Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the midst of our journeying through Lent, we have heard stories of hope and pain in our scriptures, but we have also struggled in our lives. There are many within our community that we are praying for, but especially we are praying for those who have lost loved ones. In the last 2 weeks we have had 2 funerals, celebrating the lives of Aileen MacLean last Friday and Bill McNamara this past Tuesday. As we pray for those who mourn, let our prayer be turned to action as we support and care for them.

Even as we reflect on our path through Lent, we find ourselves close to the end of that road. This week in worship we are celebrating Palm Sunday, the triumphant entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. Even as we hear the cries of, “Hosanna!” we cannot help but hear the echoed words of, “Crucify Him!” that we heard this past Sunday, and will hear again on Good Friday.

Speaking of Holy Week, here is a schedule of what is going on through the week, and where you can find places of worship to feed the soul.
-Thursday, March 29th: Maundy Thursday Potluck Supper and service. Beginning at 6 PM we will share in worship and a meal at St. Paul’s United Church. Joining us on that evening will be our brothers and sisters from Wilmot
-Friday, March 30th: Good Friday service. At 10 AM we will be gathering at Wilmot United Church on the corner of King St and Carlton St to hear the story of the final moments of Christ on the Cross
-Sunday, April 1st: Sunrise Service. We will be gathering at 7 AM down by the river (at the pedway at the bottom of Carlton St) to greet the sun as we celebrate the risen Son.
-Sunday, April 1st: Easter Communion Service. Come and worship at St. Paul’s United at 10:30 AM as we celebrate in the empty tomb and share in the feast of Holy Communion (seated)

Even before this coming Sunday we have an opportunity for families to come together on Saturday, March 24th. All are welcome to join us for a Family Night in Fraser Memorial Hall beginning at 5:30 PM. Come and enjoy a family friendly movie with an Easter theme, popcorn, and your choice of chicken or veggie nachos. To confirm your attendance, or for more information, please contact Jennifer or Brad Green at 454-7543.

Our youth group continues to be active in their own faith exploration, but also in living out their faith in work. They will be meeting again on Friday, April 6th. Before then, you can support the youth as they take a leadership role in our congregation with a fundraiser selling Vesey’s bulbs and seeds. Orders can be made after worship in Fraser Memorial Hall. 50% of the proceeds come right back to the youth, so it is a great initiative to support.

Also, many of our youth are performing in the George Street School presentation of “Guys and Dolls” on March 23rd and 24th, if you are interested in attending in support, tickets are available at Read’s Newsstand $5 Student/Senior $10 Adult.

We continue to have weekly opportunities to explore and deepen faith in the form of our Women’s group happening on Monday nights at 7 PM and in the Ladies’ Parlour. The senior’s Bible study continues on Tuesday mornings at 10 AM in the Ladies’ Parlour. All are also invited to take part in Wednesday morning Prayers in the Parlour at 10 AM as we pray for the world, the community, the church, and each other. We also have our large colouring sheet in the Fraser Memorial hall through the week and following worship on Sunday. This is an intergenerational Spiritual Practice, and so we hope that you come and add your colour to the page.

Dr. Sharon Pond will be continuing the Lenten noon recitals on Wednesday, March 28th from 12:10-12:50pm. Looking ahead to May 6th our music department also brings us a unique opportunity to participate in Handle’s Messiah “Sing-A-Long” here at St. Paul’s. If you don’t sing you can get a ticket just to come and enjoy the music.

As we prepare to enter into Holy Week, let us acknowledge the darkness and the light, the despair and the abundance of hope. Let us pray.

Shepherding God, as we walk towards the cross we find ourselves overcome by the shadow it casts. There is darkness here. There is fear and pain here. Remind us that the shadow only exists because of the glorious light that shines beyond: Your love light, poured out on the world. Guide us through the coming days. Give us courage, and hold us close. It is in the strong name of Jesus that we offer this and all our prayers. AMEN

Have a blessed week as we walk closer to the Cross, closer to the Tomb, closer to spring and to New Life.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle

The bulletin is also available for download here.