It is December 2nd, last week you should have received in the mail a Christmas Newsletter.  If you didn’t, please update your address with the office today!  Included in the newsletter were a couple of advent calendars.  I remember having one of the chocolate ones as a kid, getting a small piece of candy each day, a sweet treat that left me wanting more and excited that tomorrow it would come.  This longing for more and excitement for what to come is the essence of this season, except instead of chocolate we are longing and waiting for Christ.  The advent calendars that were sent out help us to embrace this season, engage our faith in action and prepare our hearts of Christ’s coming.  If you haven’t picked and started yours yet it’s not to late just start now it’s ok.  The options for today are Do a good deed for Someone or Play or listen to your favorite Christmas Music and reflect on happy memories that come to mind.  Each day you will be blessed with a moment to strengthen your faith and they are all really this simple.

This week marks Melissa’s last week with us, I know that all of us who got to meet her are sad to see her leave and are grateful for the work she did catching the office up.  We say thank you for the work she has done and pray blessings on her as she leaves.   As Melissa leaves, she has been showing Meghan the ropes.   As she steps into the administrator role, let us hold her in prayer and give her a warm St. Paul’s welcome.  Please note change in office hours in announcements.

As we continue the journey towards Bethlehem and seek the peace God offers to us let us pray;

In our rushing to do the things we think we need to do you call to us Holy One.
You call to us and say stop.
Be still and know that I am your God.
Help us, to put aside the frantic search for the right gift,
The stress of making sure everything is perfectly prepared,
The weight of expectations we have for this season.
Help us to put away these things because too often
They hide and obscure the true reason we celebrate.
Open our hearts to the baby who gives us all.
Hope, joy, peace and love,
confirmation that nothing can separate us from the love of God,
Life eternal.
Create in us the deep longing to be among those at the stable
Ready, willing, excited to meet the Christ Child.
This we pray in His holy name.  Amen.


1) Worship announcements
2) December Services
3) Updated Office Hours
4) Brown Bag Lunches
5) Holiday FundScrip Orders
6) UCW Christmas Sweet Trays
7) Sunday School Christmas Sale/fundraiser
8) Save the Date – January 15th, 2022
9) Wednesday Bible Study Group
10) Concert Food Banks Fundraiser “The Christmas Story”

1 – This Sunday worship starts at 10:30am.
As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom  Passcode: 165090

If you are joining us on zoom please make sure your microphone stays muted the entire time – if not, we hear your conversation instead of the worship service. 

Please note that as of September 24th, to attend in-person worship here at St. Paul’s United Church you must show proof of vaccination.  We will also be following the same protocols as previous weeks
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sitting in marked pews
– Singing while masked is permitted

Our services are uploaded to our youTUBE channel every Sunday so you can view them at your convenience.

2 – Upcoming December Services:
December 12 – Advent 3: Worship at 10:30
December 19 – Advent 4: Worship at 10:30
December 21 – Longest Night Service at 7pm
December 24 – Christmas Eve Services at 3pm, 7pm, 11pm
December 26 – Downtown United Worship at Wilmot

3 – This week we welcomed our new Church Administrator, Meghan Roebuck, her office hours will be from 8am – 3pm Monday thru Friday.  Please feel free to stop in and introduce yourself!

4 – Brown Bag Lunch Program:  Our shelves are getting low again, and we need drink boxes, canned meats (those with flip tops only), desserts (pudding, fruit cups), and granola bars for our brown bag lunch program.  Drop off anytime during the week or on Sunday before worship.  Thank you in advance for your generosity!

5 – FundScrip: Countdown for Christmas!  FundScrip offers gift cards from over 200 retailers in various denominations. The cards are welcome gifts for family and friends and so easy to shop for.  Many retailers have increased the value of their donations to St. Paul’s during November and December; information sheets available in the Narthex. Deadline for the last order before Christmas will be Sunday, December 12.  Remember, shopping is fundraising for St. Paul’s.

6 – The UCW will be selling trays of assorted sweets for $20.00. Pick up is on Friday, December 10th at the Church. To order, telephone Donna Chauvin at 458-5885 or 458-1898.

7 – Sunday School fundraiser: On Sunday, December 5th, the Sunday School will be selling handmade Christmas cards, ladies knit socks and other crafts to raise money for the purchase of farm animals through World Vision.  We invite you to come to Fraser Memorial Hall after church to join us for Coffee/tea and shopping.

8 – SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, January 15th 2022
In 2030, St. Paul’s United Church in Fredericton is ___________________.  How will you fill in the blank?
Please mark your calendar now and save the morning of Saturday January 15th 2022 for a discussion with your church family about where we see our beloved church in the future.  It’s time to create a shared vision and set a course.  Nothing is impossible, God being our helper!
More details will follow as the plans are put in place – stay tuned!

9 – Lectionary Bible Study:  Join Rev. Michelle Wednesday at 11:11am in the Lady’s Parlor for bible study.  No experience is necessary just an open heart and mind.  Come and have your questions and insights inform Sunday worship.   The reading for next week’s study will be Isaiah 55:1-13

10 – “The Christmas Story” (Narration & music) presented by Lintuhtine Harmonies, directed by Helen Mórag McKinnon and accompanied by Lynn Mills, takes place Sunday, December 5th at 7:00 pm. at Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 512 Charlotte Street. Special guests include Leslee Dell as the Narrator and David Berry, as Organist. Proof of double vaccination must be presented at the door and masks must be worn. A monetary donation will be collected at the door, with the proceeds going to both the Fredericton and Oromocto Food Banks; if you are not comfortable attending but would like to make a monetary donation to the Food Banks as part of our fund raiser, please go to Saint Andrew’s website (www.SAPC.CA ) and donate there – specifying that it is for the Concert Food Banks Fundraiser – and the funds will be forwarded to them. Questions? Contact”