St. Paul’s United Church

Our Mission: Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name.

From the desk of Rev. Michelle…

It has been a heavy week. One of those weeks where I get to the end of each day and my prayers are filled with people who have been struggling, with death, with disease, with family dynamics, and with unexpected changes. During particularly heavy weeks, at work or in our personal lives, it can be easy to get lost in the emotional weight of it all and to focus only on the challenges that life presents. To do so, however, is a quick track to depression and anxiety.

On weeks like this past one, I find it important to look for the light, for where God is present in the struggles and where hope and love break in. Sometimes for me, I experience this presence at home when one of the kids comes running up and gives me those big hugs that involve their whole being.  Other times I find that a verse of scripture or a friend’s message arrives almost on cue offering support. This week, I experienced the presence of God at the Potluck for ladies that St. Andrew’s hosted and invited our women to join. Not only was there good food, but the ways that stories and ideas were shared was lovely. At one point, the conversation at one of the tables was so engaging that they didn’t realize that the group was trying to get their attention!

When we are facing challenging times, often we need helpful reminders to stay present and to abide in God’s light. Whether you have had an easy or difficult week, I hope that these 10 Commandments of Joy, by the Reverend Susan Sparks, will aid you in your faith walk.

1-Thou Shalt Not Worry

News flash: Life is not a holy contract in which God promises a calm passage; the only promise is a safe landing. Therefore, instead of asking God why this is happening TO you, thank God for being WITH you. Worry or believe—you can’t do both.

2-Thou Shalt Not Let Anger Steal Your Joy

The biggest thief of joy is anger. The classic example: Someone did you wrong, and you just won’t let it go. Fine. But be clear, to accommodate all that anger, your heart has to make room, which means things like joy get squeezed out. As the old saying goes, the one who has the most influence in your life is the one you refuse to forgive.

3-Thou Shalt Believe You Deserve Joy

Joy and laughter are among the most important healing tools we have. Sadly, thanks to low self-esteem, high self-doubt, and negative people in our environment, some of us don’t believe we deserve to be happy. Do you? If not, why not? Is the reason true? If not, why do you carry it around? Who could you be without that excuse?

4-Thou Shalt Laugh with God

We were created in God’s image, and we laugh and feel joy. Therefore, laughter and joy must also be aspects of the holy. Bottom line? We are children of a God with a sense of humor. To be whole, we must be willing to share all of ourselves with God—the anger, the pain, the tears, and the laughter. It’s all holy.

5-Thou Shalt Pray It and Say It: I’m Grateful!

Start your day with a prayer of gratitude. Acknowledge your blessings. Then, act on that gratitude. Say “thank you” to at least three people during your day—preferably someone you don’t know. Share a kind word, a written note of thanks, a smile. Pray it and say it! Gratitude is the autobahn to joy.

6-Thou Shalt Laugh with Your Neighbor—Even if Your Neighbor is a Telemarketer

When we laugh with someone, whether family, friend, or telemarketer, our worlds overlap for a split second. We share something. It’s then that the differences fade, and the commonalities gleam through. Remember: You can’t hate someone with whom you’ve laughed.

7-Thou Shalt Laugh and Eat Chocolate and Chili Peppers

All three make us feel good. The increased oxygen from laughing, the serotonin in chocolate, and the capsaicin from chilis produce a boost of endorphins, nature’s own “happy pill.” You can also do an hour on the treadmill to get that same endorphin high, but I’d suggest laughing while nibbling on a chili dark chocolate bar.

8-Thou Shalt Be Like the Little Children

Children are said to laugh approximately 300 times a day and adults less than 20. Somewhere between cartoons and carpools, our laughter gets lost. Spend a few minutes watching a little child squealing with laughter, eyes full of awe at everyday miracles. When was the last time you laughed out loud or were awed by something wonderful? Start today.

9-Thou Shalt Lean on Laughter in Times of Trouble

Laughing in a place of pain is the most courageous and rebellious thing you can do. That pain does not own you. It is only what you are experiencing. By tapping into your ability to laugh, you are reminding yourself, and everyone around you, that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

10 -Thou Shalt Not Waste ANY Opportunities for Joy

To paraphrase Erma Bombeck, think of all the women on the Titanic, who, on that fateful night, said “no” to dessert. It’s easy to postpone joy in times of crisis or pain, but time keeps ticking. No matter where we find ourselves in life, it’s still life—it’s still a gift. And we must honor that gift in all we do.

As we reflect on these commandments for joy, let us remember that God does not reward us for the worry and anxiety that we hold, but instead calls us to faith and love. May your sharing of love in the world plant in your heart more seeds of hope and joy, that when they flower help to drive despair away. Let it be so, Amen!

