Brothers and Sisters,

While the New Year is still relatively fresh, the month of January is waning. As we come on the end of one month and make our way into the next, we are also preparing to move from one season into the next. Epiphany comes to an end on February 13th and Lent begins on February 14th. These dates are important because one is Shrove Tuesday and the other is Ash Wednesday. We hope that you will join us on Tuesday February 13th for our annual pancake supper. It begins at 5:45 pm with free-will offering at the door. Normally we would also have a service on Ash Wednesday to begin our journey through Lent, but along with it being Ash Wednesday, it is also Valentine’s Day. Because of this, we will not be having our regular Ash Wednesday service.

Before that though, and before the end of the month there are also a number of activities going on around St. Paul’s over the next few days. On January 26th, we are opening the church to the community, inviting people to view a live-stream from Wycliffe. This live-stream is a dialogue of three presenters all around the question: Is there meaning in life? The doors open at 8 pm and the stream starts at 8:30 pm. We hope you prayerfully consider joining us for this opportunity to expand our perspective.

On Saturday, January 27th, the Youth Group of St. Paul’s is going off-site! St. Paul’s very own Joshua MacIntyre stars in the Branch Out Production “Oliver”. If you are a middle school or high school youth who would like to attend, please contact Rev. Michelle at 458-1183 ASAP to ensure we get you a ticket.

Looking into next week, the women’s and men’s groups continue to meet on their respective nights to journey through the book Bullseye: Aiming to follow Jesus. The women meet Monday nights and the men on Wednesday nights, both at 7 pm.

We will also be having the first Bring a Friend to Church Sunday of the New Year. On Sunday January 28th, all are encouraged to invite friends, family members, or anyone that you think could use a place to journey in faith to join us for worship. Following the service there will be a potluck. If you can, we hope you bring some comfort food to share at the lunch, but if you can’t, we hope you still bring yourself to share in the fellowship. The potluck is free and open to all.

Speaking of worship on January 28th, come and hear the story of Nicodemus’ encounter with Christ, and the transformative words that Christ offers to the Pharisee and to us. The focus scripture is John 3:1-21, and so we invite you to reflect on the words found here, allow the love of God to flow around and through you. Open yourself to see where that love can lead you.

Transforming God, we thank you for the gift of a life lived in Jesus Christ. As he walked through the world, and as he walks through our lives, he reveals to us the depth, breadth, and width of the great love that you have for creation. As we, like Nicodemus, seek a deeper understanding of your will and your call for us, open our minds and hearts to the way you have laid before us. AMEN

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle

The bulletin for this Sunday’s service is available for download here.