Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

One of the highlights of this week was the visit from a group of three year olds from Bright Beginnings Daycare who were eager to learn about making a difference in the community and caring for people in their community. They visited the Pantry playing find the food item, stocked some shelves and left behind a wagon full of food. We then went down and learned about the brown bags. Isn’t it great that we can reach beyond our walls to share the great things we here at St. Paul’s are doing.

Speaking of the great things we are doing don’t miss these opportunities to be involved……

-Our very own Linda Lamont, president of the Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church Council will be chairing the Annual General Meeting on October 22nd at 1:30pm. If you are interested in working with other women in sharing the Good News or just curious about what the council does, you are welcome to attend and learn more.

– On October 29th don’t miss the Silent film “The General” with Organ improvisation happening in the sanctuary. Film starts at 7 p.m. Youth will be selling popcorn and pop for the event to help fund their program.

– Calling all Women of the congregation – the next Spirit Sisters is meeting again Tuesday, October 30th at 7pm. The theme for this month is spirituality and art, and our meeting will be ‘paint and sip’ led by Stephanie Weaver of Dragonfly and Octopi Studio. We need to know actual numbers for the event so if you are planning on attending please contact Pastor Sarah by October 26th. Cost for this event is $30 per person which covers ALL your art supplies. If you would like to participate, but the $30 is a barrier, please contact Pastor Sarah or Cathy Simpson in the church office, as a limited number of subsidies are available to help cover the costs. No experience needed, just bring yourself and what you want to sip and let the spirit move!

– Attention Men: November 3rd Men’s breakfast at 8:30am. Come out for pancakes, sausages, tea/coffee and our guest speaker will be Brian Scott. He will be speaking on his trip to Slave Lake where he worked with a local church in their efforts to reach out to at-risk-youth. Free will offering. Book your spot today so we have enough food. Blaine Irving (476-1810)

-Saturday, November 3rd 2-4pm, St Paul’s youth will be heading over to Forest Hill’s Pumpkin Smash for a smashing good time. Please confirm your attendance with Rev. Michelle. Cost $2 (if this is prohibitive speak with Rev. Michelle)

-On Sunday, November 4th, St. Paul’s is having its 186th anniversary! Come and celebrate the years of worship, prayer and praise that have taken place at the corner of York and George.

-Carol’s by Glow-stick- Mark your calendar now for this family friendly event! Kick off your Advent preparations on Nov 30 with traditional carols, glow-sticks and fun from 6-7pm. Cookies and drinks to follow.

This week in worship we will be jumping into the book of 2 Samuel (11:1-5, 26-27; 12:1-9) where we hear the dramatic conviction of David by Nathan over his sin with Bathsheba and his response. While we might not be committing adultery, murder or any of the things we think about as big sins the truth is that all of us, when we stop to think about it, stray in some way from the most healthy way of being in relationship with God, creation, each other or ourselves. It is in these moments when the Spirit convicts us that we have the opportunity to stop and reorient. It is in these moments that we experience not the condemnation of God, but God’s grace that enables us to break old patterns into a new way. So as we head into this weekend, into reflection and into worship let us pray,

Gracious God,
In Jesus you have shown us the way to new life and abundant living, to lifelong joy and peace, and yet we often make choices that bring only short term gain and fleeting results. When we are convicted by the Spirit, help us not to rest in a pool of self-hate or despair but remind us again of your grace and mercy that we may set a new course. Thank you God for your faithfulness shown to us through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Yours in Christ

Rev. Michelle, Rev. Richard and Pastor Sarah

The bulletin is also available for download from here.