Praying through the Proverbs – October 9th
This week we are reflecting on the 2nd chapter of Proverbs. The full reading can be found by following the link below:

Here the author spends a great deal of time speaking to the virtues of wisdom and the pursuit of wisdom. We also hear that wisdom is not something that we gain simply through our own logic or through human observation, but is ultimately a gift of God to the people, that the pursuit of wisdom begins and ends with God.

Chapter 2 may provide a roadblock for some because after speaking to the virtue of wisdom, there are a few verses warding the reader or the student from the “strange woman”. As with any piece of scripture where a race or gender is used in this, we must be careful of how we understand the meaning intended by the author and our own interpretation.

If we recall in chapter 1, a woman is described there as well. This woman is called wisdom, and is the personification of what the first part of chapter 2 is speaking about. This is the key when we come to either “Woman Wisdom” or the “Strange Woman”. In both cases a gender is being used to describe values and roads that the reader/student should or shouldn’t hold and walk respectively. To take it beyond the metaphor would be an injustice to the author, yourself as the reader, and to women everywhere.

Knowing that, we can see the parallels that the author is drawing between the virtues of wisdom and the folly of ignorance. This will happen quite often through the Proverbs as the author or instructor seeks to show us a way, one that leads to God, love, and wisdom, while at the same time teaching us about the perils of ignoring God’s calls and teachings.

As we seek our own path from this reading, it is important to start from the source, from God. In seeking the divine on our way, keeping God’s will and Christ’s teachings at the center of our being. As we continue our journey through these wisdom writings, may the Holy Spirit be our guide.

Let us pray:

In you, O God, we see the way to the light, but as much as you call to us we often go our own way. When we stumble in the darkness of our own pride, humble us,embrace us,encourage us. Remind us that our journey through life is one of discovery not on our own but in partnership with you. Help us, O God, to follow. Help us, O God, when we falter. Teach us, O God, we pray. All this we offer in the strong name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. AMEN