Have you been tired lately? I know that I have. For me, part of it is physical tiredness caused by staying up to late talking with my sister while she was visiting over Easter, and a healthy dose of a 2 year old refusing to stay asleep at night. There are times when we all need a good night of rest to rejuvenate our bodies.
There is however another form of tiredness, not the tiredness you feel in your body after running a marathon or a day of good physical labour, but an exhaustion that is more insidious; that leaves you physically and emotionally with the feeling of being drained, burned out, dragging.
I have heard that for years, David Whyte, the English poet, and David Steindl-Rast, the influential Catholic monk, have come together to read poetry. Reading together has inspired them in their work and nurtured their friendship. It is said that one evening, David Whyte plopped himself down in his chair, let out a big sigh and said, “Brother, I’m exhausted. I’ve got nothing left. Maybe I need a long vacation by the sea.”
Steindl-Rast thought for a while then said, “My friend, the antidote for exhaustion isn’t rest.”
“If the antidote for exhaustion isn’t rest,” asked David Whyte, “then what is?” “Wholeheartedness,” came the reply.
When we are being pulled in all directions, when our focus is lost, when we struggle to see what we hope for, our energy is lost. Proverbs 13:12 says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”
When I find myself exhausted I ask, “why am I tired?”. Is there a physical reason for it or is it deeper? Often it is because I am not engaging enough with my gifts and passions, or life has started to feel like a never-ending treadmill without a goal, or the road to where I am going seems so long, steep and full of potholes and road bumps that I am questioning if I will ever get there. The trouble is, when hope is deferred, it is hard, almost impossible to just will yourself to hope again. Pulling up one’s bridges and just continuing to walk doesn’t often work to bring joy and energy back to life. So, what do we do?
The antidote to exhaustion isn’t rest, it’s wholeheartedness. So, we need to return to the heart. Look at what brought you to this point. What kept you going in other times of trouble and challenge? What dreams and visions, desires and passions have nourished you on your journey? This is where hope lies, where fresh logs and targeted air is needed to kindle the flames of passion and desire. This is where we will find the energy to carry us on.
Wholeheartedness happens when we are true to the desires that are one with our soul, the passions that stir our God-given gifts. Wholeheartedness happens when we are connected to God’s purpose and longing for us. When we come back to the heart of who we are.
Here is the thing, the same is true for our community of faith, as we touch our heart and God’s, when we are using the skills God gave us for a common vision, energy arises. So, if you are feeling exhausted right now, look back over your life and over the life of this congregation, all 190 years, and see. See how far we have come, what has kept us going in times of trouble, and let’s kindle those fires. For a “desire fulfilled is a tree of life”.
Let us pray,
Gracious God, you have given us each passions and desires,
Help us to tap into them this day that we may release their energy
Give us a vision that is compelling for our church
Send your spirit to rekindle the flames that have burned bright in the past
Let that fire fill us, so that we burn brightly
we write our chapter in your great story of faith. Amen.
1) Worship Sunday May 8th
2) FundScrip Orders
3) Mother’s Day
4) Board Meeting
5) Youth Group for Pre-Teens and Beyond
6) Bible Study
7) Elm City String Quartet
8) Spring Yard Sale at Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
9) PAR Registration
10) Brown Bag Lunch Program
11) Hybrid Sunday School
12) Pantry
13) 190 Years
14) Upper Room Daily Devotional – May-June
1) Worship May 8th, 2022
To attend in-person worship at St. Paul’s United Church we will no longer require you to show proof of vaccination. COVID protocols still in play include:
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sanitizing one’s hands upon entry
– Sitting in the marked pews to maintain distance
– Being aware of social distancing when entering and leaving building
– Coffee time will be available for those who wish to partake. Tables will be set up and you are asked to maintain masks while not eating/drinking and stay seated.
As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom – link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86854718551 Passcode: 165090
You can also join by phone only if you would prefer, if you don’t have a long distance plan charges would apply. All you need to do is call 1 647 558 0588 and follow the prompts to enter Meeting ID: 868 5471 8551 and Passcode: 165090
2) FundScrip Orders: Gift cards will be distributed this Sunday, May 8th. If you have questions, speak to Carole Peacock (452-1016 or cpeacock@bellaliant.net).
3) Mother’s Day: This Sunday is Mother’s Day! In celebration of this special day and for those moms that have everything, we offer this option to donate to Coverdale Centre for women in Saint John, NB on your mom’s behalf. If you are missing your mom today, consider donating in her honour. Your impactful donation will support women in their time of need and expand the circle of love cast by our mothers. https://giftswithvision.ca/collections/gifts/products/whatever-they-need-most
4) Board Meeting: If anyone has anything to bring to the Board’s attention, please email Erin Hayes at hayes.erin11@gmail.com
5) Youth Group for Pre-Teens: Simon Wilby will be starting a Sunday evening youth drop-in program for the pre-teen age group, starting Sunday May 22@ 6:30pm. Mark your calendar and keep watch for the time. If you are interested in attending or helping develop this program, please let us know!
6) Bible Study: What happens when 6-12 people join together to read the bible? Amazing discussion, deepening faith, and connection. Join Rev. Michelle on Wednesdays at 11:15am for bible study. We are back in person, meeting in the board room. Generally, sessions run 45min-1hour. This coming week’s scripture is Acts 17:16-31. Due to interest, you can also join online. Log in using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88619319967 and Passcode: 259190
7) Elm City String Quartet: A locally-based string quartet will be performing a concert featuring the works by Ravel & Debussy, at Wilmot United Church on May 13 at 7pm. Admission is $20, $10 for students. Tickets can be purchased at https://elmcitystringquartet.com/events
8) Spring Yard Sale at Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church: Yard Sale at 512 Charlotte Street, taking place on Friday, May 13th from 2-7 p.m. and Saturday May 14th, from 9 a.m. – noon. Covid rules apply – masks/appropriate distancing.
9) PAR Registration: PAR is an easy way to make your financial contributions to St. Paul’s on a monthly basis. This pre-authorized bank withdrawal or credit card payment is processed on the 20th of each month by the UCC and deposited directly to St. Paul’s. Please consider joining the PAR participants at St. Paul’s and increasing your contribution. Please contact Meghan for registration information at 458-1183 or stpaulsoffice224@gmail.com
10) Brown Bag Lunch Program: The program needs juice boxes, pudding cups and cans of proteins with flip top lids such as soups, meats, fish. Thank you for your donations to this important program.
11) Hybrid Sunday School: We are EXCITED to welcome you to Sunday School. You can join us in person or through the Zoom platform virtually. For now, our Sunday school lessons will be delivered in a hybrid fashion (simultaneously in person and on Zoom).
12) Pantry: The pantry needs miracle whip, canned ham, cooking oil, Mr. Clean, laundry detergent, peanut butter, Ritz crackers, salt, large juice (1L). Thank you for your continued generosity!
13) 190 YEARS: You are encouraged to add significant events in our congregation’s history to the timeline installed in Fraser Memorial Hall. There’s a black marker sitting on the ledge just below it. On that same chart, you’ll notice that our fundraising efforts have started!
14) Upper Room Daily Devotional: The Upper Room Daily Devotional for May-June is available for purchase in the office for $2.
St. Paul’s United Church
190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and Serving others in Christ’s name
Contact Information
224 York St., Fredericton, N.B. E3B 3P1
Web: www.stpaulsunited.ca | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email: stpaulsoffice224@gmail.com
Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond
Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Rusty Blakely