Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 4:6-7

Perhaps that is the invitation for us all this Thanksgiving weekend, between raking leaves and preparing food and trying to get that long autumnal to-do list done. Perhaps our invitation is to spend some time in prayerful reflection of all the things that we can be thankful for.

At St. Paul’s, there is much new life and busyness, the turning over of many new leaves, all of which we are thankful for. Here are some specific items to mark on your calendars:


-Sunday, October 7th is both Thanksgiving Sunday and World Wide Communion Sunday, when we get to celebrate the Lord’s Supper with our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.

-Our Heritage and Resources Committee at St. Paul’s will be rolling out an exciting new Envelope Challenge this Sunday, in preparation for St. Paul’s Anniversary celebration – be sure to listen for details in the service!

-On Friday, October 12 from 7-9:30 Youth Group will be gathering for game night, both games like exploding Kittens, or what’s that Meme and party games like how fast can you cycle through a stack of cups or unload a Kleenex box.

-On Sunday, October 14th the Youth will be leading the worship service that they made while camping this past summer.

-Prayer Workshop: Uncomfortable with prayer? Looking to strengthen your prayer life? All are encouraged to take part in a 4 week prayer workshop running from October 16th to November 6th @ 7 pm in the Ladies’ parlour. Find out more on information and sign-up sheets in the narthex, the office, and Fraser Memorial Hall.

-Silent Film with Organ Improvisation: On October 29th, there will be a showing of the silent film The General. As with the silent film last year, there will be organ accompaniment offered by David Drinkell. All the playing is improvised as the movie plays and as the laughs flow. Youth will be helping sell popcorn and pop at the silent movie.

-On Sunday, November 4th, St. Paul’s is having its 186th anniversary! Come and celebrate the years of worship, prayer and praise that has taken place at the corner of York and George.


Some of the things we are most thankful for include a roof over our heads and food in the pantry, a walk in the sunshine with family, a conversation with a friend full of laughter; all for obvious reasons. Less obviously we are thankful for the frustrations that offer a chance to develop patience, for the challenges that encourage personal growth, and most of all, for the moments where our hearts are opened and our minds are quiet enough that we can see the glimpses of grace that God is sending into our lives. It is in these moments that we intentionally stop to give thanks to God, to acknowledge that we have all that we need, most of what we want, and an abundant share in the promised peace of God – all of which exceeds well beyond anything we can ask or imagine.

May your Thanksgiving be a time of giving thanks, of delighting in love, of walking in peace.


Pastor Sarah, Rev. Michelle, & Rev. Richard

Also the bulletin and communion insert can be found on the bulletins page.