Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Before we get into the news of the church, let’s take time to reflect on our provincial election. Let us not be bogged down by the news of leaders vying for position. Instead, as we have taken part in the work of our provinces politics, let us pray for these, our elected leaders. May they find a way to work together for the betterment of the province and its people, especially those most vulnerable who rely on government systems for care. May we be a stronger people as we build bridges and connections. Keep your elected leaders in your prayers in the coming weeks and months.

This coming Sunday, September 30th, is the first of our Bring-a-Friend-to-Church fellowship Sundays! This means that all are encouraged to invite a friend to worship to experience the faith that you have found here. The focus scripture for this Sunday is a selection of verses from Exodus 14. Here we see the story of the Hebrew people’s flight from Egypt to the shores of the Red Sea. We hear also of God’s deliverance in the parting of the sea. Come and experience the story and the truth that lives there for yourself. Following worship there will be a luncheon, and we are encouraging people to bring a soup or some sandwiches to share. Even if you cannot bring food to share, come and share in the fellowship that we find together in that time.

As September wanes and October looms there are a number of activities both near at hand and on the horizon, so get your calendars ready:

-Youth will be at Forest Hill this Sunday leading the worship service that they made while camping this past summer. Don’t worry, St. Paul’s will be blessed by this service on Sunday, October 14.

-the St. Paul’s UCW is holding its annual Rummage sale this weekend! On Saturday, September 29th from 9-noon, come to Fraser Memorial Hall at the church and find your treasures. From fall and winter clothing to small household items, there is something for everyone!

-On Friday, October 12 from 7-9:30 youth group will be gathering for game night, both games like exploding Kittens, or what’s that Meme and party games like how fast can you cycle through a stack of cups or unload a klennex box.

-Prayer Workshop: Uncomfortable with prayer? Looking to strengthen your prayer life? All are encouraged to take part in a 4 week prayer workshop running from October 16th to November 6th @ 7 pm in the Ladies’ parlour. Find out more on information and sign-up sheets in the narthex, the office, and Fraser Memorial Hall.

-Silent Film with Organ Improvisation: On October 29th, there will be a showing of the silent film The General. As with the silent film last year, there will be organ accompaniment offered by David Drinkell. All the playing is improvised as the movie plays and as the laughs flow. Youth will be helping sell popcorn and pop at the silent movie.

-On Sunday, November 4th, St. Paul’s is having its 186th anniversary! Come and celebrate the years of worship, prayer and praise that has taken place at the corner of York and George.

Though we are fully into Fall, we hope that you take the warm memories of the summer with you. Below is a link to the adventures that Flat Jesus went on with the people of St. Paul’s United Church:

As the colours of the leaves begin to turn and the nights become both longer and cooler, let us hold close that light that shines from within, a light that brings life, love, and hope, the light of Christ. Let us pray:

As the Hebrew people stood at the edge of the Red Sea,
so we stand on the edge of what might yet be.
give us a light, a hope, a way,
guide us into tomorrow, remembering today.
Because growth comes from what has past,
and while pain will end, it’s teachings last.
Part the ways before us, O Holy One we plea,
we’ll follow ever after thee. AMEN

Yours in Christ,
The St. Paul’s Ministry Team
(Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle, & Pastor Sarah)

Also the bulletin for our Bring-a-Friend-to-Church Sunday can be downloaded by clicking here.