Happy Friday Sisters and Brothers in Christ!

This week, as many, the church was full of action. It is always great to see the impact of how our church is reaching out and making a difference. One of the groups that met this week was The United Church Women (UCW) . At the beginning of their meeting Mary Dingee- Jacobs was a guest speaker talking about investments and tools for helping the financial blessings from God grow. It was an enlightening presentation about helping our resources work better for us. The UCW’s purpose is: To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the church and to be a means by which we may express our loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service. This is a hard-working group in the church, did you know that it was the UCW who raised the money to redo the hall floor themselves! THANK YOU UCW. While often these women quietly work behind the scenes filling in vital hospitality at funerals, church teas and other receptions, one thing that is clear while they are busy serving the church the women of the UCW are also having great fun and fellowship. If you are a woman of the congregation who would like to know more about the UCW contact Donna Chauvin at 458-5885 and keep your eyes open for more information about their winter casserole sale!

It is said that what you do in the first few weeks of starting something is how you are going to end it. So in the first part of this year our church will be talking about stewardship and how we share what we have. In last weeks bulletin there was an insert talking about what is stewardship, throughout the season of epiphany you will find inserts on a variety of topics. Please take time to reflect on how the stewardship ideas are being embodied as you seek to embody Christ in your living.

On January 26th at 8pm St. Paul’s will be hosting a “live stream” discussion from Whyciffe College in Toronto titled “The Meaning of Life: Three Perspectives”. This will be the first time we have live steamed an internet discussion and are excited about the possibilities this could open. For more information on this amazing opportunity please visit https://www.wycliffecollege.ca/about/events/meaning-life-three-perspectives.

The youth group on Saturday January 27th at 7pm will be going to see and support their very own Joshua MacIntyre as he stars in Branch Out Productions “Oliver”. If you are a middle school or high school youth who would like to attend, please contact Rev. Michelle at 458-1183 ASAP to ensure we get you a ticket.

This week in worship we hear a dramatic scripture as Jesus overturns the tables in the temple (John 2:13-25) as he seeks to clear away the clutter and distractions from the heart of worship, the relationship with God and giving God praise. As you prepare for worship this Sunday, we invite you to reflect on what are the things that get in the way of your relationship with God that needs to be cleared out of the temple of your life?

Amazing and loving God, we thank you for the gift of Christ and his witness to the abundant life you freely offer. As we seek to follow you we give thanks for the people who support us in our walk with you, for the faithful friends who come beside us in times of need offering your love and care, for the people who we share fellowship and joy with as we serve in your name, and for those who challenge us to move into closer and deeper relationship with you through Christ. May your Holy Spirit work within us and our congregation as we seek to move into deeper expressions and understandings of the life you so freely offer. Amen

Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday


Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard

The bulleting for this week can be downloaded from here.