Greetings Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We have had many people asking us if there is service this coming Sunday given that it is Remembrance Day. The answer is YES! We will still be worshiping God and at 11 we will have our time of remembrance, with wreath laying and trumpeter. So know that you can join us at 10:30am as we remember and worship.

The church was filled with the most amazing smell on Tuesday as the UCW cooked up the mincemeat for the pies. With a large crew of peelers they had the whole lot done and in the oven in less than 1.5 hours, amazing! Don’t miss the opportunity to have one of the pies for your very own, sign up on the bulletin board across from Fraser Memorial Hall and be one step closer to the season that is coming.

But before we get to the advent and Christmas season there is still many opportunities to participate in the life of our faith community found below and don’t forget to check out the Facebook page to keep up with ongoing events and posts from our church.


The Board Meets on Tuesday November 13th @ 7pm, a reminder that committee reports including budget requests should be given to your Board Liaison ASAP and any correspondence from the congregation can be forwarded to Ann Leblanc.

Worship at Windsor Court November 15th at 10 am. Anyone wishing to come is invited to join in worship.

Youth Group Movie Evening November 16th youth in attendance that night will choose the film, Contact Rev Michelle to get your choice into the finalists. Starting at 7pm-9:45pm.

Family Fellowship Dinner: A few weeks ago the engagement committee did a survey and now they are putting the results into action. St. Paul’s family is invited to join for a potluck supper Sunday, November 18th @5pm.

Rev Michelle will be leading Theology on Tap at Dolan’s Pub Monday November 19th between 8-10pm. We will be talking about Creeds – Old dusty words or powerful statements of Faith?

Worship at Pine Grove Nursing home November 20th at 10:30am.

The final meeting of Presbytery will happen on November 22 @ Nashwaaksis United Church

Come and check out the crafts and goodies at the UCW Bazaar on November 24th. This years Bazaar will run 11-1 and for lunch they are serving Chicken-a-la-king.

November 30th Join us for Carols by Glowstick, our family friendly Christmas event will kick-off advent season. Tickets are 5.50/person or 20/family (through the office or Eventbrite) including a glowstick for each person. Join us to come together, hear the Christmas story and sing traditional Christmas carols by the light of glowsticks.


What a lot of opportunities ahead of us. But before then we look ahead to worship with a question: What does the Lord require of you? Join us this Sunday to hear what the prophet Micah has to say as we read Micah 6:1-8 and reflect on Remembrance Day. In the meantime, as we make our way towards Sunday let us pray,

It is you God who have set out before us such an amazing world,
it is you God who designed us to live in harmony with each other and creation,
it is you God who is the first to weep when we turn away from your call to live with respect and love,
as we struggle to be your people,
as we struggle to make the choices you would have us make
as we struggle to accept the blessedness you have bestowed on each of us,
we ask for your spirit to move in us opening us to your way
we ask for your strength to follow where you lead
we ask for your wisdom to guide all that we do
in Christ’s name we pray. Amen

The bulletin for this week can be downloaded from here.