St. Paul’s United Church

Our Mission: Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name.

From the desk of Rev. Michelle…

This week in worship we will be hearing the parable of the seed sewer. If you remember this parable, it is the one where the seed falls on different types of soil and either grows and produces or not. I have been thinking particularly about the seed that falls on rocky soil vs the seed that falls on good soil. Both begin to grow and seem to be doing well but when adversity and challenge happens, one withers away.

As we bring this agricultural story alongside our lives, I pondered the questions “What makes some of us able to prevail in the face of challenges and the curveballs we all inevitably experience? What helps us keep our faith and continue to grow and thrive when we face adversity? To use the parables language, what makes good soil?”

When it comes to navigating the unexpected challenges that arise, our attitude and understanding of God makes a huge difference. Chances are, if you are reading this, you are not someone who thinks that everything will go smoothly because you follow Jesus. While reading scripture, you can’t help but notice how many times people end up in unexpected situations.  Reading the stories of our ancestors provides us with confidence that God is still with us, even when everything seems to be going wrong.

Time after time, God is with people in the challenges they face, “working in all things for good” (Romans 8:28). We are invited to take a stance of curiosity, to seek after what God is doing in our lives in these times of struggle. Our faith also encourages us to look for God at work and to name our blessings. This shifts our outlook from loss and shock to gratitude and optimism for what we do have.

As we face the unexpected, it helps to know that we are not alone. Prayer is fundamentally about our relationship with God, it is our talking to and with our creator. Expressing our worries, anger, fears, and needs in prayer helps us to release our feelings and clear space in our minds to face the challenges. It allows space for God to speak words of encouragement and directions into our uncertainty.

When facing challenges and adversity, our faith community is also a source of encouragement and support. Once again, there is so much power in knowing we are not alone. And frequently when the unexpected brings new challenges and needs, someone in the community has a solution. As our faith family comes around us we experience the love of Christ through their hands.

Tomorrow, January 12th, we have the opportunity to offer support and encouragement in the face of the unexpected, as we celebrate the life of Don Fletcher at 11 am in the McAdams Chapel. Let us come around Marg in care and support.

The practices of scripture reading, gratitude, prayer, faith-filled community, and caring service help create deep soil for the seeds of faith to flourish. By attending to the soil of faith, in fostering a deep spirituality, we provide depths that allow us to thrive even when life takes us in unexpected places.

As we reflect on the soil and health of the seed which we are growing, let us pray…

Thank you, God, for your faithfulness,

In calling us and standing by us,

Through our joys and in our sorrows

This day we give thanks for the diversity of ways we come to know your Word.

Lord, give us a depth of root to hold firm in times of struggle

and a community that can carry us in faith when all seems lost.

In Christ’s name make it so!


Featured In This January 11th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews

Worship This Sunday January 14th
Thank you and Happy New Year from Greener Village
M&P Announcement ~ Farwell Rusty
Annual Reports Due January 17th
Church Envelopes Available For Pick-Up
Fellowship Hour Servers
Warm Clothing Donations Needed!
Pantry Program
Worship At St. Andrew’s
God’s Story, Our Story
Bible Study on Sunday Reading
Evening Small Group Faith Exploration
Upcoming Dates To Remember
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East
Mental Health Learning Opportunity
Reimagining Church – Reclaiming Your Call (Lay People only!)
Bowling Event January 28th
Pancakes are coming

               Worship This Sunday January 14th               

Please join us Service at St. Paul’s at 10:30 am

 Can’t join us in person, join us via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 818 3451 9740  Passcode: 657067

Thank you and Happy New Year from Greener Village

Thank you for donating to the Christmas Angel Tree Program. This year we successfully collected and distributed over 3,180 gifts for children from 495 families in the Greater Fredericton Area. Your incredible dedication and generous spirit made this Christmas season extra special for each of these families and their children. Programs like this would not be possible without your support.

Thank you so much for putting a smile on children’s faces. Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful and prosperous year ahead!

M&P Announcement ~ Farewell Rusty

Our Church Custodian, Rusty Blakely, is leaving his job at St. Paul’s on January 12th, 2024. Rusty plans to study carpentry and fine work in that area when his studies are complete. He started his work at St. Paul’s in 2021. We will miss Rusty, but we wish him all the best with his new endeavours. For those who would like to express thanks to Rusty, Ann Krause will have a signing card available before and after the service this Sunday, January 7th, 2024.

