In a few weeks we will be moving into the season of preparation; Advent. As we continue to reflect on the Proverbs, we turn to chapter 6, a collection of practical teachings. The whole of the chapter can be found by following the link below.

Between avoiding evil and avoiding adultery, there are a few verses that stand out. “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him”. What follows is a list that, in shorthand, encapsulates many of the teachings from our Holy Scriptures. Let’s unpack them a bit:
Haughty Eyes: looking on others with disdain or as if they were somehow below you or inferior. In God’s love we share common ground with none standing above another
A Lying Tongue & A Lying Witness who Testifies Falsely: (possibly the reason there are six then seven things the Lord hates). Lying is often seen as something most wreched in God’s sight. Whether it be lying about one’s self, or another, when we withhold the truth we are holding power over another that is not ours.
Hands That Shed Innocent Blood & Feet That Hurry To Run To Evil: We are called to be the hands and feet of God in the world. With that call comes a deal of responsibility and power. Ours is not the task to oppress when our hands were made to embrace in love. Ours is not to walk the path of evil, when we have been called to that of righteousness.
A Heart That Devises Wicked Plans: When we discern our center, it is often easy to place ourselves at the center of our lives and plans. This can also lead to doing for ourselves at the expense of others. God calls us to a different way, one that puts the Holy at the center of our being, a center from which we are called to walk in service to the world.
One Who Sows Discord In A Family: Family is one of the most, if not the most, important unit in the time of the early Hebrew people. It still is to many in our world. We also know that schisms in families can cause years of grief and stress
As we reflect on this list, as we march towards the first Sunday in Advent: Hope, in what ways have we carried qualities found on this lest. Maybe we have not embodied them wholly, but perhaps we have dipped our toe off the path that God has called us to.

Let us take these words to heart seeking to make God’s will our own. Let us pray:

God of Wisdom and Truth, in the course of our lives you reveal yourself and your will to us. Speak to us again, and guide us on the way that you would have us go. Place your teachings in our hearts and send your Spirit to guide us. In the strong name of our Lord Jesus Christ we pray. AMEN