Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Looking back on the week that was, there were 2 events at St. Pauls, one a beginning and another an ending. The men of St. Paul’s hosted a breakfast on Saturday, May 12th and did a fine job feeding people both physically and mentally. The food was excellent, and the fellowship was better. Following the meal, The Very Rev. Dr. Peter Short gave a talk on the river and its place in our lives. On Monday, May 14th, we marked the end of both the Men’s Conversation Group and Spirit Sisters – both groups having read Bullseye: Aiming to Follow Jesus – with a potluck supper. Everyone brought something to share, both in the form of food and insights from the book. It was a great bonding time for all, and a perfect way to close out the times of both groups.

As we make our way through the second half of the month of May, there are a number of events and special services that we hope you keep at the front of your mind.

This Sunday, May 20th, it is Pentecost! As the Holy Spirit moved over the multitude in our scriptures, we invite you to be present, to open your hearts to that same movement. This is the birth of our church and a time to shout loud the praises of the one who walks beside us always. All are invited to wear bright colours – oranges, yellows, and reds – to reflect the flame of the Holy Spirit that moves in and through our time together. We will also be welcoming a new member during this service. Erin Hayes has been coming to St. Paul’s for a while now and we are overjoyed that this place has become a home for her.

Sunday, May 27th is Bring a Friend to Church Sunday! This is a great opportunity for you to invite your friends, family, and co-workers to come and share in the faith that you have found in this place. An added incentive for this particular day is that there is a free potluck lunch following the service. Come and bring some food to share, and if you can’t, then come and share in the food and the fellowship anyway. All are welcome as we gather around the table as friends. We will also have guest speaker, Bill Randall, with us. He is a familiar face for many in the congregation and those with connections to the St. Thomas community.

There are also a few closure dates that we would like to let you know about. On Friday afternoon, May 18th and Monday, May 21st the office of St. Paul’s United will be closed. We hope that you have a safe and enjoyable Victoria Day weekend.

Next week is going to be a busy week for your ministry team because from May 24th-27th it is the Annual General Meeting of the Maritime Conference of The United Church of Canada. Rev. Richard will be chair of this meeting, which may actually be the last gathering of the Maritime Conference because of the changes to structures of the upper courts coming January 1st, 2019. Keep an eye out in the June eNews for more information on the remits that will be changing the face of the church. Also attending this annual meeting are Rev. Michelle and our new member Erin Hayes. Expect a conference report early in June from these 3.

If you ordered Vessy’s seeds or bulbs from the Youth Group, the order has come in! Pick up your orders after church on Sunday, May 20th after worship.


Last week we were blessed to receive a gift from the estate of Ena Stevens. Ena passed away in December and had been living at Windsor Court Retirement Home for the last few years. She remembered St. Paul’s United in her will leaving us a gift of $52,000! We are so thankful for this gift and will do all that we are able to do to continue to strengthen the ministry and the mission of St. Paul’s United Church.


Looking farther ahead to June, we want to give you a heads up about our Worship and Picnic in the park. On June 10th (the 93 anniversary of the forming of The United Church of Canada) we will be gathering in Wilmot park for a worship that marks the end of Sunday School, celebrates the teachers, and celebrates the church! We will meet at the gazebo near the splash pad for worship at 10:30 am, so be sure to bring a folding chair. Following worship, please come and share in the fellowship of a bbq up at the Stepping Stones Complex (just a short walk from the gazebo).

As we head into the long weekend let us pray for one another:

God of the Journey, watch over us as we go. Walk with our brothers and sisters as they travel. Bring them safely home. Be with us, your church, as we open ourselves to you and the power of the Holy Spirit. Kindle in us the flames of passion and faith that drive us to proclaim you as our friend, our saviour, our lord. It is in the name of Christ, a man who is all these things and more, that we pray. AMEN

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle

The bulletin can be downloaded from here. There is also a welcoming new members and communion insert. Both of which can be found on the Bulletins page.