  Annual Reports Due January 17th

If you are a chair of a committee or group, it is time to think about your annual report. This is the official record of what has happened in the life of our congregation during 2023. We are asking for all reports to be submitted to Meghan by January 17th, and if you could keep your report to a 2 page maximum, it would be greatly appreciated. Now is a great time to begin reflecting on what you did in 2023.

Church Envelopes Available For Pick-Up

Church envelopes are available in the Narthex or from the office. Please pop in to pick yours (and friends) up!

Fellowship Hour Servers

Thank you to everyone who has provided for our fellowship time this past fall and those who have already signed up this winter. We have a full slate of servers for January. You can help our faith community by picking one day to serve. Check the bulletin board across from the hall for available dates.

  Warm Clothing Donations Needed!

Our clothing cupboard is running low on winter boots and warm jackets. Also needed are warm socks and mittens. If you have any gently used items to donate, please drop by the office. Many thanks for helping keep things warm!

Brown Bag Lunch Program

This week, the program needs proteins with flip top lids. Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.

Pantry Program

The Pantry program needs the following items this week: brown, white and icing sugar, flour, cake mix, apple sauce and orange juice, canned pears, salt, granola bars, and Mr. Clean. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!

Worship At St. Andrew’s

We have been invited to attend worship at St. Andrew’s on Sunday January 21st at 11am, when Rev. Michelle is on course. This is also the first Sunday in the week for Christian Unity. What a great way to celebrate! The worship committee hopes to see you there!

  Pancakes are Coming

Save the Date. Mark your calendar! Shrove Tuesday is February 13th. If you are interested in helping out with this event, please reach out to Ralph Simpson for more information.

  God’s Story, Our Story

Pick up this reflection guide in the narthex to use as a home devotional or with your friends.

Bible Study on Sunday Reading

Tuesdays from 10:45am-11:45am in the Board room. Can’t make it in person, Join by Zoom  Meeting ID: 817 3618 3320 Passcode: 750844

Evening Small Group Faith Exploration

Thursdays from 6-7pm in the Parlor. We hope you will join us.

Upcoming Dates To Remember

January 14th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour hosted by Lois Walker, Ann Krause and Jane Banks

January 17th ~ Annual Report Submissions Due

January 19th ~ Joint Leadership Meeting from 2-4pm

January 21st ~ Joint Service at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church at 11am

January 28th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour hosted by Mel & Barb McGuigan & Debbie Allison

February 4th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour hosted by Beth & Shawn Meister

February 13th ~ Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is from January 18-25,2024. The Theme is “You Shall Love the Lord Your God… and your neighbor as yourself.” There will be a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service on Monday, January 22,2024 at St. Dunstan’s Roman Catholic Church,120 Regent Street, Fredericton at 12:00 PM. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East

The United Church of Canada is working with its Mission and Service partners to respond to the urgent needs of civilians in Palestine and Israel who are impacted by the current conflict. You can support this critical work through financial contributions secure donation page, prayer, and advocacy. Further information about how you can act can be found here.

Mental Health Learning Opportunity

The Regional Affirm Committee is hosting a workshop to explore and discuss mental health. Dawn O’Dell of Mental Health New Brunswick, will be the key presenter as introduce participants to mental health basics with the goal of increasing understanding of mental health issues. This Webinar will take place on January 17th at 2pm and will last 90 minutes. Unlike other webinars from the Affirm Committee, this webinar will not be recorded. Register today

Reimagining Church – Reclaiming Your Call (Lay People only!)

Imagine your community of faith as a fellowship of disciples (instead of a floundering institution); Imagine following the footsteps of our radical Teacher (instead of being ground down by budget shortfalls and petty conflicts); Imagine being part of a Christian community that understands the essence of our identity and call as people of God. Fall in love with your faith all over again! Join this six-week series to renew and rekindle your call to discipleship. Live sessions are led by a diverse group of United Church people with a depth and breadth of experience including national staff members. The live sessions take place February 10th, 24th, March 9th, 23rd, April 6th, 20th, 2024 from 1pm-3pm. Between live sessions, there will be reading, journal-writing, and online conversation among other participants to further your learning and growth. Cost: $99.99 (discount when registering as a group) Register today at United in Learning

 Bowling Event January 28th

Wilmot’s Radical Hospitality Committee has invited us to come and have fun at their bowling event on January 28th from 2:30 – 4:30p.m. As we continue to look at ways to foster relationships between our churches what better way than some fun and friendly bowling.


St. Paul’s United Church

190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name

Contact Information

224 York St., Fredericton, NB E3B 3P1

Web: | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email:

Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organists: Dr. Sharon Pond & Alexis Ervin

Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Rusty Blakely