Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The end of last week found Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle and Erin Hayes at Maritime Conference. This may very well have been the last Maritime Conference as this summer when General Council meets the changes proposed by Remit 1 will have the final implementation vote. If passed we will move from pastoral charges (congregations), presbyteries, conferences and general counsel to a three level governance structure (communities of faith, regions, and denominational circle). What we know about this structural change so far is that if approved we will be in what has been temporarily called region 14 which includes New Brunswick and PEI. IF you would like to know more about these changes please check out the study guide provided for remit 1 (

Maritime conference theme this year was #truestoryMC2018 and throughout the weekend we looked both back to the start of Maritime conference and the 93 years since union and considered the future. The conference worshiped, debated the proposals placed before it and celebrated the people and achievements over the year. The highlight for many was when the youth from intermediates and youth form came to lead worship in conference. They quietly came in and surrounded the conference delegates, quietly singing, slowly candles were lit around the circle, until we were surrounded by light. Then the light broke up and came among us, as the youth handed delegates the candles they proclaimed “We got this”. In the midst of the fear and anxiety of what is to come, our youth came in and reminded us, all shall be well. Through their worship conference continued to be lifted up and pumped up as music shifted to the high energy music we have come to expect from youth conference worship. Rev. Richard presided as conference president during some challenging debates, ordained four new ministers and preached a great closing worship sermon that can be found on our webpage. For the reports and proposals that went to Maritime Conference check out the maritime conference webpage (

Turning from the wider workings of the wider church to the activity here at St. Paul’s we have youth group this Friday for youths in middle school and older. We will be doing a “Master Chef” type challenge creating tasty food challenges that we will share with each other. If your youth is interested in attending please contact Rev. Michelle ASAP at

Working our way to Sunday Service we will be blessed with our children’s choir leading us in music they have been prepared on hand-bells. This will be a first for St. Paul’s Children’s Choir! We will also have some youth visitors to share their experience with the Go Kid’s Camp, who will be around after Service to answer any questions you may have. If you are thinking about sending your kids, and we highly recommend this summer camp – come and ask any questions. If you are interested in sending your children age 7-12 but have concerns or factors that are prohibitive to attending please contact Rev. Michelle.

Next week is our Sunday school wrap up and celebration, we will acknowledge the young people and leaders who make our Sunday school something special. Wrapping it all up with a BBQ and Cake. Now just a reminder for parents that even though this is the wrap up of our classes for the year, we still want to encourage you and your family to attend. For the rest of the month of June we will be joining classes into a one room school and during August we will have a children’s program. If you would like to volunteer for one week in August please contact Rev. Michelle or Rev. Richard. As always the nursery remains open all summer.

Speaking of summer, starting this week you will notice “Flat Jesus” starting to pop up in bulletins, and at the front of the sanctuary. As we go into the joy of warm weather and lengthening days of camping and travel, cottages and beaches, we want to remind you to take your faith and Jesus with you. So this summer as a reminder of the faith that is ours in all places, we are asking that you take Flat Jesus with you on your summer adventures, take a picture with him and join us when we kick off the fall and see where Flat Jesus has been. Get a sneak peek by tuning into our Facebook page throughout the summer to track Flat Jesus! Don’t forget to tuck Flat Jesus’ business cards designed by Rev. Richard into your purse or wallet so that you will always have the Flat Jesus email address handy when you need to send in your photo on the go!

As we continue to reach out to our friends and neighbours, we would like to draw your attention to the Shannex worship happening on June 14 at 10:30 am. This is a change in our regular schedule because Presbytery is happening on June 7th! Windsor Court worship will be on June 21th at 10am. If you can make either of these services your support would be greatly appreciated by members of our congregation who miss the community and fellowship of St. Paul’s community but can no longer attend Sunday services.

This Sunday, the first of the month, also marks pantry Sunday. This program supports the most vulnerable in our community and is a corner stone of our outreach here at St. Paul’s. If you can help us stock the shelves your donations of food and basic household goods is always gratefully accepted.

In worship this week we will hear Acts 9:1-9a, the conversion of Saul. Christ calls us to be a new creation in the Spirit, unfortunately we often just give this lip service, our reading today is a demonstration of the radical change we are called to because of our life of faith, because of Christ’s call on our lives. This Sunday also marks the actual anniversary of Rev. Richard’s Ordination in 2012. You might also notice that we will be continuing to wear our red stoles through the month of June to remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us always. As we prepare to go into this weekend let us pray;

God who calls us to life of faith,
and who shows us the way through Christ,
continue to open our eyes to your presence in the joy and pain of living.
Work within our lives to reorient our whole being as you did for Paul.
Guide us into the warmer days to embody your work within our lives. Amen.

Rev. Michelle & Rev. Richard

Also the bulletin for this week can be found here.