Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We hope that you had a blessed Thanksgiving; here at St. Paul’s we marked not only Thanksgiving but also World Communion Sunday. This got our team thinking about those of you who are unable to make it to regular services and as such have not had communion in a long time, years even. We want to make it explicit that if you cannot make it to services and would like communion that there is an option for you, the Lord’s super is one of our sacraments and a central practice of our faith, so if you would like to receive communion contact us, let your ministry team know and we will arrange for communion to come to you.

This week the Heritage and Resources Committee in partnership with Trustees kicked off the St. Paul’s birthday present “envelope challenge”. Between thanksgiving and Nov 4th (our actual 186th anniversary) congregation members are invited to pick up one of the 186 envelopes on the sandwich board and give a financial gift to St. Paul’s in the amount listed on the front of the envelope. These funds will be split between caring for our heritage through the foundation and supporting our present through the general fund. Thus this special and additional gift to your regular offerings goes to support the maintenance of the building and the funding of the ministry that happens within. What a great Gift to this church who is celebrating 186 years of serving Fredericton in Christ’s name!

Speaking of ministry here are some of the upcoming opportunities:
– On Friday, October 12 from 7-9:30 the Youth Group will be gathering for games night, both games like exploding Kittens, or what’s that Meme and party games like how fast can you cycle through a stack of cups or unload a Kleenex box. Gather for fun and fellowship all middle and high school youth welcome!

– Prayer Workshop: This is your last chance to register! We know that there are people in the congregation who are interested but unless we get your confirmation this event will be canceled. Regardless of whether you have never prayed by yourself, pray only when you are in need , or a regular prayer warrior this 4 session prayer workshop will help strengthen and develop you prayer life. October 16th to November 6th @ 7 pm in the Ladies’ parlour. Sign-up today!

– Silent Film with Organ Improvisation: On October 29th, there will be a showing of the silent film The General. As with the silent film last year, there will be organ accompaniment offered by David Drinkell. All the playing is improvised as the movie plays and as the laughs flow. Youth will be selling popcorn and pop at the silent movie.

– Spirit Sisters is meeting again at the end of October! Because of other programming and events, we’re moving the night to Tuesday, October 30th at 7pm. The theme for this month is spirituality and art, and our meeting will be a paint and sip led by Stephanie Weaver of Dragonfly and Octopi Studio in Oromocto. There is a cost for this event to cover the art supplies of $30 per person. If you would like to participate, but the $30 is a barrier, please contact Pastor Sarah or Cathy Simpson in the church office, as a limited number of subsidies are available to help cover the costs. All supplies will be provided, just bring yourselves, and anything you would like to “sip” on while painting (coffee and tea will be provided). Because this is a more structured event, we do need to know how many people are planning on attending, so please RSVP to Pastor Sarah no later than Friday, October 26th.

– Saturday, November 3rd from 2-4pm, St Paul’s youth will be heading over to Forest Hill’s Pumpkin Smash for a smashing good time. Please confirm your attendance with Rev. Michelle. Cost $2 (if this is prohibitive speak with Rev. Michelle)

– On Sunday, November 4th, St. Paul’s is having its 186th anniversary! Come and celebrate the years of worship, prayer and praise that have taken place at the corner of York and George.

– Carol’s by Glow-stick- Mark your calendar now for this family friendly event! Kick off your Advent preparations on Nov 30 with traditional carols, glow-sticks and fun from 6-7pm. Cookies and drinks will follow.

This week we will be blessed in worship as our youth, along with youth from Forest Hill, share with us the worship service created at the youth summer camp which provided our young people with a chance to get out of the city and experience God in nature. We will also be graced by the children’s choir as they share their song “Give Thanks”. I cannot think of a better time to have the young among us lead as we hear this week the words of Joshua 24:1-15 capture the scope of God’s presence with the people and hear Joshua proclaim that for him and his family they will follow the Lord

Leading into this week let us pray;
God who is Father and Mother to us all,
Within your love we claim our place in your family,
Help us to see your faithfulness to each generation,
those past, those in the present and those yet to come,
and help us to accept the ways in which each new generation responds to your gifts of mercy and grace.
Bless us through the diversity of ages, experiences and talents found amongst all your people.
In the name of Jesus, our Brother, we pray. Amen

Rev. Michelle, Pastor Sarah & Rev. Richard

The bulletin is also available for download from here.