Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United
From the desk of Rev. Michelle…
With the turning of the calendar, winter has arrived in full force. As we face this first major snow of the season, I pray that you can stay warm and safe. The snow is heavy, and the ground is icy in patches, so please be cautious when you are outside. This morning as I was clearing away the snow so that the kids could get to school, I was struck by how snow is like the icing on this beautiful season. There is a serenity and quiet as the flakes flutter to the ground. Snow makes the Christmas lights pop and then there is how each flake sparkles like the ground has been covered in glitter when sunlight hits it. It is a marvel that each flake is uniquely shaped just like us people, no two are the exact same. I cannot help but feel awe on snow-covered days.
The Christmas season is meant to have us stop by the stable and be overtaken with a sense of awe at the mystery of how God is incarnated. Last week I preached that as people of faith, we will often stand out as we seek to follow Christ because God’s ways are not our ways. Observing the seasons of Advent and Christmas is one way that we can step outside of the cultural experience of this time of year and rest in God’s presence. While the world is bustling and fussing over Christmas gifts and Christmas parties, we are called to remember why Jesus came to the world.
Over the last couple of months, our focal scriptures for worship have been from the Old Testament. These Hebrew texts tell us what the world was like before Jesus came, they show us how God’s attempts to speak through prophets and priests did not bear the fruit hoped. These scriptures show the stubborn nature of humanity as we try to get ahead and do life apart from God. They also show us the gracious love of God who continues to reach out to us and make a way forward in our willfulness and disobedience. These readings from the prophets set the stage for Christ’s coming.
Unfortunately, the world today is not that different from back then. We humans are still fighting wars to gain power and influence, leaving behind innocent victims who live with the devastating consequences. We still believe that we need to take and conquer the world to get what we need and forget that God calls us all to live in abundance, caring for the widow and orphan. There are still so many who are lonely and hurting, even though God is constantly forming communities that offer healing and wholeness. The reality is, we need the Christ child just as much today as we did back then.
It has been a big year for our communities of faith. The new Ecumenical Shared Ministry that God birthed and is birthing in our midst has not gone as smoothly as we had hoped. There have been times when our fears, desires, and egos have gotten in the way of fully welcoming the movement of the Spirit among us. We are so very human. This season of Advent with its highlighting of hope, peace, joy, and love is a great time to reflect on your experience, and part in co-creating this ministry with God. What have you done to foster these themes in our ministry together? What could you change to allow more hope, peace, joy, and love to thrive in this place? How are you preparing yourself, to see Christ in our midst? Where are you looking and what are you seeing?
It is important to remember that in this new form, we have only been together for seven weeks. Today the new expectant mother would not even have had her first ultrasound, yet we have already experienced so much new life, from the mixing of congregation members in the Ladies’ group, to all the people who came out for the ADVENTure and helped decorate the sanctuary, and the bazaar that is happening this weekend. The worship committee has been busy working out how to balance our traditions in all of our worship firsts; remembrance day, a congregational anniversary, St. Andrew’s day, and communion. Then there is the ongoing pastoral care support, funerals, and regular and joint meetings. We cannot forget all the choir activities including the Advent Carol Festival, the handbells accompanying an anthem, and the friendships that are developing. Most importantly we have continued our regular outreach programs serving the community within our walls and beyond. Truly we have done so much, and anyone who has ever been pregnant knows the time of morning sickness is not even over yet!
The Christmas Season also tells us that the end of year is at hand, and traditionally you would receive a Christmas letter in the mail. Today we have been reflecting on this season and our ministry together. I have listed some of the things that I know have happened and I am sure that you have your own experiences and celebrations too. We are still in birth pains but I am waiting with expectant hope for what God is delivering in our midst. Thank you for being part of this journey because all of the hope, joy, peace and love that we share in Christ’s name, would not happen without your participation. We truly have done so much in our short time together. It is your time, talent, and treasure that allows us to collectively proclaim God’s Good News. As we approach the end of the year, I hope that you will make a special Christmas donation to help us reach out into the world in Christ’s name.
