Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

For those who have been keeping up with Flat Jesus, you know that he has been making his way through the congregation, across the Maritimes, the country, and even to our neighbours in the south! This past week we saw him celebrating the birthday of our own Cathy Simpson. We know that many of you have been sending in pictures, and hope they keep coming! Send any photos of you and Flat Jesus to so that we can keep track of where Jesus goes this summer. Keep your eyes peeled every Tuesday as we post one of the many places Christ has been!

Even though we can see the many ways in which Jesus goes with us into our every day, we hope you can join us on Sunday, July 22nd as we experience the ministry of Christ. Continuing as Downtown United, we will meet at 10:30 am on Sunday at Wilmot United and read Mark 6:30-34, 53-56. In this passage we are told the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 and healing the people of the town of Gennesaret. Come and find your place in the multitude and be fed by the Spirit as Christ calls us to new life in him.

*** Important Dates and Events ***
Coming near the halfway point of Summer, there are a number of events both close at hand and on the horizon that we want you to keep at the forefront of your mind:
-Prayers in the Parlour has changed time and format for the summer. Join us with a brown bag lunch for Wednesdays 12:15-12:45 pm as we break bread and pray together. As with before, we will gather in the Ladies’ Parlour
-Shannex Worship at both Governor and Frederick Halls will take place on Thursday, August 2nd at 10:30 am. We hope you can join the ministry team in this community building and expanding work with those who are members but have a hard time getting to Sunday worship.
-On Sunday, August 5th Downtown United moves to St. Paul’s, so mark your calendars. This also means that the Hospitality Schedule (list of those responsible for taking care of Coffee and Conversation), has been updated and posted. Up first is the Worship Committee followed by the Senior Choir on August 12th. Check the Schedule on the fridge in the kitchen to see when your group is up.
-During the last week of August (August 27th-31st) St. Paul’s, in partnership with Wilmot, will be hosting Vacation Bible School. Keep your eyes on the eNews and bulletins for more information.

This last piece of news isn’t exactly new, but it’s not widely known. At the last meeting of the Board Chris Walker put himself forward as being interested in entering the Discernment Process. This is a committee that walks with an Inquirer (in this case Chris) as they together with him discern what he has named as a call from God to Ministry in The United Church of Canada. Members of the committee involve those from our own congregation, members of Woolastook Presbytery, and Chris himself. The members from our congregation who have stepped forward to walk this journey with Chris are Jennifer Petryshen, Ann LeBlanc, Murray Simpson, and Ron Naugler. Please pray for Chris as he begins this process. Pray for those of our number who walk beside him. Pray for the Presbytery Reps Rev. Yvette Swan and Rev. Greg Williams as they act as a resource and shepherd through this process.

As we make our way into the weekend and the last full week of July, let us take in our hearts this prayer:
God of the Journey, you call from tomorrow, from the unknown. There you are creating, inviting us to take part.
Christ our Companion, whether the roads are rough or smooth, clearly marked and straight ahead, or branching in all directions, you are beside us, calling us to be builders of the kingdom of love in this very moment. Holy Spirit, you are an instigator and disturber. You stir us from complacency, pushing us into new experiences as we continue to serve. In all that has been, is, and will be, you, O God, are behind us, beside us, before us, and for this we are so grateful. AMEN

Yours in Christ,
The St. Paul’s Ministry Team
(Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle, & Pastor Sarah)

The Bulletin for this week is also available for download here.