Stories are important, vitally important to our understanding of the world and ourselves. Don’t believe me? Think about what happens when you get together with an old friend, are flipping through a photo album or even during the reception of a funeral. With and old friend we catch up on what has happened in our […]
Weekly eNews
Weekly E-News for May 12th, 2022
Vitality is the state of being strong, active, and resilient. We can tell when an organization or individual is full of vitality. There is an attraction to places of vitality, like a silver coin laying on the ground, we are drawn towards their shine. When we see vitality in people, there is a deep resonance […]
Weekly E-News for May 5th, 2022
Have you been tired lately? I know that I have. For me, part of it is physical tiredness caused by staying up to late talking with my sister while she was visiting over Easter, and a healthy dose of a 2 year old refusing to stay asleep at night. There are times when we all […]