Welcome back to our loyal shoppers who support this fundraising program by purchasing gift cards every month. We’d like to see this number grow. If you are not familiar with the program, here’s the scoop . . .

FundScrip is Canada’s most successful Gift Card Fundraiser. The process is simple. You purchase gift cards to cover all your shopping needs . . . groceries, gas, hardware, restaurants, etc. Cards are available in different denominations from over 200 New Brunswick retailers. When you purchase a card the retailer makes a donation to St. Paul’s calculated as a percentage of the card’s value. There is no cost to you for this donation. You receive the full face value of every card you purchase.

Order forms are available through the church office or by clicking June 9th FundScrip Order Form here. Your order must be pre-paid by cash, cheque or e-transfer. The deadline for orders is the first Sunday of each month.

Your completed order and payment to Meghan in the church office by the first Sunday of the month or give it to team leader Carole Peacock. The cards arrive in just a few days and will be available the following Sunday.

This is an on-going fundraiser at St. Paul`s and we hope you will become a regular supporter! Gift cards make wonderful gifts for children, grandchildren, friends, colleagues, birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, tokens of appreciation. You could even donate a gift card to St. Paul`s Pantry and get a tax receipt! The program is open to everyone; please share this information with family and friends.

Print your order form June 9th FundScrip Order Form

Shopping is fundraising for St. Paul’s!