Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The end of August is upon us, and so comes the end of our adventures with Flat Jesus. This coming week is the last opportunity to get your pictures in before we put our slideshow together. Send any photos of you and Flat Jesus to so that we can see the many places that you have taken Christ this summer.

This coming Sunday, September 2nd, is our last Sunday as Downtown United, a special joint venture between St. Paul’s and Wilmot that happens through the summer. To mark the ending of this adventure together we will be sharing in the Holy Sacrament of Communion. Our readings for this week, Mark 7:1-6 and Song of Solomon 2:8-13, speak to a deeper relationship with God that goes beyond words and actions and goes straight to our hearts.

Looking into September, there are a number of events that you should mark your calendars for:
-The Youth group is checking out the learning pow wow and then sharing supper on Friday, September. If you are or have a youth in middle school or older make sure you get Rev. Michelle your email to keep up to date with youth activities and events. To contact her call the office at 458-1183 or you can email her at

-Sunday September 9th is our fall kick-off. Prepare to be there for an amazing start to our fall program year. Come early to the Sing-a-long before worship (10:10 am). There will also be dramatic reading of scriptures, opportunities to see what committees are planning for the new year, a blessing of the backpacks (kids are invited to bring their bags to church) and more fun activities, and a BBQ following the service of worship. Mark your calendars and if we don’t see you in worship before then don’t miss our Fall Kick-off

-What did Dr. Sharon Pond do this summer? You are invited to a mini-recital, slideshow and talk entitled “An Organ Odyssey: my adventure in Haarlem, Netherlands” here on Sunday, September 23, at 2:30 . Come see and hear the wonderful organs that Sharon played and heard in the Netherlands.

-On Sunday, September 30th we have our first Bring-a-Friend-to-Church Sunday of the Fall. You are encouraged to invite a friend or family member to join you for worship and for a time of fellowship afterwards. As has been our practice, all are invited to bring some food to share (a soup, sandwiches, etc), but if you can’t, we hope you bring yourself to share in the food and conversation.

For many September means a return to school and familiar routines. But in the midst of routine we find new ways of living joyfully and gratefully, and a return to school means new opportunities to learn and new ways to see the world. Let us hold one another in prayer as we move from summer to fall, and from rest to new discoveries.

Everlasting God, the turning of the seasons tell us the story of your grace and new life. We move from the green of summer to the colourful array that is autumn. Guide us as we come to know you more deeply, serving you as stewards of this world, and supporting one another through times of change both good and bad. Empower us to be co-creators, partners in the building up of your kingdom of love and peace. Inspire us as we rediscover this world and all the wonders it has to offer. All this we ask in the strong name of our brother and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

The St. Paul’s Ministry Team
(Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle, & Pastor Sarah)

The Bulletin is also available for download here, and the communion inset can be downloaded here.