St. Paul’s United Church

Our Mission: Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name.

From the desk of Rev. Michelle…

Have you noticed that on the news this spring, we have been hearing a lot of climate-related concerns? With the challenges of inadequate snow coverage leading to dry growing conditions on the Prairies, reports of a 99% chance that this summer will be in the top 5 hottest summers, and the preparation already underway for what is expected to be another exceptional year of forest fires. It is hard to deny that the Earth’s eco-systems are not in balance and sustainability is threatened.

Unfortunately, our scriptures have been used out of context in ways that have fostered indifference towards the state of the natural world and its abuse and exploitation instead of care for creation. Fostered by scriptures such as Genesis 26-30 where humanity is given dominion/dominance over the created world and the concept that at the end of the age, God will usher in a new heaven and new earth wiping away all that has been (Revelation 21) some vocal Christians have argued that climate engagement is not needed and this is all part of God’s plan.

This perspective, however, is not congruent with the wider narrative of the bible. Where God so loved the world (John 3:16), called it good (Gen. 1:4, 10,12,18,21,25) and the reality Jesus reported that even a sparrow falling gains God’s attention (Matthew 10:29). Not to mention the number of parables rebuking people for not taking care of the gifts and resources they have been given. In light of the wider narrative of God’s love and care, we would do well to be encouraged to take care of this wonderful world God created.

As we approach our own decisions around climate action, not only would we benefit from aligning our actions with the wider biblical narrative, but we could also learn from members of our indigenous church who have held their connection to the world as sacred and taken seriously long-term sustainability. Spiritual teachings such as the Haudenosaunee’s Seventh Generation Principle, which directs decisions in ways that consider the impact on and sustainability for seven generations forward, can help us to remember we are stewards of this world not just for ourselves but also for those who come after us. We may be stirred to action and remember that God’s great cloud of witnesses includes the saints of the past, present, and future.

For many of us education is the first step in action. As we can see the impact on ourselves, and as we consciously shift from focusing only on our individual actions, we can start to be part of the body of people helping to bring about the large-scale action needed to address the climate crisis.

The fact that societal-level changes are needed doesn’t let us off the hook for our personal actions. It does however shift the focus, take for example turning our lights out for Earth hour.  We know that simply not using electricity for an hour is not going to save the planet, however, participating in this action which can be seen from space, provides a symbolic action that helps us recommit to the work of sustained change-making. In many ways, the little actions become rituals that give us renewed hope and encouragement to keep at the harder work that disrupts our lives. Like how prayer and reading scripture shape our understanding of who we are and the world around us, recycling our plastics, choosing products that create less environmental impact, and participating in garbage pick-ups primes us to be people who care and respond to our world.

The United Church is working with other Christian denominations, for the second year in a row, to promote Earth Week under the banner “Together for the Love of Creation”. One of the pieces this year the United Church of Canada is sponsoring, is a series of webinars to help us learn and gain ideas on how to engage this critical world issue. I would encourage you to take time to attend one or more of these offerings.

May this coming week bring you new insights into the climate challenges we face, and renewed energy to make this world a better place, not just for yourself but for all the generations to come.  As we go into this weekend, let us join in the Prayer for Climate Change written for use in the United Church of Canada:

Loving and gracious God,
You are a God of Creation.
Create in me a faithful steward of your world,
showing me opportunities to make a difference,
that I may live with respect in your Creation.
You are a God of Incarnation.
Make me your heart and your mind,
equipping me to work for change.
You are a God of Resurrection.
Help me see new ways and new hope,
planting in me the seeds of
restoration and renewal.
God of Creation, Incarnation, and Resurrection,
help me go gently in this fragile world.

Featured In This April 18th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews

Worship This Sunday April 21st

Introduction Of Our New Church Council

Annual General Meeting Minutes Are Online

New Members Welcome!

Tonight! Becoming an Affirming Congregation – First Steps

Earth Day/Week Events

Brown Bag Lunch Program

Pantry Program

Information Session

E-ssentials e-Newsletter

Youth @ Region

Calling All Youth, Young Adults!

Booking Meeting Space at St. Paul’s

God’s Story, Our Story

Upcoming Dates To Remember

Spring Rumage Sale at Wilmot

Guaranteed Livable Income

                  Worship This Sunday April 21st                   

Please join Rev. Michelle for service this Sunday at 10:30am

Can’t make it in person, join via Zoom: Password: 657067

Introduction Of Our New Church Council

At the Annual Meeting, we voted in favor of shifting to a Council Model of Governance. This structure will allow greater participation at the decision-making table and improve communication, both are critical in this time of change. Thank you to those who have stepped forward and given of yourself to serve our congregation. There are still a few vacancies; 1-2 more Members at Large and Outreach representative. Please consider if you are being called to these positions.

So, who is on the Council? Let’s give a big welcome and thank you to: Chair – Jane Blakely, Treasurer – Brad Webb, Regional Representative – Ron Naugler, Member at Large – Lita Llewellyn, Property Chair – Patty Trail, Worship Chair – Debbie West, Christian Education Chair – Erin Webb, Ministry & Personnel Chair, Ann Krause, Trustees Representative – Carole Peacock, and Rev. Michelle. Please feel free to reach out to any of them regarding questions, concerns, or suggestions.

Annual General Meeting Minutes Are Online

The minutes of the April 7th Annual General Meeting are now posted on our website. Click here for a direct link. If you would like a paper copy, please reach out to Meghan in the office.

New Members Welcome!

Are you newer to the congregation, but feel you have found your church home? Have you been attending St. Paul’s for a while and want to become a member of this congregation and ensure you have a voice in the changes we are navigating? Contact Rev. Michelle for information on how to officially become a member of St. Paul’s.

