Brothers and Sisters Fall Kick-Off is almost here!

This means St. Paul’s is about to become a very happening place. If you haven’t joined us since summer break you will notice a few changes. Fresh lines in the parking lot to help us all find a space, a friendly welcome if you come in the Charlotte Street door, a new children’s area in the hall, and the nursery has been updated to welcome the youngest in our midst and their parents!

You will want to come to St. Paul’s this Sunday, September 9, as we start the new program year with so many great things happening:

-Come at 10:10am for a classic hymn sing along with Saints and Sinners (St. Paul’s sing along band)
-Experience the St. Paul’s Players dramatize the Scripture
-Get your backpack blessed (brief cases welcome too) during our story time. Don’t forget yours.
-Sunday school regular program starts and youth will be meeting
-Children’s Choir starts
-Stay after service for a BBQ – with regular hotdogs/hamburgers, veggie burgers/dogs and of course Cake!

Who, what, when, why? The basics of communication, this weekend and over the course of September committees have been asked to produce a trifold display that will be posted in the main level of the sanctuary. Learn about what a committee does, what they will be up to this year and who you would be joining should you want to join the activity.

Other dates to look out for:

-Friday Sept 7, youth are encouraged to Gather after school for an exposure experience as we learn more about our first nations neighbours and experience their traditions at the teaching pow-wow at UNB (runs from 2-6). We will meet at the church after school…then we will head up together once everyone has gathered (if High school student are interested we can swing by and pick you up). All who are able will then go for dinner at Wendy’s pick-up 8:30pm. To attend as the church group we will need to know by 10am on Friday. RSVP to Rev. Michelle at

-Where is Flat Jesus? There is so much going on this Sunday we are moving our slide show of Flat Jesus’ Adventures to September 16th. This means if you still have a photo from your adventures it is not too late send them in today!

-Board meets on September 11th @7pm. Interested in attending or knowing more? Meetings are open to the congregation to observe if you desire speak to a member of the board.

-Like to sing? Interested in finding out what makes the Choir tick (or is that hum)? You are invited to Fraser Memorial Hall on September 13th @ 6:30pm to share in some food and refreshments as the Choir shares in fellowship with you, and then stay to try out a Choir practice. Come sing with us for a night; see how much fun we have. No experience needed, nor do you have to read music. Come check us out!

-September 21st Youth group evening. Theme God Made Me, God Made You. New Time: 6:00-9:00pm. Fraser Memorial Hall.

-What did Dr. Sharon Pond do this summer? You are invited to a mini-recital, slideshow and talk entitled “An Organ Odyssey: my adventure in Haarlem, Netherlands” here on Sunday, September 23, at 2:30pm in the sanctuary. Come see and hear the wonderful organs that Sharon played and heard in the Netherlands.

-Sunday, September 30th we have our first Bring-a-Friend-to-Church Sunday of the fall. You are encouraged to invite a friend or family member to join you for worship and check out what our congregation has to offer, including a time of fellowship afterwards. We like to eat, so if you can bring some food to share (soup, sandwiches, your favorite potluck food), but if you can’t, we hope you bring yourself to share in the food and conversation.


As we eagerly prepare for the kick-off Sunday let us pray…

God of new beginnings, of reunion after time apart and of continued stories,
we give thanks for your faithfulness throughout the long summer days
and the promise to be with us as we move into this new program year.
Help us in this time to ground our comings and goings this season in you,
that we not get swept away by situations that come and go or any waves that might come our way.
Remind us to gather with each other for it is in community that we experience your presence most fully,
and in our time may we grow in your likeness and love.
In the strong name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Your Ministry Team;
Rev. Michelle, Pastor Sarah and Rev. Richard

The bulletin for this Sunday is available for download here .