Sisters and Brothers,

Last week was a wonderful kick-off to our fall season,

Music, drama and food and our amazing congregation…could we have asked for anything more? We celebrated the beginning of a new year with style. This summer you were challenged to take flat Jesus with you on your adventures. This Sunday come before the service to see where and what flat Jesus was up to this summer!

We will also be celebrating the Wark Scholarship going to Isaac Grant this year as he starts his first year at the University of New Brunswick.

Fall bulbs, sprout seeds and gift wrap: After a rough spring (I know my seedlings got hit by frost), the youth group will be placing a fall order for winter gift wrap and spring bulbs (tulips in this flier). Campaign fliers will be in Fraser Memorial Hall this week. Orders can be placed through Rev. Michelle during the week or next Sunday. This isn’t a long campaign so act now!

This year we (your ministry team) want to challenge you to be intentional about deepening your faith. The deeper our faith is the stronger our congregation, the deeper our faith the more receptive we are to God who is speaking a vision to our congregation, the deeper our faith the better able we are to faithfully address the challenges that come our way. Jesus’ disciples were always learning and growing, let us follow that pattern as we seek to follow Jesus too. To make this easier there will be some changes in the ways in which our adult programs will run this fall.

-Spirit sisters will shift from a weekly program to monthly event (more info soon)
-Men’s breakfast will be coming back to engage the men of our congregation
-Instead of a book conversation group Rev. Richard will be leading a 4 week series on prayer starting October 16th. Speak to Rev. Richard to register.
-If a book study tickles your fancy, contact Chris Walker for information on an in depth book about Paul he is hoping to read with a group.
-Jen Petryshen is starting a yarn ministry, see her lovely trifold at the back of the sanctuary for more information.
-Sr. Bible study participants check with Chris Grant about plans for this Fall.

As you can see there is going to be no shortage of things to try, and keep your eyes open for other opportunities that present themselves both inside our congregation and beyond.

Other dates to look out for:

-Sunday September 16th Inter-denominational and non-partisan Election prayer service is happening at 6:30 a the Fredericton Christian Academy gym (778 MacLaren Ave). Come and pray for the candidates and our community during this election season.

-Friday September 21st Youth (Middle School and High School) will be gathering at St Paul’s Fraser Memorial Hall from 7:00-9:30 (NOTE TIME CHANGE). God Made Me and God Made You! Come and explore how God made you a special part of our group. How we bring skills and gifts together to have fun, help out, and live God’s call to be the church. Explore your giftedness through activities, games and time together

-What did Dr. Sharon Pond do this summer? You are invited to a mini-recital, slideshow and talk entitled “An Organ Odyssey: my adventure in Haarlem, Netherlands” here on Sunday, September 23, at 2:30pm in the sanctuary. Come see and hear the wonderful organs that Sharon played and heard in the Netherlands.

-Sunday, September 30th we have our first Bring-a-Friend-to-Church Sunday of the Fall. You are encouraged to invite a friend or family member to join you for worship and check out what our congregation has to offer, including a time of fellowship afterwards. We like to eat, so if you can bring some food to share (a soup, sandwiches, your favorite potluck food), but if you can’t, we hope you bring yourself to share in the food and conversation.

-October 16th Prayer workshop starts. Register with Rev. Richard to learn about and deepen your prayer practice.
Of course continue to join us for worship, this week we are going to be hearing about the call of Abram (Genesis 12:1-9). After hearing God’s promise last week, we now hear about how Abram steps out in faith into a new land and new identity as the father of a great nation, displaying great trust in God’s good word. As we finish off our week let us pray…

God you call us to be your faithful people, we pray that you give us the ears to hear you speaking to us and the courage to follow you into the future you have prepared for us, even if it means leaving some things behind, even if it means short term struggle for long term gain, even if it means entering into the unknown. Help us to believe that when you say –
“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you;
I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”
-that you are talking to us and that this is what you are already doing in our midst. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Your Ministry Team
(Rev. Michelle, Rev. Richard and Pastor Sarah)

The bulletin is also available for download from here.