A blessed Advent and Christmas Season to you all and see you in worship!
Rev. Michelle
Featured In This December 5th eNews Edition
Advent 2 ~ Worship This Sunday December 8th
Saint Andrew’s Mission Tree Update
Mission Gifts
Saint Andrew’s & St. Paul’s Christmas Bazaar
Winter Parking Restrictions In Effect
Rev. Michelle’s Office Drop-In Hours
Lintuhtine Singers Holiday Cheer
Simply Country Christmas Concert
Breakfast 2 Go
Fredericton Ladies Choir Annual Christmas Concert
Connecting With Rev. Michelle
Bulletin & Announcement Submissions
Pantry Program
Brown Bag Lunch Program
Candlelight Concert
Vivaldi’s Gloria and Christmas Choral Treats
Church Activities
Listen, Love And Pray: Grief And Loss Support
Advent 2 ~ Worship This Sunday December 8th
Please join Rev. Dr. Philip Lee for service this Sunday at 10:30am.
To view the bulletin in advance click here!
Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Passcode: 2023 View anytime on YouTube:
Saint Andrew’s Mission Tree Update
Once again, the Mission Committee is supporting a family from Liberty Lane this Christmas. Liberty Lane Inc. is a charitable organization located in Fredericton that offers Second Stage Housing to female identified individuals (and their children) who have left family violence, and Domestic Violence Outreach services to people of all gender identities. We are sponsoring two families this year and the angels include toys, clothing and gift cards. Items for the mom may be gift wrapped but we will provide wrapping supplies so the mom can wrap the children’s gifts. The angels will be available to choose from on Sunday, Nov 24th. I am asking anyone who takes an angel to write their contact information on the sheet at the back of the church. This will ensure that all angels are received before the delivery deadline. All gifts need to be returned to the church by Dec 8th, and you can contact Heather Rutherford at or 454-9817 if you need your gift picked up outside of church hours. Thank you in advance from the Mission and Outreach Committee for your continuous generosity.
Mission Gifts
Want to give a gift that changes lives? What do you get the person who has everything? Both the Presbyterians and United Church have mission gift catalogues. Check out Gifts of Change here and Gifts with Vision here and make a difference this season.
Saint Andrew’s & St. Paul’s Christmas Bazaar
Our churches will be holding a Christmas Bazaar this Saturday December 7th from 10am-1pm.Come and check out the crafts, baking, puzzles and books. Donations of baking, books and puzzles can be dropped off at the church on Friday December 6th between 9am and noon.
Winter Parking Restrictions In Effect
A reminder that Winter Parking Restriction takes effect on Dec. 1st. Parking is not allowed on the side of Carleton St. (between George and Charlotte Streets) facing the church. For more detail re: parking availability, including handicapped parking, see the poster on the Hall bulletin board or those at each entrance to the Church.
Rev. Michelle’s Office Drop-In Hours
Rev. Michelle has office hours available for drop-in on Sundays between 1-2:30pm and Monday from 1-2:30pm. Appointments are preferred to ensure the time you need to connect.
Lintuhtine Singers Holiday Cheer 
Come out for a really fun concert. You will even get chances to sing favourite Christmas songs!!!!!! Hope to see you there. LINTUHTINE SINGERS with guests Sidney Murgatroyd (strings) Sophia & Katie (vocals) present HOLIDAY CHEER Sunday, December 8th at 3pm Oromocto United Church. Cash donation at door to cover choir expenses.
Simply Country Christmas Concert
You are invited to a lovely afternoon of music. The Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street, presents “Simply Country Christmas Concert”, this Sunday, Dec.8th from 2-4 pm. Tickets are $15 at the door. Treats and refreshments will be available at a small cost. Hope to see you there!
Breakfast 2 Go
New Hours: 8:30-10am. If you are interested in baking muffins for this Friday morning program, please contact Bev Bramble at to be added to the muffin baking list.