Featured In This June 13th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews

Worship This Sunday June 16th

Brown Bag Lunch Program

Pantry Program

Special Birthday Request From Annie Simpson!

Scholarships Available

Want to be a member of St. Paul’s?

Booking Meeting Space at St. Paul’s

Moderators Book Discussion – June

Upcoming Dates To Remember

Picnic Meal/Strawberry Shortcake Take Out

Downtown United Summer Schedule

     Worship This Sunday June 16th  


Please join Rev. Michelle for service this Sunday at 10:30am.

To view the bulletin in advance click here!

Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom:

Password: 657067

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed the amazing food, prepared by Shawn & Beth Meister, at our community dinner. Thanks to you, we raised $894.23!

Brown Bag Lunch Program

This week, the program needs proteins with flip top lids. Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.

Pantry Program

The Pantry program needs the following items this week: laundry & dish detergent, Mr. Clean, Commet, Kleenex, paper towel, pancake mix, tea, coffee, granola bars, crackers, soda crackers, mustard, relish, ketchup, syrup, cookies, vinegar, apple sauce, pudding cups, macaroni, spaghetti, Kraft Dinner, brown & white sugar, cake mix, icing, large juice, pasta sauce, tomatoes, canned milk, canned meats, and jam. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!

Special Birthday Request From Annie Simpson!

What do you get a 106-year-old for her birthday? A birthday card! Be a part of making Annie’s wish to receive 106 birthday cards come true. Annie Simpson is turning 106 on July 27th! Cards for Annie can be dropped off to the church office or in the locked mailbox at the York Street entrance or mailed directly to Annie. Thank you to those who have dropped a card off at the office!

Scholarships Available

Wark/St. Paul’s Scholarships – Students who are members or adherents of St. Paul’s and who plan to pursue post-secondary studies this fall are invited to apply for financial support from the Wark/St. Paul’s Scholarship Funds. Details on eligibility and application guidelines are available at Applications must be received on or before July 31st.

Want to be a member of St. Paul’s?

Have you been attending St. Paul’s for a long time but never officially become a member? Are you newer to the congregation, but feel you have found your church home? We currently have 4 people who are exploring what it means to be a member of our congregation, do you want to join them? Contact Rev. Michelle for information on how to officially become a member of St. Paul’s.

Booking Meeting Space at St. Paul’s

As the use of our space at St. Paul’s gets busier, please remember to book your meetings space through the office. Drop by in person, call 458-1183 or email Meghan at

   Moderators Book Discussion – June

Each Month our Moderator is hosting a book discussion. This Month, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and her guest Alf Dumont will be discussing Dumont’s Memoir, The Other Side of the Rivier: From Church Pew to Sweat Lodge. Alf served in The United Church of Canada as a minister for over 40 years. Discussion takes place online on June 27th. Sign up to be part of the Mod’s Book Squad to join the discussion

Upcoming Dates To Remember

Tuesdays from 10:45am-11:45am ~ Bible Study on Sunday Reading

Bible Study will run weekly until June 18th

Zoom:  Passcode: 750844

Thursdays from 6-7pm ~ Evening Small Group Faith Exploration

Thursday Evening Faith group will meet weekly until June 20th

June 16th ~ Service at 10:30am ~ Fellowship Hour ~ Hosted by Mary Stickles & Chris Grant

June 23rd ~ Service at 10:30am ~ Fellowship Hour ~ Hosted by Beth & Shawn Meister & Debbie West

June 30th ~ Downtown United Service at Saint Andrew’s at 10:30am

Picnic Meal/Strawberry Shortcake Take Out

The Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street, will be hosting at Picnic Meal/Strawberry Shortcake Take out on Wednesday July 10th, 4–5:30pm. The menu consists of a deli sandwich with ham, turkey, roast beef, mayo, cheese and lettuce on a kaiser bun, pickle, coleslaw and chips, with a delicious strawberry shortcake for dessert! The cost is $15. To reserve your meals, please call the church office at 506-458-9452 or email by Friday, July 5th at 2pm. Please use the front door for pick up.

Downtown United Summer Schedule

Please join us this summer for

Downtown United +

Everyone is welcome!


512 Charlotte St. Fredericton | Tel.455-8220

Sunday Services at 10:30am

June 30th | July 7th | July 14th  Meeting ID: 836 7375 6287   Passcode: 839092


224 York St. Fredericton NB | Tel. 458-1183

Sunday Services at 10:30am

July 21st | July 28th | August 4th Password: 657067

View later: Paul’s


473 King St. Fredericton | 458-1066

Sunday Services at 10:30am

August 11th | August 18th | August 25th

St. Paul’s United Church

190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name

Contact Information

224 York St., Fredericton, NB E3B 3P1

Web: | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email:

Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organists: Dr. Sharon Pond & Alexis Ervin

Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Jaedyn Williams