Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.
                                                                                           – 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Greetings Kindred in Christ,

This week we are walking the road to Pentecost Sunday, the day that marks the birth of our church. In the Acts of the Apostles we hear of the Holy Spirit descending like wind and flame on the people. In a moment in time, we see the guide promised by Christ descend into our lives. The fire is a reminder that as lost as we feel or as dark as it gets, that Holy Flame will always burn bright and guide us on the way.

In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians we hear about the many gifts that come from that same Spirit. The variety of these gifts is wide; they include all those who call out to and follow Christ. You have a special gift too, something you can do and offer that no one else can, at least not in the way you do it. As a community of faith, we need all kinds of gifts and people to serve. As members of the body of Christ we only are our best when all members engage their gifts for the whole. Prayerfully consider what you can bring to the building up of the kingdom of God in this place, even now in the midst of a pandemic.

As we reflect on the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we cannot help but see the colours of red, orange, and yellow flash through our minds. In light of where we are as a province, those colours also mean something else. At the end of last week we moved into the “yellow” phase, which means a loosening of restrictions and increase in the number of people who can be in the same space (with physical distancing). But looking at the region map of New Brunswick today, we see that yellow isn’t the only colour out there. Our kindred in region 5 (Campbellton Area) have moved back to the “orange” phase because of 3 new cases that have developed there. While we pray for our brothers and sisters in Campbellton and across the province, let us also remain vigilant as we continue our way through this pandemic as safely as possible.

The days ahead will be a give and take of living into the increased freedoms and remaining careful for the safety of all. We continue to be the church, and have a number of activities that you can participate in from the safety of your home. Look below to see the ways you can participate and share your gifts.

Possible Return Survey: On Sunday, May 24th, the Board of St. Paul’s discussed the prospect of doing a trial open for the Sundays in June when we aren’t worshipping with Wilmot (Sundays June 7th, 14th, 21st). On Monday, May 25th a survey went out to members seeking interest in such a trial, as well as volunteers to make it happen. We’re asking all of you to respond to this survey (even if in-person attendance is a “no” from you) so that we can gauge interest. The survey can be found at the following link:

Pictures for Pentecost: This Sunday we are hoping our special church project will materialize. Our hope is to have as many members dress in their yellows, oranges, and reds, take a picture and send it to the church office ( We have been asking for these pictures since the end of April, but tomorrow is that last day we can accept pictures to make this happen. Please send them to the church office as soon as you can. On Pentecost (Sunday May 31st) we’ll have a special slide show.

More Music in Worship: Well, not necessarily more, but more variety. This past week we welcomed the voice of Alexis, our Choir Director as she sang a hymn. Her voice will be joining us each Sunday that we gather moving forward. We also want to extend the invitation to anyone who would offer their gifts, whether you can play or sing, to make our worship experience even better. Please contact Rev. Richard if you would like to sing or play (or both) during an upcoming Sunday service:, (506)262-2150

Mapping Out Maternity: We’re in the last week before Rev. Michelle goes off on parental leave and that means we’re going to be doing some planning. June, July, and August are already mapped out, but in the coming weeks and months Rev. Richard will be reaching out to some of you to be a part of the way we worship and be the church over the next year. Rev. Michelle starts her leave on June 1st with some vacation time to get ready for the incoming new family member. Keep her, Mike, Reid, and baby-to-be in your prayers.

Helping people engage: we have started a pick-up option for resources to strengthen your faith. If there is something on our website that you would like access to but don’t have a way to access or print. Just call Eric in the office 458-1183 and he will make sure it gets into the purple folder on the Charlotte Street door for pick up at your convenience.

Pastoral Care: Your spiritual health is so important to us. We developed the phone tree to keep the church connected as we move through this pandemic, but it is not meant to stop you from reaching out to your Minister. Contact information is below:
-Rev. Richard: (506)262-2150,

Even as the church prepares for the coming months, we are finding ways to reach out, connect, and engage with one another. These ways may look different from what we are used to, but they are helping us build strong bonds as a community of faith.

Check out some of the ways you can engage with and deepen your faith here at St. Paul’s United Church:

Sunday Worship: Every week since suspension of in-person activities at St. Paul’s, Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard have been leading worship virtually.
-Join us for our live service through Zoom or Facebook Live:
Facebook Live:
Starting on June 7th, we will be shifting from Facebook Live to Youtube live. If you haven’t already, we suggest that you Subscribe and click the Bell icon on our Youtube channel to get the latest updates. Subscription is not required to watch our videos (live or prerecorded). The Link for our Youtube channel is below.
If you can’t join us live you can find recordings on Facebook, on our Youtube Channel, or at the St Paul’s website
St. Paul’s United Website: (just scroll down and find the date you want)

Prayer Services: Every week, Rev Richard records an evening and a morning prayer service. You can join him live on Sunday nights at 7pm or Wednesday mornings at 10am, or you can make use of the recordings any time. Please note that these will continue until the end of June, after which we will move to a single prayer service a week.
Live Prayer Services: Morning Prayer – Evening Prayer –
Recorded Services:
On Facebook –
On Youtube –

Spiritual Practices: there are a variety of tools for developing and exploring faith on our website for people of all ages.

Call for Social Action: the United Church is calling on church members to take a stand for social justice and the elimination of poverty.  For how you can participate at


As we move towards Pentecost Sunday and reflect on the ways that the Holy Spirit is guiding us, even now, even through this pandemic, let us remember that there is still a part for the church to play in caring for the community and for the world.

Let us turn in prayer to the one who blesses us with all that we have, and with all that we have to give.

We burn with your Spirit, O God.
It descends on us like rain;
It blows around us like wind;
It is a part of us.

We burn with your Spirit, O God.
It guides us on the way that you are walking;
It shows us the places where you are working;
It inspires us.

We burn with your Spirit, O God.
Our light.
Our way.
Our hope.

We burn with your Spirit, O God.
Let us set the church on fire with life everlasting.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle