Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This week we got our first taste of the days to come with slick roads and sidewalks. However, as we make our way through shorter and colder days we are reminded of the cycle of this life. Leaves fall and the earth settles into sleep. But while the earth rests, we find ourselves becoming busier.

Below is a list of some of the events coming before the end of the month and at the dawn of November:

-Don’t forget to bring a friend! Last week there were invitations in the bulletin to make inviting people to join us in worship and fellowship here at St. Paul’s that much easier! On Sunday, October 28th (that’s this Sunday!) we are holding our monthly “Bring a Friend to Church Sunday”. We will share in worship: song, prayer, and praise, after which we will gather in Fraser Memorial Hall

-On October 29th don’t miss the Silent film “The General” with Organ improvisation happening in the sanctuary. Come and listen as David Drinkell weaves the story in music as we watch together. Film starts at 7 p.m. Youth will be selling popcorn and pop for the event to help fund their program. The youth group are asked to arrive at the church following school to share in a supper and prepare the popcorn for the silent film.

-REQUEST: If anyone has a popcorn popper that the youth group could use for Monday afternoon/evening, we ask that they be dropped off at the church Sunday or Monday. The more poppers, the faster the popping!

-REMINDER: Pastor Sarah needs to know by Friday, October 26th, if you plan on attending this month’s Spirit Sisters event. Because of other programming and events, we’ve moved the night to Tuesday, October 30th at 7pm. The theme for this month is spirituality and art, and our meeting will be a paint and sip led by Stephanie Weaver of Dragonfly and Octopi Studio in Oromocto. There is a cost for this event, to cover the art supplies of $30 per person. If you would like to participate, but the $30 is a barrier, please contact Pastor Sarah or Cathy Simpson in the church office, as a limited number of subsidies are available to help cover the costs. All supplies will be provided, just bring yourselves, and anything you would like to “sip” on while painting (coffee and tea will be provided). Please email Pastor Sarah at if you plan on attending.

-ATTENTION Men of St .Paul’s and Wilmot: November 3rd Men’s breakfast at 8:30am. Come out for pancakes, sausages, tea/coffee and our guest speaker will be Brian Scott. He will be speaking on his trip to Slave Lake where he worked with a local church in their efforts to reach out to at-risk-youth. Free will offering. Book your spot today so we have enough food. Blaine Irving (476-1810)

-Saturday, November 3rd 2-4pm, St Paul’s youth will be heading over to Forest Hill’s Pumpkin Smash for a smashing good time. Please confirm your attendance with Rev. Michelle. Cost $2 (if this is prohibitive speak with Rev. Michelle)

-On Sunday, November 4th, St. Paul’s is having its 186th anniversary! Come and celebrate the years of worship, prayer and praise that have taken place at the corner of York and George.

– November 4th also marks the end of our Anniversary Envelope Challenge. Come to the church through the week or this Sunday to grab your envelope, with proceeds going towards the Foundation and Operating Fund. Your gifts towards the work of this community ensure that the Good News is shared, people are fed, and the kingdom of love is built.

-Carol’s by Glow-stick- Mark your calendar now for this family friendly event! Kick off your Advent preparations on Nov 30 with traditional carols, glow-sticks and fun from 6-7pm. Cookies and drinks to follow.

As we make our way towards Sunday, we invite you to sit and reflect on the words of 1 Kings 3:4-28. Take some time also to look back over the “Praying through the Proverbs” that have been posted to the website on Tuesdays. Both focus on Wisdom, and the ways that we seek it in life and in faith. On Sunday, we will pray on these words and sing praise to the One who makes us wise, gives us strength, and guides us on the way. As we prepare for the weekend with wisdom, let us pray:

Transforming God, shape us as you did the world. Fill us with the light of your love, the water that is your grace poured out freely, and give us the firm foundation of your teachings. Walk with us from what is known as we explore the unknown. Inspire us with your will as we strive to be kingdom builders in this world. This and so much more we ask in the strong name of our brother and Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Yours in Christ,
The St. Paul’s Ministry Team
(Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle, & Pastor Sarah)

The bulletin for this week is available for download from here.