Summer is well underway, and I hope you have had some time to find rest and rejuvenation. I know our family did over the last two weeks, as we spent time camping here in New Brunswick and in Nova Scotia. It was a good chance to have some quality time with the kids. What have you done or are doing this summer to cultivate your joy?
Speaking of joy, this weekend we will celebrate the long-awaited wedding of Elizabeth Keech and Shawn Meister. They have been part of our worshiping community for years now and are the last of the couples who had wedding plans upended in 2020. Please hold them in prayer as they finally make their vows this Saturday and offer your congratulations when you see them next.
My heart was also filled with joy yesterday at the first reception since 2020, watching many of our faithful women in action serving at the funeral of Dr. Lee Stickles. The determination and engagement to support and care for our wider church family is amazing. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making Mary and Lee’s wish happen.
These continued signs of renewal and rebirth, hopefully point us to a continuing expanse of church activities and engagement in the fall. Just a reminder to mark in your calendars now, that we have a church BBQ coming up on September 11- which is our fall kick-off. Keep your eyes open for more details as we get closer to the day.
I also want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that scammers are still working hard this summer. In the most recent attempt, the scammer has pulled my photo off our church website and have created an email address very close to my actual email. Even technology savvy members of the congregation sent me a message today asking if it was real, so if you were wondering you are not alone. Thank you to those of you who have double checked before acting, it allows me to warn others not to respond. As always, if you receive strange email asking for gift cards, money or information that appears to be sent by me please, do not respond until you have verified that it is real. Unfortunately, there are people who try to pray on joyful and generous hearts like you. Please know, I will never ask for gift cards or money to be sent to me personally and all donations will always go through the office. Also, if something is urgent, I will always call on the phone. If you got such an email please report it to your provider as a scam, so that email can be shut down and blocked.
As we head into another heat alert, I hope that you can stay cool. If you are do not have a way to escape the heat, remember we do have a cooling station in the church basement from 1-4, and all are welcome. This weekend is the last worship service at St. Andrew’s I hope to see you there. Until then let us pray,
As the days of summer pass,
As the heat of summer swells,
As the harvest of the garden grows,
and flower sweet smells fill the air,
Be my guest this summer Lord, this indeed is my prayer.
Slow me down,
that I may take the time to truly see,
all the glories of this season that you offered to me.
Summer in my heart, Lord.
That the Son’s warmth I truly know
Restore my faith in summer’s gifts
In rest, in joy, in play in you.
That when the cool weather comes back
I will be ready and able to work for you. Amen.
Features of this August 4th Edition of St. Paul’s eNews
Worship This Sunday August 7th
Action Needed Now For Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI)
Support Impact Assessment of Small Modular Reactors (SMR)
Upcoming Event Dates to Remember
Summer Downtown United + Worship Schedule
Worship This Sunday August 7th
Please join Rev. Michelle for worship at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church this Sunday at 10:30am. If you can’t be there in person, join via Zoom at St. Andrew’s Zoom Meeting ID: 836 7375 6287 Passcode: 839092
Upper Room Daily Devotional
The July-August edition of the Upper Room Daily Devotional has finally arrived! They are available in the office for $2 each.
The pantry would appreciate donations of the following items: sugar, coffee (regular & decaf), peanut butter, syrup, salt, mayo, pudding cups, sardines, tuna, canned meats, paper towel and laundry detergent. Thank you for your continued generosity to this program.
Brown Bag Lunch Program
The Brown Bag lunch program needs: proteins with flip top lids and juice boxes. Thank you for supporting this important program.
Back-To-School Backpacks
St. Paul’s serves many school aged children and youth through our church and outreach programs. We will be collecting donations of school supplies in an effort to provide for those who can’t otherwise purchase these necessities. Items may include: back packs, lunch kits, reusable water bottles, lined paper, note books, binders, pencil case, markers, pens, pencils, scissors, glue, rulers, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, etc. If you would like to donate items to support these families, please reach out to Meghan in the church office. Items can be dropped off to the office Monday through Friday between 8am and 3pm. A donation tax receipt can be issued for items with a receipt of $20.00 or more in value. Cash donations are also accepted. Collection will take place from now until August 19th and then distributed. If you know of someone in need of school supplies, please let Meghan know so they can be added to the list.
Meditative Walk By The River
Did you know spiritual practices come in all shapes and forms. You are invited to try out a movement-based method of connecting with the divine and creation on August 16th. At 9am meet Rev. Michelle at the public library for a meditative walk. Meditative walking involves calling out attention to the moment, our bodies and surroundings. This allows God to talk to us through our presence in the moment.
Action Needed Now For Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI)
Faith and Justice workers from across Canada have been working to promote and have government adopt new leg
islation ensuring all Canadians can afford the basics of life. The United Church of Canada has been a leader in this work.
Back in December 2021, two bills for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income in Canada were introduced in Parliament: Bill S-233 by Senator Kim Pate and C-223 by MP Leah Gazan.
Recently, in its second reading, the bill was actively debated. Soon, our senators will vote on whether to take the bill to the next step – sending it to Committee – where experts would be brought in to testify and evidence showing that Basic Income works would be presented to Parliament.
Senator Colin Deacon, a respected business leader and supporter of Basic Income, recently gave a powerful speech in the Senate on why S-233 should be brought to Committee. To watch that short speech Click here to learn more about the why for GLI.
This is a pivotal moment for Basic Income in Canada. Urge the senators to vote to send S-233 to Committee. We need your help to contact your senators. It only takes a few seconds. Let them know of the importance of this bill, and its meaning to you. Let them know you would Vote to send S-233 to Committee today.
Support Impact Assessment of Small Modular Reactors (SMR)
SMRs were removed from Designated Projects list requiring a federal Impact Assessment (AI), due to lobbying by both the nuclear industry and the nuclear regulator (CNSC). In doing so, this sector of a federally regulated industry now does not get assessed under the federal Impact Assessment Act. This has raised concerns about ‘deregulation’ especially given that the claim by the nuclear industry, that the narrow ‘environmental assessment’ under the regulator CNSC procedures is ‘equivalent’ to an IA. This is a false statement. The Coalition for Responsible Energy Development-New Brunswick (CRED-NB) has made a reasoned, researched, comprehensive argument requesting that Minister Guilbeault use his powers to designate the SMRs slated for the Lepreau site, for a full Impact Assessment under the federal IA Act.
The CRED website has more details on this request HERE. Concerned New Brunswickers are encouraged to join this call for an impact assessment. To join in sending this action letter CLICK HERE There is power in numbers so please join your voice for this call to due diligence on behalf of our environment.
Thank you for your support!
Coalition for Responsible Energy Development – New Brunswick
Upcoming Event Dates to Remember
August 16th – Meditative Walk by the River. Meet at footbridge by library at 9am.
August 26th – Messy Church at Wilmot. 5-7pm.
Summer Downtown United + Worship Schedule
At St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church – August 7th
All services at St. Andrew’s can be viewed via Zoom at St. Andrew’s Zoom Meeting ID: 836 7375 6287 Passcode: 839092
At Wilmot United Church – August 14th, August 21st, August 28th, September 4th
All services at Wilmot can be viewed online at
St. Paul’s United Church
190 Years of Glorifying God through Worship, Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and Serving others in Christ’s name
Contact Information
224 York St., Fredericton, N.B. E3B 3P1
Web: | Tel: 506-458-1183 | Email:
Minister: Rev. Michelle Armstrong | Organist: Dr. Sharon Pond
Church Administrator: Meghan Roebuck | Custodian: Rusty Blakely