Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As the last few days of summer linger, and the first official day of fall is upon us, the leaves begin to change colour, and we’re reminded that God has provided markers to help us remember changes that take place in our lives. Things don’t stay the same. With each change in the seasons, we can look back and marvel at what is new and what is no more.

In the midst of all the changes in our lives, there are a number of things happening in our community that we want you all to be aware of:

Adult Ministry:
– Our women’s group, Spirit Sisters, is starting up again on Monday, September 24th at 7pm in the Ladies Parlour. For the fall, we’ve decided to do something a little different – as everyone has busy schedules and the fall is packed with lots of activity, instead of meeting every week, we’ll be meeting on the last Monday of the month for the fall. Our first gathering for the fall will be guest-led by Barbara Cull-Wilby, and the spiritual practice we will be exploring is “Yoga, Meditation, and Laughter.” Barbara used to lead “Love Yoga” classes at St. Paul’s, focusing on The Great Commandment of Jesus, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and love our neighbours as ourselves. She connects this central Christian teaching with the yogic focus of spiritual oneness, in ways that are spiritually accessible and fun. No experience or equipment is necessary, all abilities are welcome.

– St. Paul’s Yarn Ministry will be meeting for the first time on Wednesday, Sept. 26, from 7-9. This will be mostly a planning session, so feel free to just bring along whatever project you’re currently working on. We’ll chat about what we’d like to do this year and have a look at some patterns. Feel free to bring your favourites along.

– Prayer Workshop: Uncomfortable with prayer? Looking to strengthen your prayer life? All are encouraged to take part in a 4 week prayer workshop running from October 16th to November 6th @ 7 pm in the Ladies’ parlour. Find out more on information and sign-up sheets in the narthex, the office, and Fraser Memorial Hall.

Music Ministry:
– Like to sing? Consider joining St. Paul’s Adult Choir! The adult choir sings most Sunday mornings from September to June, as well as some fun special events like our annual Advent Carol Festival. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm until about 8:30 pm. For more information, please contact our choir director, Alexis Ervin at

– What did Dr. Sharon Pond do this summer? You are invited to a mini-recital, slideshow and talk entitled “An Organ Odyssey: my adventure in Haarlem, Netherlands” here on Sunday, September 23, at 2:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Come see and hear the wonderful organs that Sharon played and heard in the Netherlands.

Youth and Children’s Ministry:
– September 21st Youth group evening. Theme God Made Me, God Made You. New Time: 6:00-9:00pm. Fraser Memorial Hall.

– If you haven’t already done so, please feel free to check out and explore our new and improved nursery and K/1 Sunday school rooms. A big thank you to all of our donors, as well as everyone who helped make the transformation possible!

– Saturday, September 29th from 9 am – noon: UCW Rummage Sale. Items may be dropped off anytime next week. The UCW are looking for clean wearable fall and winter clothing, small household items such as lamps, kitchen items, yarn, puzzles, shoes, bedding, children’s toys. We are unable to accept large items like stoves, washer/dryer, etc. Many thanks for all you are able to contribute.

– Sunday, September 30th we have our first Bring-a-Friend-to-Church Sunday of the fall. You are encouraged to invite a friend or family member to join you for worship and check out what our congregation has to offer, including a time of fellowship afterwards. We like to share meals together, so if you can bring some food to share (soup, sandwiches, your favourite potluck food), but if you can’t, we hope you bring yourself to share in the food and conversation.

– Vesey’s seeds and bulbs for fall planning and Christmas wrapping paper are on sale in the hall. Funds from the sale go to support the youth group of St. Paul’s United Church. Orders due by September 26th. Contact Rev. Michelle or order this Sunday.


As we dive into the new and exciting changes in our midst, and say farewell to summer at the start of a new season, I am reminded of Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 which begins “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven; a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted…” We often take for granted the wonder that is the workings of our world. We hardly note the passing of the equinoxes or the turning of leaves. We don’t even think about the intricacies of it all and how fragile this world is and yet how enduring and magnificent. Each of us lives out our years in a part of the world where the average life expectancy is in the mid 80’s. We move through each day and talk about how hot or how cold it is without remembering the same conversation a year ago. We become so wrapped up in the here and now that we ignore the workings of the universe and the passage of time or the changing of the seasons. Part of this may be due to our ability to be insulated from these changes today. We can watch our favourite programs on our own schedule rather than natural time and we don’t have to fret about above average or below average temperatures with the convenience of air conditioners and furnaces. We can almost become persuaded that we are in control and are indeed masters of our own fate.

One might almost be persuaded that we are in control if one had not read and pondered Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 or any of the other wonderful scriptures that remind us of the wonders of God’s world and that we are God’s creation. None of what we have in the world came from us. Everything in it came from God; from the principles that apply in the working of any mechanism to the formulas that went into making the latest plastic. Can humankind turn back the clock or speed up the clock? Only within the boundaries that make up the world that God created. So, start getting ready to put away those summer duds and looking for the long sleeve flannel shirts and pumpkin spice lattés. Just remember, we live in God’s world, and we are not alone. Thanks be to God!

Your Ministry Team;
Pastor Sarah, Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard

The Bulletin is also available for download from here.