rothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are so close to the cross that the shadow it casts seems to cover everything. What we must remember is that the shadow is cast only because of the light of hope and light that shines beyond.

Speaking of that light, did you know that there is a Sunrise Service April 1st. We will be gathering at 7 AM down by the river (at the pedway at the bottom of Carlton St) to greet the sun as we celebrate the risen Son. If that is too early for you, Join us at our regular worship time at 10:30 AM where we will hear the story of a mystery, of an empty tomb, and of new life found in John 20:1-18. We will greet the risen one, we share in the feast that he calls us to with the sacrament of Holy Communion (seated).

Our youth group will be meeting next on Friday, April 6th. Before then, you have one last opportunity to support them as they take a leadership role in our congregation with a fundraiser selling Vesey’s bulb and seeds. Orders can be made after worship in Fraser Memorial Hall on Sunday April 1st, this is the FINAL day for orders. 50% of the proceeds come right back to the youth, so it is a great initiative to support.

We continue to have weekly opportunities to explore and deepen faith in the form of our Women’s group happening on Monday nights at 7 PM and in the Ladies’ Parlour. The Senior’s Bible study continues on Tuesday mornings at 10 AM in the Ladies’ Parlour. All are also invited to take part in Wednesday morning Prayers in the Parlour at 10 AM as we prayer for the world, the community, the church, and each other. We also have our large colouring sheet in the Fraser Memorial hall through the week and following worship on Sunday. This is an Inter-generational Spiritual Practice, and so we hope that you come and add your colour to the page. Take a look at the amazing finished posters on the walls.

As we look forward into April, St. Paul’s will be journeying through the United Church of Canada givings program “Called to Be The Church….Loving our Neighbours”. The Stewardship committee has been working hard help us understand that stewardship is about more than finances, it is everything that we do after we say that we believe. This givings campaign seeks to tell the stories of how St. Paul’s serves the community and builds up the kingdom of God and invites you to be part of that in an intentional way. It’s about how we use our treasure, but it is also so much more. Over the 5 weeks from April 8th to May 6th we will be walking, worshiping, and learning together, coming to know more deeply Christ’s call to us to love our neighbour.

Looking ahead to May 6th our music department also brings us a unique opportunity to participate in Handle’s Messiah “Sing-A-Long” here at St. Paul’s. If you don’t sing you can get a ticket just to come and enjoy the music.

We hope that over the Easter Holidays that you find new life in your own way, whether it is family connections reformed, new friends made, or something about yourself that you have only just discovered.

Let us pray:

God of Creation, every day is a new creation, because everyday is filled with opportunities to follow you, to serve one another, and to build up the kingdom. Walk with us in these final days to the tomb and remind us again what a miracle looks like. Shake us from the ordinary and show us the extraordinary. It is in the name of the Christ who lives, walks, dies, and lives again that we pray. AMEN.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle

The bulletin for Easter morning can be downloaded here and the communion insert can be downloaded here.