We continue where we left off with Proverb 1:8-33. Follow the link below for the verses we will be reflecting on today:


As mentioned last week, we are looking at parts 2 and 3 of the first chapter of the book of Proverbs.

Part 2 – The First Teaching (vs 8-19)
The first teaching reminds the reader to heed the instruction and teachings of their parents, but it also goes on to caution against going along with those who would encourage the reader to harm, steal from, even kill their neighbour. While it refers to the wisdom of parents, this could also refer to teachers, instructors, and the law itself, a guiding part of the life and work of the Hebrew people. The author implores the student or learner to heed the teachings of their tradition and to avoid that which harms or diminishes themselves or their neighbour.

Part 3 – The Call of Wisdom (vs 20-33)
Wisdom personified as one who wants only to bring knowledge. There is a significant amount of time spent bemoaning those who shun wisdom or knowledge, choosing their own way contrary to teachings. In many ways it sounds harsh and punitive, but a careful reading shows us that the person of Wisdom is not assigning punishment to those who go their own way. Instead it is more akin to a parent telling a child not to touch something that is hot, only for the child to touch that hot thing. God cannot change the consequences of our choices but, as the person of Wisdom here implies, God’s hand is ever stretched out for us to return to the way we have been called to.

As we reflect on this first teaching and the call from Wisdom, let us look to our own lives and those times where we have endeavored to follow God, as well as those times where we have stumbled seeking our own way. As we do, let us pray:

You are our Teacher, O God. You reveal the world to us as we grow in life, and you reveal a greater reality to us as we grow in faith, Help us to be attentive to your teachings, feasting on your word, and allowing it to twine itself with our will. Guide us, we pray. Show us your way, we pray. AMEN