Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As we continue to follow Flat Jesus on his ministry through our congregation, we have seen him in a lot of places both in and out of New Brunswick. We have also seen him taking in the tunes in the Netherlands with our Organist Sharon Pond, proving that no amount of water will stop him from walking. We hope to see even more of Flat Jesus and where you are taking him in the month of August! Send any photos of you and Flat Jesus to so that we can keep track of where Jesus goes this summer. Keep your eyes peeled every Tuesday as we post one of the many places Christ has been!

This coming Sunday, July 29th, marks the end of our time at Wilmot United for another summer. However, Downtown United will still be going strong as we continue to gather in worship and praise to God at St. Paul’s for the month of August. We hope that as many of you as possible can join in worship this coming Sunday at Wilmot as we hear stories of miracles and of God’s Abundance from John 6:1-21. Come and see that God is good. Come and hear the news and the ways that Christ and those miracles are alive in us and our lives.

*** Important Dates and Events ***
July is coming to a close, making this the halfway point of the Summer. We hope that you all have found renewal in these months of growth and blossom! Below are a number of events happening in and around St. Paul’s throughout the month of August:
-Prayers in the Parlour has changed time and format for the summer. Join us with a brown bag lunch for Wednesdays 12:15-12:45 pm as we break bread and pray together. As with before, we will gather in the Ladies’ Parlour
-Shannex Worship at both Governour and Frederick Halls will take place on Thursday, August 2nd at 10:30 am. We hope you can join the ministry team in this community building and expanding work with those who are members but have a hard time getting to Sunday worship.
-On Sunday, August 5th Downtown United moved to St. Paul’s, so mark your calendars. This also means that the Hospitality Schedule (list of those responsible for taking care of Coffee and Conversation), has been updated and posted. Up first is the Worship Committee followed by the Senior Choir on August 12th. Check the Schedule on the fridge in the kitchen to see when your group is up.
-Fredericton Pride week runs August 12-18, and kicks off with a Parade at 1 pm on Sunday August 12th. Parade route and information on the weeks activities can be found at
-During the last week of August (August 27th-31st) St. Paul’s, in partnership with Wilmot, will be hosting Vacation Bible School. Keep your eyes on the eNews and bulletins for more information.

As we continue to take in the beauty of creation, the growth, the life, the sun, and the rain, let us give thanks and praise to God and ask for guidance on how we can best celebrate the gift of our lives:

You O God set the world spinning and give us the seasons that reflect our lives in you, birth, life, death and rebirth. We thank you for the gift of this day, and for this moment. Guide us to live fully into it, draped in your blessings. Help us to take the light that shines so bright in the good times and use it to scatter the darkness that comes with the hard times, this light being a reminder of your constant presence, love, and embrace. This we ask in the name of our Saviour, our Constant Companion, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Yours in Christ,
The St. Paul’s Ministry Team
(Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle, & Pastor Sarah)

The bulletin is also available for download from here.