Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me…’

-Matthew 16:24

Peace be with you Kindred in Christ,

As we stand on the edge of the season of Lent, our scripture this week is appropriate. Jesus is about to make that journey to the cross, and on our last Sunday before the start that journey ourselves, Christ reminds us that in order to follow him, we must take up our crosses as well. In this Christ is inviting us to give ourselves over wholey to the calls that he has for us. To live into The Way that he calls us to with all our body, mind, and heart. As we prepare to start this journey, let us reflect on the ways that we can be a part of the kingdom building work that God is already doing in the world around us, work that is in need of our hands and hearts.

Speaking of work that needs hands and hearts, St. Paul’s has been doing some of that important work for over 2 and a half months in the form of our Out of the Cold Program.  We don’t offer much, a couple of people to welcome overnight guests, some foam mats and a camp mattress and yet it is in reality so much. It tells our brothers and sisters on hard times in the city that they matter and shows that someone cares. It saves limbs and lives.  It has allowed people to meet and have their eyes opened to the “other” who is not that much different after all. It has allowed for people to come together and form friendships as volunteers meet and connect with each other. Thank you to those who have volunteered and know that there are still some opportunities to make a difference and experience this abundance out of so little. Talk to Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle or sign up on

Did you know we have an abundance of  Old Hymn Books we need to be rehomed…if you would like one please collect it from the church by March 10th after that date they will be removed from the Church.           

There are a lot of important dates and activities coming up so check out the list and mark your calendars:               


  • Streaming Sunday Worship: We want you to feel like you can worship with us even when you can’t be in the sanctuary. If you can’t be with us for some reason – maybe you’re travelling, maybe you’re sick, or maybe you get a little anxious in a new place and want to see what we are about – we hope that you tune in by following this link (which is different for the month of March) You should be able to hear the worship service and see what is on the screens. If you have feedback on your experience email:
  • Reflective bible study:  Spend time with the word of God, think about what it is saying to you today and what God may be saying through the scripture.   No bible experience needed. Join Eric Hotte at 9:15 am until 10am in the church office. Each week the focus on the scriptures for that day, participants say the service takes on a new meaning.  This Sunday the reading will be Matthew 16:24-17:8. Following the study, there will be a prayer group until 10:20am. Absolutely everyone welcome! Come to one or both of these exciting and faith building opportunities
  • Lenten Film Series:  Starts this weekend!  Join us as we show a variety of films for exploring our faith and themes of Lent.  There will be three family friendly movies showing at 2pm on March 3rd (Prince of Egypt), March 24th  (Wall-E), April 7th (Inside Out). And three Adult/mature audience showings at 7pm March 10 (The Green Mile), March 31st (Arrival) and on April 14th (Calvary).   Each film will be followed by discussion on the film.
  • Lenten online Bible Study: Winter makes it hard to get out even on a good day. So, join Rev. Richard online and share the Good News as we engage with and experience the Word together. We will be meeting online on Monday’s at 7:30 p.m. beginning on March 4th. The link to the study is and you can check any time before the meeting to make sure your computer/phone/tablet works. Just make sure the sound is turned on. May we walk with Christ on this journey through Lent.
  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: March 5th in Fraser Memorial Hall @ 5:30 pm.  Join us for this congregational meal and annual pancake flip off.  Free will offering will be collected.
  • Ash Wednesday Service: March 6th 7:00pm Sanctuary- join us as we mark the beginning of the 40 days of Lent with this reflective service in which we are marked with the Cross.
  • Retirement Home Services: One of the important things our faith community does to stay connected with members who have been dedicated for years but can’t get in to worship regularly anymore.  Check out these upcoming times and dates to share in prayer, praise, and song with our sisters and brothers in retirement homes. Check the dates and times below to see if you can come and add your voice.
    • -St. Anne’s Court @ 3:00pm on March 6th
    • -Shannex (Please Note Time Changes):  March 7th @ 10:00am in Frederic Hall and  10:45am in Governor Hall
  • UCW Bridge Luncheon March 16th @ Noon.  Book your table today!
  • Family Pizza and Scavenger Hunt hosted by the engagement committee will take place on March 16th. Watch for more details.
  • Special Services of Healing: Lent is a great time to lift up to God that which is holding us bound and holding us back.   This year we will be hosting 3 special services of healing  and release (Please Note Date Changes) in April, they will be held on the evenings of Wednesday, April 3, 10 and 17 at 7:30 p.m                   


Before we chow down on pancakes, receive our ashes, or begin our Lenten journey, we are being invited to join Christ on the mountaintop, to pray with him, and be transformed by the encounter. This Sunday, we hope you can join us, physically or virtually, as we read and hear together Matt 16:24-17:8, where Jesus foretells his death on the cross and then several disciples experience Christ transfigured,  and hear a message entitled “Beyond dazzling light”. During worship we will also be sharing in the Sacrament of Holy Communion, a feast to which all are invited regardless of where they are on their faith journey. If you are hungry for justice, come and eat. If you are thirsting for grace, come and drink deep. Worship begins at 10:30 a.m., and communion will be served in our seats.

As we come to the base of the mountain to make that climb with Christ, let us pray:

O Christ
Each step
Brings us farther up the mountain; closer to the top; closer to you.
Each step
Takes us farther from that which chains us; nearer to that which frees us; into the shadow of the cross.
Each step
Is taken in hope; in thank; in faith.
Walk with us O Christ, we pray. AMEN

Yours in Christ

Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle

The bulletin for this week can also be downloaded from here.