Hello Sisters and Brothers,

What hot weather we are having! We pray that everyone is staying cool and safe during these high temperatures.

This week our ministry staff have been particularly busy as we led worship at Shannex’s Frederick and Governor Halls and presided at a graveside service Elaine Leonard, and funeral services for Cathy King and Marion Hamilton. We are preparing for Pastor Sarah’s return this week from maternity leave for the final 6 months of her time with us.

We are looking for 2-3 people to help feed kids on July 19th at the Go Adventure Camp. This is St. Paul’s meal day. If you are able to be free especially from 11-2 to help assemble and bake pizzas. Rev. Michelle would be thankful to hear from you. michellenarmstrong@hotmail.com or 458-1183. Donations of supplies are also greatly accepted animal crackers, fruit, cheese, juice, veggies and dip, Pizza sauce, pepperoni, can of pineapple, ham.

Looking ahead to the next few weeks:
-Youth camping trip starts Tuesday -Thursday of next week. Youth from St. Paul’s and Forest Hill will be heading out for a summer camping adventure. Along with Rev. Michelle and Erin Hayes from St. Paul’s and Rev. Deborah from Forest Hill.
-Prayers in the Parlour is changing time and format for the summer. Join us with a brown bag lunch for
Wednesdays 12:15-12:45 pm as we break bread and pray together.
-Go Adventure camp runs July 16-20th see above note about how you can help out. There are also a few spots left for those children and youth who have finished grade 1 but have not started grade 8.
– Windsor Court worship service is happening on July 19th at 10 am.

This week in worship we continue to worship as Downtown United @ Wilmot 10:30 am. Each week there will be a surprise worship leadership team comprised of some combination of ministers from the two churches. This provides an amazing opportunity to hear different perspectives and meet others in the united church and of course your offering envelope is returned to our congregation. If you do not have envelopes but wish to support St. Paul’s this month you can 1) go on PAR, 2) request envelopes from Cathy in the church office, 3) drop by the office to make a donation. Your ongoing support of the ministries allow us to have ministers available to respond to crisis situations, funeral and wedding requests, pastoral care visiting and planning for fall ramp-up of programs. Please keep in mind the office is closed on Friday’s during the summer.

The scripture for this week finds us on the side of a mountain as Jesus shares words of wisdom as he shares some the characteristics of those who he proclaims as blessed in the familiar piece of scripture we call the beatitudes ( Matthew 5:1-12). In many ways these are spiritual characteristics that we would do well to cultivate in our own lives as we seek to be more Christ like in our living. What is one thing you can do today to embody one of these characteristics?

God of abundant life, through Jesus you have taught us what it means to be blessed. The blessings you hold up have nothing to do with wealth, power or the things we so frequently hear about on TV. Your blessings are about relationship with you, love and seeking justice for all. These are not the type of blessing we buy at the store, but blessings that require us to invest and work. Help us to focus on these lasting blessings. This we pray in the name of the One you called your blessed son. Amen.

Yours in Christ

Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard

The bulletin for worship at Wilmot United this Sunday is available for download here.

********* A message from your M&P Committee **********

The role of the Ministry and Personnel committee is to support and empower our ministry team so they can work at their best. One part of our multidimensional role is to ensure that the ministry team has a work space that meets their needs. After many conversations with them, we have determined some updates and changes that we will be making to the church office. Don’t worry, the church office will still be in the same place, we’ll just be switching things around a little bit! And, of course we will be providing before and after photos when we return to church in the fall!

With that being said, we are hopeful that the congregation might like to help us “financially furnish” a few specific new pieces that we’re hoping to purchase to support our ministry team. Beth Henderson is taking the lead on this, so please email her at beth.henderson@gnb.ca if you are able to donate funds for any of the following.

– Table (that provides flexible seating) – $260 (or 13 $20 donations)
– 6 chairs – $35 each (6 donations of $35 each)
– Large Wipeboard – $180 (or 9 donations of $20)
– Desk – $200 (or 10 donations of $20)

Wish list items that you may have that you would like to donate. We will also accept funds to purchase these items, but thought people may have things already that they could pass along.
– Letter size 2 drawer filing cabinet with lock (and key)
– 2 neutral colored conversation chairs (these would be used by one of the ministers in their office to provide comfortable seating, but doesn’t take up a huge amount of space).

All financial donations and donations of specific items will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

Thank you in advance for considering supporting the above – please email beth.henderson@gnb.ca if you can support this initiative or have questions.