Fredericton Ladies Choir Annual Christmas Concert
The Fredericton Ladies Choir presents their Annual Christmas Concert at St. Dunstan’s Roman Catholic Church on December 10th at 7pm, with special guest, Don Bozze Jazz. Doors open at 6:15pm. Tickets are $20, available at Westminster Bookmark, at the door or from choir members, Patty Trail & Debbie Seymour.
Connecting With Rev. Michelle
You can reach Rev. Michelle on the main office lines, call her office directly at 506-455-0639, text or call her cell at 506-259-7602 or via email at
Bulletin & Announcement Submissions
Those wanting to add an announcement to the bulletin and/or eNews, please send an email to Meghan at by Wednesday at noon. Announcements will run for a 2-week period.
Pantry Program
The Pantry items needed this week are salt, laundry soap, crackers, white sugar, baking soda, tea, pancake mix, syrup, granola bars, apple & orange juice, mustard, relish, Miracle Whip, jam, vinegar, sardines, cake mix frosting, rice, and fruit cups. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!
Brown Bag Lunch Program
This week, the program needs proteins with flip top lids.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.
Candlelight Concert
Delacroix Classix Presents and Advent Candlelight Concert featuring Natalia Delacroix on Viola, Yunjia Dai on Flute and Conor Britt on cello. Saint Andrew’s on December 7th at 7:30pm. Tickets: $25 available at the door or $20 in advance from Meghan $20.
Vivaldi’s Gloria and Christmas Choral Treats
The Fredericton Choral Society presents Vivaldi’s Gloria and Christmas choral treats on Saturday December 14th at 7:30pm at Christ Church parish Church – 245 Westmorland Street. Admission: $25 general & $10 student. Tickets available at the door and from choir members.
Church Activities
Monday – Friday ~ Community Outreach ~ Brown Bag Lunch Program in St. Paul’s Office
Tuesdays ~ Tuesday Morning Ladies Group at 9:30am ~ All are welcome!
Tuesdays & Thursdays ~ Quilting from 1-4pm ~ All are welcome!
Wednesdays ~ Community Outreach ~ Pantry Program from 9-11am
Thursdays ~ Choir Practice from 7-8pm ~ All are welcome!
Fridays ~ Community Outreach ~ Breakfast 2 Go from 8:30-10am
Upcoming Dates to Remember
December 7th ~ Saint Andrew’s & St. Paul’s Christmas Bazaar ~ 10am-1pm
December 8th ~ Advent 2 ~ Services at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Mission & Outreach
December 8th ~ Mission Tree Gift Return Deadline
December 15th ~ Advent 3 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship hosted by Shawn & Beth Meister & Kim Keech
December 22nd ~ Advent 4 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Alanna Palmer & Cathy Davis
December 21st ~ Longest Night Service at Wilmot United at 7pm
December 24th ~ Family Christmas Eve Service at 3pm
December 24th ~ Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service & Communion at 7pm
Listen, Love And Pray: Grief And Loss Support
Growing in faith, grace, gratitude, hope, and love – holding space for being together with loss. People feeling grief and loss of all types will gather to reflect and support each other’s experiences. Anyone from the community is welcome to attend. Hosted by Deacons Isabel Cutler and Debbie Edmondson. Second Monday of each month, 7-9p.m. Christ Church Cathedral, Memorial Hall Lounge, 168 Church Street, Fredericton.
Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United
Contact Information
Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United
512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 1M2
Saint Andrew’s: Tel: 506.455.8220 | Email: | Website:
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 2pm-6pm
St. Paul’s: Tel: 506.458.1183 | E-mail: | Website:
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-3pm
Minster: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond
Church Administrators: Meghan Roebuck & Joanna Price
Custodian: Doug Newman | Clerk of Session: Janet Higgins
Ministers Emeriti: Rev. Doug Blaikie & Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery