During a meeting this week, the topic of the younger generations in the church was raised and how COVID has decimated many of the children, youth and family programs that churches were running pre-pandemic. The presenter had said that these programs, may be harder to reboot or grow because of the general population has come to view Christianity first and primarily through the lens of those who support Trumpism, the repeal of Row V Wade, and the theology that God gave Americans the right to have guns. As someone whose wears a collar as part of my work clothing, I have felt this tension for a long time. When asked what I do for work, there are generally 3 responses; people become curious that a woman is the pastor and would like to know more, people get nervous and try to disengage as politely as possible, or people make assumptions that I believe as many of our evangelical right-wing extremists do and I am left explaining I am not that kind of Christian. Maybe you have had this experience too, of having to say that is not the God I follow.

Humans by nature start viewing the world with broad strokes, it helps us navigate the complex world with all the information which is sent to us. However, when we say things like all trees are green or all birds fly… We know that there are exceptions such as the Japanese maple and the penguin. In our current climate when Christianity is portrayed in a stereotypical manner, when we are painted with one brush the exceptions, Christians like us, do not readily come to people’s minds. So, what do we do?

We could “throw out the baby with the bath water” and leave the tittle of Christianity behind, write off the church as something beyond repair. However, if we do this, we will lose more than a name. Being of Christ’s, rooted with a long history of the stories has power and strength to help us continue in the face of challenges. The stories of Faith and the history of the church, when we are at our best, is inspiring and a place where heaven could be seen on Earth. I also truly believe the theology that we have, our understanding of God, is vitality important for the world today.

So, what do we do instead?  Borrowing from the work of Affirming churches and organizations, we might need to consider how we can be PIE = Public, Intentional, Explicit about sharing a different version of Christianity than what fills the mainstream media. Publicly declare who we are. Intentionally make choices about how we engage in the community. And explicitly state what we believe and why. This type of action allows for us to proclaim that Christianity is first of all not monolithic and that there are alternatives to the Christianity that has dominated the last few years.

I truly believe that being PIE about our faith will catch the eye of the missing generation. The young adults and families that have realized over the last two+ years that they have deep spiritual needs, but do not find a place within the vocal Christian community. As we intentionally act on our faith, people will see and want to join in. Which in turn provides the opportunity to develop the relationships that root people in the faith. Change in demographics and change in the wider understanding of Christianity will not happen overnight, it will take consistent, authentic engagement and will require reflecting on what we want to say and do and most likely involve shifting some of how we do some things to ensure that our message comes across.

We have a faith that at its heart is beautiful and life changing. While I don’t want to be painted with the same brush as the Christians that often make the news, I also refuse to throw out the baby, who grew into a man, who went to the cross out of love because he refused to back down when threatened. I hope you will join me in being a little more PIE in my personal life and in exploring how we can be PIE in our life together at St. Paul’s.

As we head towards Pentecost, just a reminder that the UCW will be leading service and to wear your yellow, red and oranges on Sunday as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray,

Long ago your Spirit touched the first disciples
They proclaimed your good new to all
Today we pray for your spirit to touch us
Give us courage to let our words and actions speak boldly of your love
Help us to proclaim your call on our lives and to stand confident in what we believe.
For the world is in need of your care, your way and your love.  Amen.

1) Worship Sunday June 5thth
2) Plant Sale
3) Pentecost Sunday
4) FundScrip Orders Due Sunday!
5) Youth Group
6) Congregational Meeting
7) Hospital Visitation by Clergy
8) Bible Study
9) Brown Bag Lunch Program
10) Pantry

1) Worship June 5th, 2022
To attend in-person worship at St. Paul’s United Church we will no longer require you to show proof of vaccination. COVID protocols still in play include:
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sanitizing one’s hands upon entry
– Sitting in the marked pews to maintain distance
– Being aware of social distancing when entering and leaving building
– Coffee time will be available for those who wish to partake. Tables will be set up and you are asked to maintain masks while not eating/drinking and stay seated.

As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom – link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86854718551  Passcode: 165090

You can also join by phone only if you would prefer, if you don’t have a long distance plan charges would apply. All you need to do is call 1 647 558 0588 and follow the prompts to enter Meeting ID: 868 5471 8551 and Passcode: 165090

2) Plant Sale: Plant sale at St. Paul’s this Saturday June 4th in the George street parking lot – 8am until noon or until plants are all gone. Please bring your own bags and boxes to take your new treasures home. For more information please contact Donna Chauvin at 458-5885.

3) Pentecost Sunday: This Sunday is Pentecost. Please wear your yellow, orange and red colours to the service!

4) FundScrip Orders: The deadline for the next FundScrip order is this Sunday, June 5. Cards will arrive for distribution before Father’s Day, June 19. This is also a good time to stock up on cards for your summer travels and shopping! Order forms available in the Narthex, church office or click here. Thank you for your continued support of this fundraising program.

5) Youth Group: Youth drop-in program on Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm. Mark your calendar! If you are interested in attending or helping develop this program, please let us know!

6) Congregational Meeting: June 12th after worship.  This is an opportunity to hear updates on projects and activities of the church.

7) Hospital Visitation by Clergy: Hospitals are still at the RED level of Covid protections. This means if you find yourself in hospital and would like Rev. Michelle to visit, you need to let us and the hospital know. There is no way for us to find out if you are there, except direct contact and visits are by requests only.

8) Bible Study: Join Rev. Michelle on Wednesday at 11:15am for the last bible study until fall. We are back in person, meeting in the board room. Generally, sessions run 45min-1hour. This coming week’s scripture is: Romans 8:14-17. Due to interest, you can also join online. Log in using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88619319967  and Passcode: 259190

9) Brown Bag Lunch Program: The program needs drink boxes. Thank you for your donations to this important program.

10) Pantry: The pantry is in need of: hamburger helper, jam, cans of corn, soups, coffee mate, and coffee. Thank you in advance for any contributions.

St. Paul’s United Church
190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and Serving others in Christ’s name

Contact Information
224 York St., Fredericton, N.B. E3B 3P1
Web: www.stpaulsunited.ca | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email: stpaulsoffice224@gmail.com

Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond
Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Rusty Blakely