Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United

From the desk of Rev. Michelle…

With the offices being closed for a Christmas Break, this is the last e-news for 2024. If on January 1st you had told me that I would be writing my end-of-year message to members of Saint Andrew’s and St. Paul’s as the minister of an ecumenical shared ministry (ESM), I would have said “You’re were crazy, churches don’t move that fast.” Well, I guess we have all seen that churches powered by the Holy Spirit can move that fast. We, like so many others, have experienced the Holy Spirit turning our world upside-down while leaving joy, hope, and new life in Her wake.

At a Joint meeting of the Saint Andrew’s Session and St. Paul’s Council, we reflected on all the wonderful and exciting things that have happened in our short time together. Celebrations included having more people in worship and the sanctuary feeling full, meeting new friends and the Tuesday morning ladies group, shared Bazaar, that the ESM is already feeling like home, and learning more about each other’s denominations, and just the spirit of welcome and hope.

In the last two months, we have been taking steps towards getting to know each other and fostering new and old relationships. On our first Sunday together, as I looked out across the sanctuary, I noticed two women sitting next to each other, one from each congregation, they had smiles on their faces and after a few seconds they embraced in a big hug. It turns out that they used to be neighbours, and had not seen each other in years, and that Sunday they worshiped side by side. This is the kind of faith community that I want us to protect and intentionally create. One where everyone is seen, known, and welcomed so that we can come home to each other.

In the New Year, I will continue to intentionally foster our relationship. The Church will offer opportunities for us to come together and move from the stress of buildings and budgets so we can focus more on faith, joy, and hope. Connection is at the heart of Christ’s story and to truly thrive as a faith community we need to attend to the relationships we have with God and with each other.   Outside of worship, the next opportunity to come together will be January 5th for our Epiphany potluck after service.

Saint Andrew’s Session and St. Paul’s Council met this month to put in place some goals and next steps for us to take early in 2025. These steps include identifying our values, vision, and mission focus, having discussions to help us understand each other’s structures, and getting the policies and procedures in place to allow the shared part of our ministry to function smoothly. The values and vision will help guide our ministry and articulate who we are as a shared ministry and what we hope to achieve. The congregations will be asked to be involved and provide feedback on this work. As this foundational work happens, I hope you will respond to the call to participate, as it will take all our voices.

You may be wondering “Where is the governance for our shared ministry?”, or “How do I get involved in a committee?” These are great questions and reflect the fact that we are 10 months earlier than we had planned to launch the ESM. We have not had the time to build some of the structures (both people and policy) that will allow our dream from the agreement to take off. Right now, we just have the skeleton. The first layer of flesh we need to put on the skeleton are the basic policies and goals that will allow for the smooth running of our basic ministry functions. This work will require the agreement of our governing bodies (Session/Council). To expedite this work, the Council and Session will jointly serve as the Interim Ecumenical Assembly (EA), until the structures are in place for the EA to function smoothly.

So, with plans for 2025, let us turn once again to these last days of 2024. Let us give thanks and welcome the Christ Child into our hearts again, coming to the manger with fresh eyes and open hearts. Then, inspired by what we find, let us prepare for the new year, and the coming of the amazing gifts the Holy Spirit is just waiting to bring our way.

If you are in town, I hope to see you this week as we celebrate Advent 4 and light the love candle, and  our Christmas Eve services at 3 pm and 7 pm. If you are away, remember that you can always join our services via Zoom or watch them on YouTube at a later date. If you are here or if you are away, may the blessings of the season be upon you. And so we pray this prayer found in Voices United # 26:

Who are we, O God,

that you should come to us?

Yet you have visited your people

and redeemed us in your Son.

As we prepare to celebrate his birth,

make our hearts leap for joy at the sound of your word,

and move us by your spirit to bless your wonderful works.

We ask this through him whose coming is certain,

whose day draws near, even your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Featured In This December 19th eNews Edition

Advent 4 ~ Worship This Sunday December 22nd

Notice Of Holiday Office Hours

Sunday & Christmas Services Bulletins Available Online

End Of Year Contributions

2025 Envelopes Ready For Pick Up!

Upcoming Dates To Remember

Advent 4 ~ Worship This Sunday December 22nd

Please join Rev. Michelle for service this Sunday at 10:30am.

To view the bulletin in advance click here!

Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Passcode: 2023

View anytime on YouTube:


Notice Of Holiday Office Hours

St. Paul’s office will be closed for the holidays from Friday December 20th at noon until Sunday January 5th.

Rev. Michelle will be available for Emergency Pastoral Care and Services over the holidays. Please contact her cell at 506.259.7602 or email

Saint Andrew’s office will be closed from December 21st through 29th. Joanna will be in the SAPC office the week of Dec 30th – Jan 3rd but will not be keeping regular hours. You may leave an email or voicemail for her.

All Sunday & Christmas Services Bulletins Available Online

All Bulletins until the New Year and the reopening of the office are posted online. Please click here to view and download.

End Of Year Contributions

For those wishing to make and end of year contribution, envelopes with your name can be placed in the offering plate, dropped in the mailbox or sent via etransfer to Wishing everyone a Very Merry holiday!

St. Paul’s Pantry Program

The Pantry will be closed December 25th and January 1st but will reopen on January 8th, 2025. Thank you to everyone who has graciously supported this vital program throughout 2024!

  2025 Envelopes Ready For Pick Up!

2025 Offering Envelopes are ready! Some envelope numbers have been reassigned for the new year. If your name is in blue, please take note of your new number! Envelopes will be placed at the back of the sanctuary on Sundays until the new year, after which time you can pick them up in the offices.

Upcoming Dates To Remember

December 22nd ~ Advent 4 ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Alanna Palmer & Cathy Davis

December 21st ~ Longest Night Service at Wilmot United at 7pm

December 24th ~ Family Christmas Eve Service at 3pm

December 24th ~ Traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service & Communion at 7pm

December 29th ~ Christmas 1 Service at 10:30

January 5th ~ Epiphany Service at 10:30 ~ Pot Luck to follow

Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United

Contact Information

Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian & St. Paul’s United

512 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 1M2 

Saint Andrew’s: Tel: 506.455.8220 | Email: | Website:

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 2pm-6pm

St. Paul’s: Tel: 506.458.1183 | E-mail: | Website:

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-3pm

Minster: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond

Church Administrators: Meghan Roebuck & Joanna Price

 Custodian: Doug Newman | Clerk of Session: Janet Higgins

Ministers Emeriti: Rev. Doug Blaikie & Rev. Dr. Basil Lowery