Anniversaries are great times to look backward and look forward. Looking forward has been a challenge since the pandemic started. While the pandemic isn’t over – with fingers crossed – our plan to host a time of coffee and conversation time after worship on Sunday will not have to shift. In person worship coffee time […]
Weekly eNews
E-News October 28th, 2021
Halloween (All Hollow’s Eve), All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day are just around the corner. We are taking time this Sunday to remember and celebrate those among our communion of saints who died since the pandemic started. This Sunday we will have a special liturgy of remembrance and the opportunity to light a candle […]
E-News October 21, 2021
Have you been feeling lately like we are living in “in-between” time? As the pandemic has worn on and the reality that it was not going to be over quickly set in many of us into a holding pattern. One in which the end seems so far away. This week’s Sunday scripture finds us in […]