Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United

From the desk of Rev. Michelle…

It is hard to believe that February is almost over, and a shift in the church season comes with the turning of the calendar page. We are moving onto Lent, and the worship committee had talked about a shift in practice. We wanted to ask the congregation for feedback first, so what do you think about the following idea? Instead of using palm branches on Palm Sunday, we are considering using cedar branches instead.

Why? There was the thought that we could get cedar branches locally, thereby reducing the financial and environmental impact of shipping palm branches from the USA or overseas. Shifting to locally sourced branches has been adopted by some congregations as a way to live out their commitment to care for the world.

But Rev. Michelle, cedar branches are not biblical? It has been a tradition to use palm fronds on the day we call palm/passion Sunday. However, among the Gospels, the story of the triumphant entry to Jerusalem is recorded in a variety of ways. Did you know that the Gospel of John is the only Gospel to directly mention palm branches? The other gospels simply say branches or leafy branches, and in the Gospel of Luke there is no mention of branches at all but speaks of people laying their cloaks on the road. The reality of these stories is that the local people would have cut branches from what grew in the area. Our local leafy tree at this time of year would be the evergreen. A shift to using local branches might help us to center the story in this time and place easier.

We were hoping to hear from the congregation in regard to concerns or feedback, so we are using this eNews to give you a heads up and request any feedback be sent before our next meeting on March 3rd at 10:15am. You can reach out to members of our worship committee From Saint Andrew’s that would be Mary C or Marg L, and from St. Paul’s that is Tammy C, Mary S, Roger M, or of course, you can reach out to me directly. We will be making our final decision to go forward with Cedar branches or not On March 3rd. If you have concerns, please make your voice heard.

Speaking of Lent, it is a season people tend to hate or love. I am excited about the opportunity for us to build on the success of Christmas. The season of Lent starts with the pre-lent celebration of Shrove Tuesday. Join us at 5:30pm on March 4th for a pancake supper. Then Lent kicks-off with Ash Wednesday on March 5th, and on the first Sunday of Lent March 9th we will be sharing the sacrament of communion. I hope you will join us for one or all of these events.

I know that many people have been struggling with watching the news coming out of the USA, and it has created anxiety. This week the Clergy Coaching network posted a prayer that I wanted to share with you today. It was written by Rabbi Irwin Keller in early 2016 but is still so relevant today. So let us pray…

My God, The soul you have placed in me is pure and vulnerable

I am afraid that looking at today’s news will be painful.

Encircle me with a robe of light so that I can witness the wounds of the world

without being wounded myself.

Let me learn what I need to know in order to be of my greatest use,

without being overwhelmed by despair.

I feel your protective light now as I open myself to the world’s suffering and the world’s joy.


Featured In This February 20th eNews Edition

Worship This Sunday February 23rd

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

St. Paul’s 2024 Tax Receipts

Coffee/Fellowship Hour Volunteers

Booking Meeting Space

Thursday Evening Bible Study

Upcoming Dates To Remember

Music Of Her Soul

World Day of Prayer Services

Ongoing Church Activities

Connecting With Rev. Michelle

Bulletin & eNews Submissions

Worship This Sunday February 23rd

Please join Rev. Michelle for service this Sunday at 10:30am.

To view the bulletin in advance click here!


Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Passcode: 2023

View anytime on YouTube:

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper by St. Paul’s and Saint Andrew’s in the hall at 512 Charlotte St on March 4th at 5:30 pm. Menu: pancakes, sausage, baked beans, tea, coffee, and dessert. Spaces are limited. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please reach out to Beth or Shawn Meister for more information.

St. Paul’s 2024 Tax Receipts

St. Paul’s 2024 Tax Receipts are in the mail. Keep your eyes open for yours! Please contact Meghan at or 506-458-1183 if you have any question regarding your annual contribution amount.

St. Paul’s Pantry Program

This month, the Pantry will focus on dish & laundry soap, ketchup and 2.5 kg of flour. Other needs are Mr. Clean, toilet paper, paper towel, Kleenex, tea, coffee, soda crackers, vinegar, molasses, mayo, salt, tomatoes, 1L apple & orange juice, plastic wrap, tin foil, white sugar, canned milk, apple sauce, white & brown rice, macaroni, and spaghetti. Thank you for your ongoing support!

Coffee/Fellowship Hour Volunteers

Heather Labadie is coordinating Coffee/Fellowship Hour volunteers. Thanks to those who have already responded to her. If you would like to get involved too, please contact her at You could offer to do a complete ”hour” yourself, or you could volunteer to help someone else out. If you are new to this “task”, Heather will pair you up with someone who is experienced. If you would like to volunteer to just look after the coffee and tea (and not the snacks), let Heather know. If you would like to provide snacks, but not make the coffee/tea, Heather will work with you to share with someone else who may not want to do the snacks. ~ Mary Charters

Booking Meeting Space

As the use if our space gets busier, please remember to book your meeting space through the office. Drop by in person, call 506-455-8220 or 506-458-1183 or email and Both offices use a shared online calendar so we can ensure space is available for your meeting.

Thursday Evening Bible Study

Thursday Evening Bible Study is from 6-7pm in Rev. Michelle’s office. This is a Lectio Divina style engagement with the scripture reading for the coming Sunday. Everyone is welcome!


Upcoming Dates To Remember

February 23rd ~ Service at 10:30am ~ Fellowship Hosted by Marg Leonard, Chris Grant

& Alanna Palmer

March 2nd ~ Service at 10:30am ~ Fellowship Hosted by Beth & Shawn Meister & Kim Keetch

March 4th ~ Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at 5:30pm

March 5th ~ Ash Wednesday Service

March 9th ~ Daylight Savings Time Begins

March 9th ~ Service at 10:30am ~ Fellowship Hosted by Debbie West

March 9th ~ World Day of Prayer Service at St. Andrew’s at 2pm

March 16th ~ Service at 10:30am ~ Fellowship Hosted by Heather Labadie

March 23rd ~ Service at 10:30am ~ Fellowship Hosted by Chris Grant & Mary Stickles

March 30th ~ Service at 10:30am Fellowship Hosted by the Mission Committee

  Music Of Her Soul

You are invited to Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church at 512 Charlotte Street on February 21st at 7:30pm to hear beautiful music written by women composers; Fanny Mendelssohn, Helene Fleury Roy, Clara Schumann, and Louise Adolpha Le Neau. Presented by Natalia Delacroix on Viola and Nicolas Roy on Piano. Tickets are $20 online at or $25 at the door. Tickets are also available iat St. Paul’s office Monday-Thursday between 8am and 3pm for $20 each.

World Day of Prayer Services

An invitation is extended to all Women and Men to attend the World Day of Prayer Services in the Fredericton area. The World Day of Prayer for 2025 was prepared by the Women of the Cook Island. The theme is “I Made You Wonderful” (Psalm 139: 1-18.)

Northside: St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 780 McEvoy Street, Fredericton on Friday, March 7th, 2025 at 2 PM. Storm Date: Sunday, March 9 at 3 PM.

Southside: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian and St. Paul’s United Church, 512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 at 2 PM. Storm Date: March 16 at 2 PM.

Ongoing Church Activities

Monday – Friday ~ Community Outreach ~ Brown Bag Lunch Program in St. Paul’s Office

Tuesdays ~ Tuesday Morning Ladies Group at 9:30am ~ All are welcome!

Tuesdays & Thursdays ~ Quilting from 1-4pm ~ All are welcome!

Wednesdays ~ Community Outreach ~ Pantry Program from 9-11am

Thursdays ~ Choir Practice from 7-8pm ~ All are welcome!

Thursdays ~ Bible Study from 6-7pm ~ All are Welcome!

Fridays ~ Community Outreach ~ Breakfast 2 Go from 8:30-10am

Connecting With Rev. Michelle

Rev. Michelle can be reached on the main office phone lines, her office directly at 506-455-0639, by text or call to her cell at 506-259-7602 or via email at Drop-in office hours are Sundays and Mondays from 1-2:30pm. Appointments are preferred to ensure the time you need to connect.

Bulletin & eNews Submissions

Please send announcements to Meghan at by noon Wednesday.

Contact Information

Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United

512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 1M2

Saint Andrew’s: Tel: 506.455.8220 | Email: | Website:

Office Administrator: Joanna Price | Office Hours: Monday-Friday 2pm-6pm

St. Paul’s: Tel: 506.458.1183 | E-mail: | Website:

Office Administrator/Bookkeeper: Meghan Roebuck | Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-3pm

Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond

Custodian: Doug Newman | Ministers Emeriti: Rev. Doug Blaikie & Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery