It is Holy Week. One of the things about this week that I find so valuable is that there is space within the story for everyone. Regardless of what you are feeling or experiencing right now, you will find an entry point into the story. Are you looking for change and hopeful that it is coming? – Start in Palm Sunday. Are you facing death or extreme challenges? – flip to the last supper or Jesus on the cross. Struggling with loss and grief? – Join Mary at the tomb. Have new possibilities opened up for you or something unexpected happened to turn your life around? – Sounds like the resurrection. This part of our faith story has it all.

In Godly Play faith education, people are asked open ended questions to dig deeply and engage with the scriptures, in hopes that they become part of you and your life. In the spirit of Godly Play, today I ask the question “Is there any part of this story that we could remove and still have everything we need?” What do you think?

While this year we spend many weeks on the passion, the general pattern of the church is to jump from Palm to Easter Sunday. When we do this, we miss the difficult parts of our story; betrayal, several mock trials, brutal violence and death. While it is more comfortable to not reflect on these aspects of our story, without them the power of the resurrection is lost. When we go from joy to joy, we are never challenged to grow and change. If Jesus never faces the dark, fear and hurt, then how can we know that God is able to fully understand our experience? How do we know God will show up in the dark? Without the dark and difficult parts of our story, the powerful message that death will not win would be missing. With the resurrection, we clearly see a way has been made for love and life. The difficult parts of our faith story give us permission to engage with and work through the difficult parts of our own story, secure in the knowledge that we are not alone, God is with us!

So, I invite you once again to walk through these dark days, so that when the light of the resurrection shines, it will shine so brightly that we cannot help but proclaim Hallelujah!

This weekend we also say goodbye to our good friends John and Geraldine Gaskin as they move from Fredericton to Halifax. Thank you both for all that you have done as part of St. Paul’s and know we will surely miss you. We hold our prayers for safe travels and a bright future in their new hometown and hope you come back for a visit.

As we move into the later part of this Holy Week and towards the dawn of a new day on Easter, let us pray.

God of passionate and vulnerable love,
This week proves there no situation that you would not walk into for me,
As your body hangings on a cross, you take your last breath and I feel lost.
Laid in a tomb, shut up tight, I stand hopeless and loss at this grim sight.
I wonder where I go from here, what steps I can take so full of fear.
But you’re not done. No, not yet.
So, let your spirit blow, O God, move in that tomb again but don’t stop there,
blow through me, this is my prayer.
For you, as victim and victor plea, that death have no power over me.
May I on that day, not far from now, learn the mystery of his hour.
For you are the God of resurrection,
and all you’ve done has set me free.
The stone is moved, new life abounds, let me make a joyful sound.  Amen.

1) Sunday April 17th – Worship
2) Good Friday & Easter Monday Office Closure
3) Dates to Remember
4) Hybrid Sunday School
5) Bible Study
6) Brown Bag Lunch Program
7) Pantry
8) 4 Seasons of Reconciliation
9) 190th Anniversary: 1832-2022
10) TP the Town
11) NB International Student Program
12) St. Paul’s UCW
13) Volunteer Registry
14) Database Update – Personal Contact Information
15) Bulletin & E-News Announcements Deadline
16) Upper Room Daily Devotional – May-June

1) Worship April 17th, 2022
To attend in-person worship at St. Paul’s United Church we will no longer require you to show proof of vaccination. COVID protocols still in play include:
– Wearing a mask at all times
– Sanitizing one’s hands upon entry
– Sitting in the marked pews to maintain distance
– Being aware of social distancing when entering and leaving building
– Coffee time will be available for those who wish to partake. Tables will be set up and you are asked to maintain masks while not eating/drinking and stay seated.
As always, if you are not ready to join us in person we hope to see you on Zoom – link is  Passcode: 165090
You can also join by phone only if you would prefer, if you don’t have a long distance plan charges would apply. All you need to do is call 1 647 558 0588 and follow the prompts to enter Meeting ID: 868 5471 8551 and Passcode: 165090

2) Good Friday & Easter Monday Office Closure: Just a reminder that the office will be closed this Friday, April 15th and Monday Apr 18th. It will reopen on Tuesday morning at 8am.

3) Dates to Remember:
– Maundy Thursday @ Wilmot – April 14th @ 6pm (Pot Luck @ 5:30)
– Good Friday – April 15th at 10:30am
– Easter Sunrise Service @Pedway – April 17th @ 7am followed by breakfast at St. Paul’s

4) Hybrid Sunday School: We are EXCITED to welcome you back to Sunday School. You can join us in person or through the Zoom platform virtually. For now, our Sunday school lessons will be delivered in a hybrid fashion (simultaneously in person and on Zoom).

5) Bible Study:  Join Rev. Michelle on Wednesdays at 11:15am for bible study. We are back in person, meeting in the parlor. Generally, sessions run 45min-1hour. This coming week’s scripture is John 20:19-31. Due to interest, you can also join online. Log in using this link:  and Passcode: 259190

6) Brown Bag Lunch Program: The program needs cans of proteins with flip top lids such as soups, meats, fish. Thanks for everything you wish to donate.

7) Pantry: The pantry needs pudding cups, large apple & orange juice, macaroni, coffee, regular tea bags, ketchup, mayo and miracle whip, pancake syrup, flour. Thank you for your continued generosity.

8) 4 Seasons of Reconciliation: This is a free unique 3-hour self-paced online course that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians through transformative learning about truth and reconciliation. Upon completion of the course, you will be issued a certificate provided by First Nations University of Canada. If interested in this course, add Erin Haye’s email as the person who referred you to access it. For more information about the course visit

9) 190th Anniversary: 1832-2022 – For 190 years, St Paul’s United Church has adapted with the changing times. And after 2 years of global pandemic influences, we are called to rise to another challenge. Our community of faith is exploring avenues that will lead to greater coordination with other congregations and to greater financial stability through different uses of our property. While these routes are being explored, we need to ground ourselves securely to move forward. The most recent budget calls for raising $25,000 in this, our 190th year. 190th Fundraiser ideas and plans are needed. Already, 4 projects have been committed and more are expected – plant sales, hymn sings, raffles, auctions (silent or noisy), breakfasts, and the possibilities go on.
GET STARTED ON A 190th FUNDRAISER NOW – SHARE YOUR IDEAS with DONNA CHAUVIN  458-5885 or ALANNA PALMER  449-1931. We can help get your seed of an idea to bloom.

10) TP the Town: Fredericton High School, Student Representative Council, is hosting the 7th annual TP the Town fundraiser with a goal collecting 25,000 rolls of toilet paper as well as feminine hygiene products. These will be donated to various service organizations across Fredericton. If you are able to donate any TP rolls, they will be collected in the church office until May 6th, 2022 when they are picked up.

11) NB International Student Program: Open your heart and home to an international student! The NB International Student Program is seeking homestays for visiting international students in middle and high school for short term stays (2-4 months), one semester, and full school year. International students come to improve their English, attend school, and live with a New Brunswick family. Host families provide students with their own bedroom, nutritious meals, WIFI, and welcome the student as a member of their family. Homestay families receive a stipend of $750/month to cover expenses. For more information, please contact Lucy Rossiter at 292-8348.

12) St. Paul’s UCW: St. Paul’s UCW are looking for women interested in taking part in planning and implementation of UCW activities and events. This is a great opportunity for fellowship with other women in the congregation. The United Church Women have a long and proud history of contributing their prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the church. If you have some spare time and would like to join this group of amazing women, please speak with Donna Chauvin or Meghan at

13) Volunteer Registry: We are starting a list of folks whom are available to volunteer. From folding bulletins, helping out in the office, security/supervising the door for our renters or community events; during the day, after hours and weekends. If interested please the email the office or speak with Meghan.

14) Database Update – Personal Contact Information: Please forward your contact information (names of family members, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, envelope # [if known] and whether or not you would like to be included in mailouts or email updates. You can forward this information either by completing a Family Information Form for each member of your household while at the church or by email to Meghan at

15) Bulletin & E-News Announcements Deadline: Please note that going forward, the deadline for all announcements is Wednesday at 3pm.

16) Upper Room Daily Devotional: The Upper Room Daily Devotional for May-June has arrived! Both the May-June and March-April booklets are available for purchase in the office for $2.

St. Paul’s United Church
190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and Serving others in Christ’s name

Contact Information
224 York St., Fredericton, N.B. E3B 3P1
Web: | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email:

Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond
Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Rusty Blakely