While every day is a gift, we hear the words of this Psalm is a different light during this time of year. Walking the road of Lent, the cross has been casting a shadow that has grown as we approached it. It is easy to get caught up in the fear if that shadow, to run from the tragedy, the pain, and the humiliation that it represents. But as we come closer, as we open our eye to look at the cross, to look beyond it, we can see the light that is shining on the other side.

This light shines from the empty tomb. It is a light of hope, of mystery, of new life. We gather this coming Sunday to bask in this light, to embrace the love that it represents and the joy that the miracle brings.

Let us walk these last few days to the cross. To be present in that moment, acknowledge the darkness, and then allow the light to wash over us.

Let us pray

Psalm 118:22-24

The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Transforming God, you turn the darkest night to bright new day, the cross from symbol of brokenness to one of hope, and you turn the tomb from a place of death to the beginning of new life. Walk with us in these final days of Lent as they give way to the season of Easter. Give us courage on days when we are filled with fear. Help us to support one another when the weight of our worries brings us low. Most of all, walk with us, we pray. We are the people that you have made. We rejoice in the gift of this and every day. In the name of the Risen One we pray. AMEN