What is the Church? Often we talk about the building being the church, however theologically the church is the people gathered together to live the way of Christ. Our new creed summed it up this way
“We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God’s presence,
to live with respect in Creation,
to love and serve others,
to seek justice and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
our judge and our hope.”
This week the line “to live with respect in Creation” has jumped out at me, as Tuesday on the news reported that the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had issued a Code Red for humanity. This effectively says that we need to act now if the worst of the effects of climate change are to be avoided. We are first hand witnesses to the impact of climate change which fuels extreme weather events. The number of extreme weather events both here in Canada and around the world is like a big white flag being waved calling for peace and help.
At the 3rd Annual General Meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (our region) the working group on ecological justice of the Mission and Outreach Committee brought forth a proposal calling upon its communities of faith to prioritize the need for work towards climate justice. Did you know that as a denomination the UCC has pledged to reduce carbon emissions in our buildings by 80% by 2050?
Currently there are several programs, both within the church and beyond, that could help our congregation move into a more eco-friendly state and take a step towards the denomination’s goals. These programs may also help us to address some of the challenges that face our congregation such as an aging heating system and our energy consumption. Do you have a passion for reducing your environmental impact or want to see the church move into a more sustainable path? If what you have read above excites you or interests you, that is the Holy Spirit at work within you, please offer yourself as a member of the group looking into the programs available and moving forward on those that are a good fit. Contact Board Chair Jane Blakely or Rev Michelle to offer your passion and skills to this important work.
As we move into another HOT end of the week, please keep safe. Let us pray;
You planned the intricate balance of our world
and the biodiversity that we experience every day,
calls us to praise you and an echo of thank you to spread across our lands.
You called us to be stewards of this great gift.
We have not always done this well,
and now the planet cries out in pain and frustration.
Stir us from our complicity.
Drive us to respond.
Uphold us in the hard changes that need to happen.
For our sake, and for the sake of the poorest who are hurt the most yet can do the least to stop climate changes and for the plants and animals,
guide us back to a time when the garden was at peace. This we pray.
In the name of Christ, the redeemer. Amen.
- Worship announcements
- Church office hours
- Rev Michelle vacation and emergency pastoral care
- Board update
- Minutes of the 3rd Annual meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters
- Greening Church
- Outdoor painting at rentals
1) Downtown United Summer Services:
The church is not closed, we are just worshiping at Wilmot United for the month of August. The service begins at 10:30 am.
We are reminded that they are SCENT free. As part of making sure that everyone still feels comfortable, their COVID Committee has decided that when coming to worship expectations will be:
-Sanitize your hands when you enter
-Masks are required
-Congregational singing is allowed (which is new for Wilmot)
-Socially distanced seating is continued
You may also access the service from the safety of your own home through our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/wilmotunitedchurch or later through the Wilmot Website http://www.wilmotuc.nb.ca.
2) Interim Church Office Hours: August office hours are:
Monday to Thursday inclusive from 10 am -2 pm.
3) Rev Michelle on vacation: Rev Michelle is on vacation from August 13-August 27th. In the event of a pastoral emergency please call Ellen Beairsto (506) 206-1943.
4) Board Update: – The board has been busy behind the scenes helping to coordinate some major projects in the church to get us off to a good start in September. Here are a few of the items we have been dealing with:
- Property Cell Phone for alarm calls and emergency building needs
- Authorized purchase of server and up to date computer for accounting/bookkeeper
- Authorized the development of accounting system to allow for faster and easier reporting
- Reviewing and developing security procedures including tenant security agreements
- Working to implement retiring and reissuing all alarm and door codes.
- Received and in the process of striking up a working group to look at the greening of church grants and how this can benefit our congregation.
- Started to look at the congregation’s response to COVID while we are in the green phase. The Board will be holding a special meeting to finalize the plan closer to September. Currently the congregation and renters are asked to wear a mask while moving around the building. Once in a meeting space, then the group will make that decision.
5. Minutes of the 3rd Annual meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters can be found at the bottom of the Annual Meeting webpage: https://ucceast.ca/fundy-st-lawrence-dawning-waters-regional-council-14/fsldw-annual-meeting-2021/
6. Greening Church: If the Spirit has tweaked your interest in or you are interested in how to make our church greener by exploring grant programs that we could take advantage of please contact Board chair Jane Blakely or Rev. Michelle. For more information on some of the grants/opportunities check out the faithful footprints program at https://www.faithfulfootprints.org/
7. Outdoor Painting at Rentals: Have you looked at the Turner House in the last day or so? If you did you would see that part of the deck has been painted. Property is looking for people to help finish the painting and spruce up the manse building. The facelift made a huge difference and helps to protect our investment. If you can help contact Patty Trail at 457-2273 or text 451-3329.