Greetings brothers and sisters from Maritime Conference,

Yesterday kicked off the annual meeting (and quite possibly the final meeting) of maritime conference. Our own Rev. Richard constituted the court and opened the gathering acknowledging lands that we were meeting on were unceded territory, followed by greetings from indigenous guest, the Tatamagouche Centre and the Atlantic School of Theology. The theme #truestory in which we started at the beginning, reflecting on the beginning of United Church as a denomination, the beginning of Maritime Conference and our personal beginnings with the United Church. There was the time of Memorial Observance, where persons involved actively in the life and work of the conference were remembered including our very own Gil Mackenzie, followed by worship which included a remembrance of our baptisms and communion. The day wrapped up with the president’s reception which in true Rev. Richard fashion included cake at 10pm. We have 2.5 more full days of meetings and work on behalf of the church, as the conference meets, please pray for the spirit to be alive among us, guiding and inspiring our discussion and decisions. Check out our Facebook page for a few photos of the conference.

As we turn our eyes back to St. Paul’s there are a few things to remember, first, it is bring a friend/potluck lunch this Sunday. Despite our being away this part of our church life continues because God is constantly calling us into reaching out and inviting people to experience God’s love and inviting us to share fellowship with one another. So don’t forget to invite someone to enjoy our wonderful congregation. Worship is going to happen, even without us, with Bill Randall who last graced our pulpit during last year’s anniversary service preaching. Our own Chris Walker and Cathy Davis will be leading the service, a big thank you for their participation.

As we look further ahead in worship the children’s choir will be gracing us with the family hymn on June 3rd and we will hear about youth making a difference and having fun during our story time. June 10th is our outdoor service, weather permitting, at Wilmot park and is also the Sunday school BBQ post service, as always everyone is invited. June 10th also represents the anniversary of the founding of the United Church so there is a lot to celebrate.

Father’s day, we will worship, giving time to honour the father figures of our lives and as always we will have cake to share with all. June 24th marks our last Sunday at St. Paul’s before summer when we worship as Downtown United with Wilmot.

As we think about summer, a reminder of the programs for youth that are available. First is the Go Adventure Camp, which will happen July 16-20th, for youth age 7-12. This is an amazing opportunity to engage your faith and make a difference in Christ’s name. This Camp is limited to 30 participants, cost is $125.00 for the week including snacks and lunch. Funding available as the goal is to make this camp available to all.
We also have our regular VBS, this year’s program is called Raging Rapids! It will happen the mornings of August 27th-31st, right here at St. Paul’s. If you are interested in volunteering to help this program run please contact Rev. Michelle.

For the month of July and August we worship as Downtown United, this offers us a rich summer worship experience as we join together as one body of Christ with our brothers and sisters from Wilmot United. But until then we find ourselves in this moment and so let us pray,

Expansive and loving God,
We offer prayers today for your church,
for the gathering in Sackville, for the gathering in our sanctuary,
and for the ways that we go out into the world to live out your love and wisdom.
Help us to tap into your life and power so that we can be who you call us to be,
to uncover the strength that you have given us to face the challenges of life and faith.
Loving God continue to guide and prod us into the future that you are preparing for us. Amen

Yours in Christ

Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard

Also the bulletin is available for download here.