Greetings and blessings from Toronto Sister and Brothers,

Landing in Toronto for the Cruxifusion conference at noon local time on Monday, we were shocked to discover that as we were being driven in a van to the hotel where we would be staying, another man was driving onto a crowded sidewalk and into the pedestrians who were enjoying the beautiful sunny day. Worry, anxiety, fear, grief, shock and maybe even anger shot through us yet again as one person’s senseless actions bring death and confusion to our country. Yet in the chaos there is movement once again of people reaching out, donations being raised, international signs of support, and God’s love in tangible ways. As these tragedies pile up, how do we keep from being overwhelmed, from giving up, from believing that the darkness will overwhelm us? We remember that we stand in faith not because all things are always perfect and safe, but because God has been in the thick of tragedy, pain and death first and yet a new day still came. When we stare at the images of a broken bus, or sheets laying over the dead on the street or pictures of lives taken too soon, our eyes can become fixed on the darkness of the world. This is where our faith calls us to lift our eyes and bring our broken hearts to the cross and see that Christ has been here, is here. This is what gives us the strength and power to move past the frozen state of shock and grief. It is in Christ that we hear the strong voice that proclaims that this is not what the world is about, that He is at work taking our brokenness and the brokenness of the world and confronting it with love and transformation. We invite you to take a moment, to bring yourself and the events of this week to the cross and know deeply Christ is here. Then let Christ be embodied through your hands, feet and heart yet again joining in the proclamation of God’s healing in the world that defies all darkness!

As we turn our minds towards our return to Fredericton we are excited about the ways in which we proclaim God’s good news each week. Join us on Sunday when our very own youth will be leading us in our praise and worship of Christ. They have been working hard on preparing this week’s worship, so do not miss out.

And don’t forget that our children are putting their faith into action through the Food Sale happening after service. They are eager to tell you just where the proceeds are going and how they will make a difference here in Fredericton and in the Canadian North!

Our giving team also invites you to check out how the neighbourhood we can reach has grown thanks to your pledges. They will be at the front doors of the sanctuary this Sunday if you have questions, comments or concerns you would like to address with them. Also this is Pledge Sunday, so bring your form with you on Sunday to ensure that your gifts to the church are included in the Pledge amount that will be announced on May 6th. If you will not be here this Sunday you can also pop your form in the mail, send Cathy an email or give her a call at the office and let her know by phone. Your participation helps us plan for the next 12 months, please help our financial committees with this vital task.

Speaking of May 6th, on the form you are also being asked to let us know if you will be joining us for the light lunch after service provided to you as a thank you for participation and just for being part of our congregation.

This Lunch will also prepare you to attend the Messiah-sing-along.

Also coming up quickly is the Breakfast on May 12 hosted by the men of St Paul’s. in Fraser Memorial Hall. The guest speaker will be The Very Reverend Dr. Peter Short. Breakfast will be served at 9 am with coffee available at 8:30 am. To give us an idea regarding numbers you can contact Blaine Irving at 476-1810 or email Don’t miss this opportunity to Come and Share in the fellowship!

Speaking of Fellowship we want to say thank you again to Kelly Simpson, Beth Henderson and Cathy Davis and all their volunteers for the wonderful spaghetti supper last Sunday. And thank you to everyone who came out for the amazing meal.

As we continue to dig into our faith and what it means to follow Jesus, anyone who has read the book Bullseye: Aiming for Jesus is invited to a potluck discussion 5:30pm on Monday May 14th for a discussion with the Men’s Conversation and Spirit Sisters groups.

Discipleship, Jesus, Fun and Friendship – these four words describe the Go Adventure Camp happening in July from the 16th -20th for those in grades 2-7 (ages 7-12). Go camp helps children to be inspired to make a difference in Jesus’ name. Registration for this unique and amazing camp is limited to 30 participants, so don’t miss this opportunity register today. Cost is $125, funding support is available if needed.

We will be hearing two scriptures this week, both from the book of Acts, which contains many stories about the early church in Action. First we here about how Paul proclaims Jesus in Rome (Acts 17:16-30) then we hear about the way in which the church responded to the needs of others in Christ’s name (Acts 11:27-30). May these scriptures help us reflect on how we live into being the church today.

As we head towards the weekend keeping our eye on the river and into the week ahead let’s pray:
God who brings us together in Christ’s name and then calls us out into the world,
Guide us into this weekend and help us to be open to your spirit working within
Guide our feet to where you need us to be, open our hearts to see as you see,
use our hands to offer your love and care, as we reach out to our neigbours in your name. Amen


Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard

Also the bulletin is available for download here.