The other day when driving into work, the radio announcer was talking about things that ruin your day. He had listed off the top five from a survey and in the top position was having to scrape your windows in the morning. I’m not sure where that survey came from, the announcer was laughing at the fact that if this was true, Canadians have months where every day was ruined. From a Canadian perspective, having to scrape the window is just a necessity and part of winter driving. But it did get me thinking about how for so many people, something that small could ruin a day.

It seems to me that this experience of a ruined day comes down to an all or nothing pattern of thinking. By this I mean that once one thing that is perceived as negative happens, everything is viewed in light of the negative feelings that occur. To take the above example; you are frustrated at having to scrape the windows, that leads you to be short tempered with other drivers on the road, then your regular parking spot is taken, primed with frustration, your brain starts to look for confirmation of what you are feeling – as to put fuel on the fire.

When we get caught in spirals of negativity, we do not shine with the light of love, grace and mercy that we are called to, as followers of Christ. When we get caught in spirals of negativity, we miss the ways that God is working with whatever is in front of us to create good in our lives. So, what can we do to keep ourselves from being trapped?

By engaging the practices of our faith, with God’s help we can turn around and avoid getting caught in a negativity spiral. Prayer – even as simple as “God this is frustrating, help me through it” can help to break the chain. It can be followed up with “help me to see you at work in my life”, which can shift our attention to look for the positive.

Scripture can also serve as lenses through which to reframe our experiences. For example, I personally reflect on Romans 8:28 when I face challenges which says: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

This doesn’t mean that the situation I find myself in is given by God or that God had ordained the situation, but it is an affirmation that God works within every situation. Holding that God is good, I trust that God is with me in every situation and that through grace, God will work to turn the situation to be of some benefit in some way, shape or form.

This encourages me to start looking for how God is using the situation. There are numerous scriptures that can help us frame our experiences in ways that support us to move beyond “all or nothing thinking” which limits our vision and can lead us away from the joy and peace God desires for us.

Let me end today with the words of Paul taken from his letter to the Philippians, which encourages us to be intentional about where we place our focus and energy. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

As we head into a long weekend let us pray,

God we can get so wrapped up in what is not going well,
What we are missing and what we can’t do
that we miss the blessings and opportunities that you have placed all around us.
Help us to trust that you are working in our lives and want for us to prosper,
Turn our eyes and attention to what is good that we may let that permeate our thoughts
And inspire our engagement. This we pray in Christ’s name.  Amen

1) Sunday February 20th – Worship
2) Closed for Family Day Holiday
3) Upper Room Daily Devotional – March-April
4) Bible Study
5) Thank You UCW and Quilters!
6) FundScrip
7) Parent’s Meeting
8) Nominations for Board and Committees
9) Annual Meeting
10) Offering Envelopes
11) After Hours Locked Mailbox

1) Worship February 20, 2022
We will be open for in-person worship on Sunday. Moving to level 1 of the NB Winter Plan on February 19th means that we can welcome back the choir and congregational signing, with marks on. To attend in-person worship here at St. Paul’s United Church we will still require you to show proof of vaccination. COVID protocols still in play include:
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sitting in the marked pews
– Maintaining 2 meters distance when entering and leaving building
– Singing is permitted by the congregation when wearing a mask

As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom – link is  Passcode: 165090

You can also join by phone only if you would prefer, if you don’t have a long distance plan charges would apply. All you need to do is call 1 647 558 0588 and follow the prompts to enter Meeting ID: 868 5471 8551 and Passcode: 165090

2) Closed for Family Day Holiday: Just a quick reminder that the office will be closed this coming Monday February 21st for Family Day. Rev. Michelle encourages us to connect with family and friends, in a safe and Covid friendly way, and celebrate the blessing they are.

3) Upper Room Daily Devotional: Spend a few moments with God every day. The March-April 2022 Upper Room Daily Devotional has arrived! The Upper Room is a short inspirational reading, with a suggested bible reading. Available for purchase in the office for $2.

4) Bible Study:  Join Rev. Michelle on Wednesdays at 11:15am for bible study. We are back in person, meeting in the parlor. Generally, sessions run 45min-1hour. This coming week’s scripture is John 9:1-41. Due to interest we will attempt a hybrid bible study to join online you can log on using: Passcode: 165090

5) Thank You UCW and Quilters: On behalf of the congregation, thank you for your generous contribution to the church finances of $4,000.00 and $1,700.00!

6) FundScrip: Deadline for next order is Sunday, March 6. Click here for current order form or pick one up in the Narthex. New supporters always welcome! Remember: Shopping is fundraising for St. Paul’s.

7) Parent’s meeting and check-in: Do you have a child 18 or younger? You are invited to join Rev. Michelle today at 7pm for a check-in. I know that the last 2 years have not always been easy, and our faith formation outreach has been mixed. Please take this opportunity to share where you are at, what you think we should do as we build back coming out of pandemic and your view of what the church should be doing moving into future. I want to hear how you are doing and what you need so join on Zoom:  Passcode: 962766

8) Nominations for Committees and Board:  The Annual Meeting is only a week away! Are you or someone you know interested in sitting on the board or a committee? We are specifically seeking individuals interested in forming a Finance Committee, and filling the position of Treasurer and Board Chair. Talk with Rev. Michelle or Member of the board today!

9) Annual Meeting: Please mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting to be held next Sunday February 27th, 2002 at 1pm in the sanctuary and via Zoom.  If you would like to join via Zoom, the link is Passcode: 094593

10) 2022 Offering Envelopes: There are still some 2022 envelopes in the Narthex and in the office. Please call 458-1183 or pick up in the church entrance on Sunday! Please ask Meghan if you wish your envelopes given to a friend for delivery to you.

11) After Hours Locked Mailbox: We have a new locked mailbox for after-hours drop off located at the York Street entrance. Please feel free to also use this box if you wish not to come in to the church or navigate the stairs. It is checked multiple times daily.