Tonight! Becoming an Affirming Congregation – First Steps

FSLDW Affirm Committee offers something on first steps every year. If you’ve begun the conversation “officially” or if you are one person who wanted to get the conversation started, this is a good place to join others who have questions and experiences to offer. This Zoom gathering will be on April 18th 7:00-8:30, with guest Kim Curlett, United Church minister and our Atlantic representative for Affirm United. Click here for the registration link for the meeting.

Earth Day/Week Events

During Earth Week (April 21-28), join Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and others as we pray, learn, and act for our planet! The United Church of Canada is joining with numerous denominations and faith-based organizations under one banner, Together for the Love of Creation, and invite you to organize events, raise your voice, and deepen your knowledge of climate change. Register and find inspiration!

  Brown Bag Lunch Program

This week, the program needs granola bars, pudding cups, and proteins with flip top lids. Thank you for your continued support and generosity of this program.

Pantry Program

The Pantry program needs the following items this week: laundry soap, Javex, tin foil, waxed paper, hand soap, ketchup, granola bars, cookies, pasta, pudding cups, coffee, baking powder, flour, large orange juice, apple sauce, juice boxes, Rice Crispies, sugar, and cake mix. Thank you for your continued support of this increasingly busy outreach program!

Information Session

Following Worship on May 5th in the lady’s parlor. The EMS team will be sharing the plan for developing the Ecumenical shared ministry agreement with St. Andrew’s. Come and ask your questions about the work and ESM’s in general. Provide feedback on the process. Everyone is welcome.

                                          E-ssentials e-Newsletter

Subscribe to the E-ssentials e-Newsletter and stay informed about the latest information and initiatives from The United Church of Canada. There are a variety of newsletters to choose from, each highlighting different areas of the church’s ministries and work.

Youth @ Region

Calling all youth grades 6-12! Youth @ Region is a place of community, a place of fun, and a place of faith for you to meet with others your age from across NB, PEI, and the Gaspe. During Y@R you will have the opportunity to explore faith, learn more about the United Church of Canada, share in music, worship, and a ton of fun. It takes place during the Annual Meeting of the Region May 31st-June 2nd at the University of Prince Edward Island. Registration is $150 per participant and includes all activities, meals, accommodation, and an event T-shirt (if you need help coving costs speak to Rev. Michelle). Don’t miss this opportunity.

Downtown United Summer Schedule

Please join us this summer for Downtown United +

Everyone is welcome!


512 Charlotte St. Fredericton | Tel.455-8220

Sunday Services at 11am

June 30th | July 7th | July 14th  Meeting ID: 836 7375 6287   Passcode: 839092


224 York St. Fredericton NB | Tel. 458-1183

Sunday Services at 10:30am

July 21st | July 28th | August 4th Password: 657067

View later: Paul’s


473 King St. Fredericton | 458-1066

Sunday Services at 11am

August 11th | August 18th | August 25th


Calling All Youth, Young Adults!

Registration for Audacious Hope, a national gathering for youth, young adults, and their leaders, is now open! Audacious Hope is an exciting new partnership between the Rendez-vous team of The United Church of Canada and the LIFT team of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. We hope you will join us July 3‒6, 2024, at Brock University, St. Catharines, ON. Come pray—with inspiring worship speakers Adele Halliday and Mitchell Anderson. Come play—how about silent disco or square dancing? Come ponder—with Moderator Carmen Lansdowne about how to find and offer hope in today’s world. Early bird registration is April 15‒May 15: $425. May 16‒31 registration fee: $500. Registration will close May 31, 2024. Find out more and sign up today.

Booking Meeting Space at St. Paul’s

As the use of our space at St. Paul’s gets busier, please remember to book your meetings space through the office. Drop by in person, call 458-1183 or email Meghan at

God’s Story, Our Story

Pick up this reflection guide in the narthex to use as a home devotional or with your friends. This devotional follows the pattern of pray, reflect and do, offering suggestions on how to put the biblical theme into action.

Upcoming Dates To Remember

Tuesdays from 10:45am-11:45am ~ Bible Study on Sunday Reading

Zoom:  Passcode: 750844

Thursdays from 6-7pm ~ Evening Small Group Faith Exploration

April 21st ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour ~ Hosted by Beth & Shawn Meister & Debbie West

April 28th ~ Joint Service at St. Andrew’s at 11am

May 5th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour ~ Hosts needed!

May 12th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour ~ Hosts needed!

May 19th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour ~ Hosts needed!

May 26th ~ Service at 10:30 ~ Fellowship Hour ~ Hosts needed!

Spring Rumage Sale at Wilmot

Mark your calendars for the UCW Spring Rummage Sale. Sorting will take place on Thursday, April 25th, with the sale happening on Friday and Saturday, April 26th & 27th. Donations of spring/summer clothing, housewares, toys, etc. can be left on the gym stage during office hours. To volunteer, contact Linda Gough or call the church office at 506-458-1066 and we can pass along your name.

Guaranteed Livable Income

A Conversation About Guaranteed Livable Income, sponsored by Wilmot Outreach Committee in partnership With Basic Income Atlantic. Friday May 3rd from 1-3pm in Wilmot’s sanctuary. Refreshments and further discussion following the presentation with Wil Robertson and Dr. Herb Emery with discussion moderator Randy Hatfield. Free of charge.

St. Paul’s United Church

190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, and Serving Others in Christ’s name

Contact Information

224 York St., Fredericton, NB E3B 3P1

Web: | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email:

Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organists: Dr. Sharon Pond & Alexis Ervin

Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Jaedyn Williams