Happy New Year Brothers and Sisters in Christ…welcome to 2019

Changing out the calendar for the new year is always a time full of promise and excitement about what will come. Here at St. Paul’s we have started to map out what the year will bring and there are many great worship, fellowship and service opportunities for us to live out our faith.

One thing for certain is that the year, like all years, will bring joys and sorrows, sometimes happening together like this Sunday which is Pastor Sarah’s last with us. We will get to celebrate her ministry at St. Paul’s and the fact that she gets to take her next step towards military chaplaincy and yet we will also be sad that we will be saying goodbye as her time on our ministry team ends. We will be marking this end of her covenant with us during worship and we hope that everyone will come out to a potluck celebration this Sunday at 5pm. Sarah’s final day will be January 11.

Over the Christmas Season we have consistently had overnight guests in our church. By simply opening our doors we have proclaimed that we are a place of sanctuary and I want to make sure the gratitude that has been expressed to me is passed on to you! Thank you…and we are always looking for individuals or teams to help with overnights. Special thanks to Pastor Sarah for setting this all in motion, allowing us to serve the Lord and the community in this capacity.

Next week is our first regular week of the new year and we will be settling into our new year routine. In the office there is one change…are you an early bird? For anyone used to finding Cathy in the office at 8am please note this year she will be starting at 9am and she will be happy to greet you then.

This week
-the board meets at 7pm on Tuesday in the Ladies Parlor

– youth group will gather at the church for a new year’s themed night on Friday 11th 7pm-9:30pm. Please rsvp to Rev. Michelle by email at michellenarmstrong@hotmail.com


This Sunday is Epiphany, where we celebrate the coming of the Magi and the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles (non Jews). Along with this we will hear Jesus speak of God’s provision for us in Matthew 6:25-33.

Let us pray,
God of all time, as we enter into this new year grant us vision and courage to embrace the gift of life before us. Help us to stay fixed on your promises, the source of our hope, that we might be bold in our living for you and with you. Guide us we pray as we seek to be your hands and feet and live the gospel. Bless us in this venture and bless this year. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen

Yours in Christ

Rev. Michelle, Pastor Sarah and Rev. Richard

The bulletin for this coming Sunday can be downloaded here.