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Weekly eNews

Weekly E-News for June 9th, 2022

The church is not a business. I know that there are some of you right now ready to argue with me, but the truth is, the church is not a business. The church is the gathered people of God. As individuals gathered to help us navigate life together, we have built structures and roles, policies […]

Weekly E-News for June 2nd, 2022

During a meeting this week, the topic of the younger generations in the church was raised and how COVID has decimated many of the children, youth and family programs that churches were running pre-pandemic. The presenter had said that these programs, may be harder to reboot or grow because of the general population has come […]

Weekly E-News for May 26th, 2022

It has been a heavy couple of weeks. Heartbreaking mass shootings have filled the news; 10 people died in buffalo while getting groceries, 5 injured and a woman who lost her life while having coffee after church, and another school shooting leaving 21 families devastated. The war in Ukraine continues. Then the details from the […]