St. Paul’s United Church

Our Mission: Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name.

From the desk of Rev. Michelle…

Way back in September, we handed out bag tags, magnets, and wallet cards that said, “You’ve Got This” and I added verbally “God’s Got You.” Back in September, if someone had come back in time to tell me that by the end of June, we would be at the point of selling our building and developing the details needed for a successful ecumenical shared ministry, I would have laughed and said no way that could happen. But here we are, and I fully believe the Holy Spirit is empowering this movement, blowing at our backs to keep us moving forward.

This year has been an epic journey. While the roots of the struggles we faced head-on were already present before I was your minister, this year they exerted enough pressure that we couldn’t just keep going forward as normal. There was also a willingness to acknowledge and respond to the challenges.  These two factors coming together led to incredible action.

If you haven’t been in the countless meetings, or following the updates it might feel bewildering, like a tornado has blown through the church. If you were in the meetings, it might feel like you need a year-long nap and a sunny beach vacation. Regardless of how you are feeling, now that the decision to sell the building has been reaffirmed and an offer is being considered by the Region for approval, it is time for us to pull together toward the future God has already prepared for us.

To everyone, members and adherents of St. Paul’s, “You’ve Got This, and God’s God You!” Last Sunday at the congregational meeting, we heard the grief around moving from this space, and the hopes and dreams for what will come. There was depth and beauty in people’s words and tears. There was also strength and resolve that leaving this building is what we need to do. If you want to know more about what people said, check out the minutes from the meeting found here.

Heading into the fall, the Joint Ecumenical Shared Ministry working group will be busy and they will start to bring back details of the draft joint ministry agreement being created from the meetings between members and committees from St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s. Expanded groups have been coming together to talk about how various aspects of our ministries can work in this new system. I will also be working on some learning activities so that we can understand the similarities and differences between the Presbyterian Church and the United Church more fully. This education will help us live together in our differences and take full advantage of our diversity.

In this time of transition, I want to encourage us all to ask our questions and keep an open mind about what God can and will do. After all, we have recently witnessed what God can do when the time is right. The road we are walking while new to us in Fredericton is not new to the United Church as a whole. Across this country, churches are being sold weekly and there are over 66 active ecumenical shared ministries. We are not alone. We have been drawing on and will continue to draw on the wisdom of those who have walked these roads before us.

Last week, someone recounted a conversation they had recently with Bill Randall, who all but said he wouldn’t want to be the minister leading in this time of transition. I have also had people ask how I am doing and how I keep going with all the stress of these changes. The truth is, it is the abiding trust that God is guiding us into an abundant future. I see glimpses of that future now, the small Thursday bible study group, the joy at the women’s gathering, the people who despite the turmoil are choosing to be part of our membership, and the fledgling dreams of living in new and faithful ways. And I keep telling myself “God will give me what I need and so I’ve Got This!!” I am also not leading any of this transition alone, the Trustees, former Board members, current Council, and other leaders have all been in this together. Together is how the body of Christ, the Church thrives.

This week we mark the beginning of summer. I hope you will continue to join us for worship, seeking God’s word, and filling your cup spiritually this summer. We start the summer rotation with three weeks at St. Andrew’s with worship starting at 10:30. I am away for the rest of this week and next, for pastoral emergencies see the contact information below. I will see you at worship on July 7th.

Let us pray,

In the long days of summer,

Help us to be like the plants of spring,

Growing strong and bearing much fruit.

In these long days of summer,

Help us to find rest and rejuvenation,

To recapture the wonder we felt as school children set free to play.

In these long days of summer,

Speak to our hearts and minds that we might see

The abundance of this season

And know that this is your desire for us who live in the Son.

Bring us your joy, peace, bounty, and life.

This we pray in His name.  Amen.

Featured In This June 27th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews

Worship This Sunday June 30th

Office Closed Fridays For Summer

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Brown Bag Lunch Program

Pantry Program

Scholarships Available

Booking Meeting Space at St. Paul’s

Moderators Book Discussion – June

Upcoming Dates To Remember

Picnic At Nashwaaksis

Downtown United Summer Schedule

                      Worship This Sunday June 30th                      

Please join us at Saint Andrew’s for service this Sunday at 10:30am.

Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Meeting ID: 836 7375 6287   Passcode: 839092


Office Closed Fridays For Summer

The office will be closed Fridays over the summer. Emails will be monitored and responded to when possible. Thank you for your understanding.

Congregational Meeting Minutes Available

Minutes from the June 23rd Congregational Meeting are available to read, download or print on our website here.

Pastoral Care Emergencies

Pastoral Care emergency contacts during Rev. Michelle’s vacation: June 27th-30th – Rev. Lori Beth at 506-262-6752, July 1st-6th – Rev. Richard 506-262-2150.

  Brown Bag Lunch Program

This week, the program needs proteins with flip top lids, and pudding cups. Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.

Pantry Program

The Pantry program needs the following items this week: sugar, jam, granola bars, pancake mix, pudding, cake mix, syrup, icing sugar, flour, Kraft Dinner, salt, vinegar, baking powder, coffee, cereal, crackers, soda crackers, canned milk, tuna, Mr. Clean, Commit, dish and laundry detergent, hand soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!

Scholarships Available

Wark/St. Paul’s Scholarships – Students who are members or adherents of St. Paul’s and who plan to pursue post-secondary studies this fall are invited to apply for financial support from the Wark/St. Paul’s Scholarship Funds. Details on eligibility and application guidelines are available at Applications must be received on or before July 31st.

Booking Meeting Space at St. Paul’s

As the use of our space at St. Paul’s gets busier, please remember to book your meetings space through the office. Drop by in person, call 458-1183 or email Meghan at

  Moderators Book Discussion – June

Each Month our Moderator is hosting a book discussion. This Month Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and her guest, Alf Dumont will be discussing Dumont’s Memoir The Other Side of the Rivier: From Church Pew to Sweat Lodge.  Alf served in The United Church of Canada as a minister for over 40 years. Discussion takes place online June 27tt sign up to be part of the Mod’s Book Squad to join the discussion

Upcoming Dates To Remember

June 30th | July 7th | July 14th

Downtown United Services at Saint Andrew’s at 10:30am

July 21st | July 28th | August 4th

Downtown United Services at St. Paul’s at 10:30am

August 11th | August 18th | August 25th

Downtown United Services at Wilmot at 10:30am

Picnic At Nashwaaksis

The Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street, will be hosting at Picnic Meal/Strawberry Shortcake Take out on Wednesday July 10th, 4–5:30pm. The menu consists of a deli sandwich with ham, turkey, roast beef, mayo, cheese and lettuce on a kaiser bun, pickle, coleslaw and chips, with a delicious strawberry shortcake for dessert! The cost is $15. To reserve your meals, please call the church office at 506-458-9452 or email by Friday, July 5th at 2pm. Please use the front door for pick up.

Downtown United Summer Schedule

Please join us this summer for Downtown United +
Everyone is welcome!


512 Charlotte St. Fredericton | Tel.455-8220

Sunday Services at 10:30am

June 30th | July 7th | July 14th  Meeting ID: 836 7375 6287   Passcode: 839092


224 York St. Fredericton NB | Tel. 458-1183

Sunday Services at 10:30am

July 21st | July 28th | August 4th Password: 657067

View later:


473 King St. Fredericton | 458-1066

Sunday Services at 10:30am

August 11th | August 18th | August 25th

St. Paul’s United Church

190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name

Contact Information

224 York St., Fredericton, NB E3B 3P1

Web: | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email:

Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organists: Dr. Sharon Pond & Alexis Ervin

Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Jaedyn Williams