Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As we make our way to the halfway point of July, we continue to hold in our prayers all of our number who are travelling the roads, skies, and waters. We have been blessed that several of you have been sharing your journey snapping pictures with Flat Jesus. For those who don’t know, “Flat Jesus” is a small paper cutout of the one we call Saviour that congregants have been asked to carry with them as they make their way through the summer. If you don’t have one, there are still some left to be picked up at the office. Snap those pictures and send them to so that we can keep track of where Jesus goes this summer. Keep your eyes peeled every Tuesday as we post one of the many places Christ has been!

If your travels keep you closer to home this weekend, we hope that you join us for our 3rd installment of Downtown United! On 10:30 this coming Sunday morning we will gather at Wilmot United to praise God together. As has been the case since the first service, presider and preacher will be revealed Sunday morning. We hope you join us for the surprise as we journey through Job 1: 1-2, 2: 1-10. Join us in prayer and reflection as these Holy words weave their way into our lives.

As was the case last eNews, there are a few things on the horizon that we would like you to keep at the front of your minds:

-Prayers in the Parlour has changed time and format for the summer. Join us with a brown bag lunch for Wednesdays 12:15-12:45 pm as we break bread and pray together. As with before, we will gather in the Ladies’ Parlour

-Go Adventure camp runs July 16-20th. There are also a few spots left for those children and youth who have finished grade 1 but have not started grade 8. Call Rev. Michelle (458-1183) for more information or to volunteer.

-Windsor Court worship service is happening on July 19th at 10 am. We hope you join us to sing and pray as we praise God together

-On Sunday, August 5th Downtown United moves to St. Paul’s, so mark your calendars.

In sadder eNews, we regret to inform the congregation that our Sexton Abdusalam Zakaria has decided to leave the position earlier this week. We are thankful for having him as a part of the team and wish him all the best in wherever life’s road takes him.

*** Message From Pastor Sarah ***

For the past year, I have been on maternity and parental leave, after the arrival of our newest addition, Muriel Rodgers, in July of last year. It is with a grateful heart and much love that I returned to my work at St. Paul’s this week. My family and I wish to thank our St. Paul’s family, for the kind support, prayers, babysitting, casseroles, and so much more that you all offered us in our time of transitioning to a family of four. It brings tears to my eyes when I think of how generous and kind you all have been – this is what church family is all about! I look forward to what my last six months at St. Paul’s has to bring; to working with Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard; and to reconnect and making memories with you all, that I will be able to carry with me in the years to come, wherever the army takes me.

Much love and blessings,

As we make our way into another weekend, let us carry this prayer with us:

Everlasting God, you are beyond time, unconfined by space, and yet we ask that you join us in our moments of joy and sorrow as we make our way on the roads you call us to. You gift us with your Holy presence and give us glimpses of your kingdom in our relationships with one another. Guide us in these days to celebrate in creation as we seek to live into the lives you have called us to. In the strong name of Jesus Christ we pray. AMEN

Yours in Christ,

The St. Paul’s Ministry Team
(Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle, & Pastor Sarah)

The bulletin for this week is available for download here.