presence. Pink is the colour of Joy, reminding you to rejoice in the Lord. Make donations in the jars at the back of the sanctuary or through the office – noting your colour choice, via cash or etransfer to (auto deposited). Donations will be credited to your annual contributions. Deadline is Nov 27th.
32nd Advent Carol Festival
Brunswick Street Baptist Church presents the 32nd Advent Carol Festival on Wednesday December 4th at 7:30pm. 161 York St, Fredericton. Featuring local church and community choirs with congregational singing. Freewill offering kindly welcome for CBC Feed a Family Campaign to support local food banks. Sponsored by the Fredericton Organists’ Association.
Connecting With Rev. Michelle
You can reach Rev. Michelle on the main office lines, call her office directly at 506-455-0639, text or call her cell at 506-259-7602 or via email at
Rev. Michelle’s Office Drop-In Hours
Rev. Michelle has office hours available for drop-in on Sundays between 1-2:30pm and Monday from 1-2:30pm. Appointments are preferred as she is sometimes out of the office or otherwise busy.
St. Paul’s & Saint Andrew’s Christmas Bazaar
Our churches will be holding a Christmas Bazaar on Saturday December 7th from 10am-1pm.Come and check out the crafts, baking, puzzles and books. Donations of baking can be dropped off at the church on Friday December 6th between 9am and noon.
Do not get taken in by a scam. Please remember Rev. Michelle will NEVER ask you to send her or others gift cards or e-transfers. All donation requests on behalf of the church will come through official communications and will be received through regular offerings or the church offices. If you are ever asked to make a donation, tell the person you need to think about it and then check it out with the person directly. As people of faith, we care and have big hearts, so it is important to also be wise and attentive in identifying the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Pantry Program
The Pantry items needed this week are sugar, salmon, baking soda, ritz crackers, large juice – orange & apple, tuna, sardines, orange juice boxes, canned mushrooms, macaroni, spaghetti, ketchup, brown sugar, cereal, Mr. Clean, laundry soap, Comet, Kleenex, single toothbrushes, toothpaste, paper towel and toilet paper. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!
Brown Bag Lunch Program
This week, the program needs proteins with flip top lids.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.
Fredericton Ladies Choir
Annual Christmas Concert
The Fredericton Ladies Choir presents their Annual Christmas Concert at St. Dunstan’s Roman Catholic Church on December 10th at 7pm, with special guest, Don Bozze Jazz. Doors open at 6:15pm. Tickets are $20, available at Westminster Bookmark, at the door or from choir members, Patty Trail & Debbie Seymour.
Bulletin & Announcement Submissions
Those wanting to add an announcement to the bulletin and/or eNews, please send an email to Meghan at by Wednesday at noon. Announcements will run for a 2-week period.
Tuesday Morning Ladies Group
The Tuesday Morning Ladies Group is a group of women who work hard on behalf of our church and our community and are eager to welcome anyone interested in coming to our weekly meetings. We meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 in the church hall, socialize with coffee and a snack, and our meetings consist of a short devotional, update on those who are sick or shut-in, our next fundraising or other projects, (stay tuned for Christmas bazaar information!) sometimes include special speakers, and last for about an hour or so. We are a hard-working circle of women who enjoy being together and would love include more ladies from our shared churches.
Saint Andrew’s Mission Tree Update
Each Autumn leaf currently on our tree has a requested donation on the back. We are also asking for donations of nutritional supplements (Ensure & Boost), and Pantry items such as canned meats, instant potatoes, pudding cups, granola and fruit bars, pasta sauces, toiletries and toilet paper. Items can be left under our Mission Tree or on the kitchen island. Cash donations are always welcome and appreciated. Many thanks for your continued support of Saint Andrew’s Outreach Program.
Christmas Bazaar At Nashwaaksis
We invite you to our bazaar, being held at Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street on Saturday, November 16th, 9am-Noon. There will be a Silent Auction table, Craft and Bake tables and much more. Free admission.
Church Activities
Monday – Friday ~ Community Outreach ~ Brown Bag Lunch Program in St. Paul’s Office
Tuesdays ~ Tuesday Morning Ladies Group at 9:30am ~ All are welcome!
Tuesdays & Thursdays ~ Quilting from 1-4pm ~ All are welcome!
Wednesdays ~ Community Outreach ~ Pantry Program from 9-11am
Thursdays ~ Choir Practice from 7-8pm ~ All are welcome!
Fridays ~ Community Outreach ~ Breakfast 2 Go from 9-10:30am
Upcoming Dates to Remember
November 17th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Rose Carolyn Smith & Tammy Coughlan
November 24th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hour hosted by Roger Miller & Debbie West
December 1st ~ Advent 1 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Mary Leonard
December 1st ~ FundScrip Orders Due
December 7th ~ St. Paul’s & Saint Andrew’s Christmas Bazaar ~ 10am-1pm
December 8th ~ Advent 2 ~ Services at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Mission & Outreach
December 15th ~ Advent 3 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Shawn & Beth Meister
& Kim Keech
December 22nd ~ Advent 4 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Alanna Palmer & Cathy Davis
Christmas Bazaar At Marysville United
The Marysville United Church UCW are having a Christmas Bazaar and Turkey-a-la-King take-out. Friday, November 29th. The bazaar will be open and supper pick-up ready, between 4 and 6 p.m.
Breakfast & Christmas Market At Gibson
Gibson Memorial United Church, 183 Gibson St. will be hosting a “Breakfast & Christmas Market”, Saturday, Nov. 30th, 8-11am Breakfast will be served 8-10:30am – $12/person. Market tables will feature cards by Lori Donovan & Noreen Wetmore, baking, pickles, knitting and gently used books & puzzles. Everyone Welcome!
St. Paul’s United Church
192 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name
Contact Information
St. Paul’s United & Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian
512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 1M2
St. Paul’s: Tel: 506.458.1183 | E-mail: | Website:
Saint Andrew’s: Tel: 506.455.8220 | Email: | Website:
Office Hours
Meghan’s Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-3pm and Friday 8am-1pm
Joanna’s Office Hours: Monday-Friday 2pm-6pm
Minster: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond
Church Administrators: Meghan Roebuck & Joanna Price
Custodian: Doug Newman